2012, volume 8
The case of annular type of pustular psoriasis in a child
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type:
Authors: Slesarenko N.A., Kulaev K.A., Karakaeva A.V., Russkina O.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
This study presents the clinical case of pustular psoriasis in a child. This type of disease is a rare variant of derma-toses in childhood. Due to abnormality of rash localization a differential diagnosis was applied with contact dermatitis, staphylococcus impetigo and rubromycosis.
The role of vascular disorders in the genesis and maintenance of infammation in the pathogenesis of rosacea
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type:
Authors: Slesarenko N.A., Leonova M.A., Zaharova N.B., Slesarenko N.S., Reznikova M.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aims. The study was aimed to identify relationships of immune disorders and angiogenesis in patients at different stages of rosacea. Materials and methods. We examined 110 patients with rosacea. The diagnosis was based on diagnostic criteria. We summarized the role of predictors in the development of rosacea. We investigated pro- and anti-infammatory cytokines, vascular endothelial growth actor (VEGF), fbroblast growth factor (FGF) for the detection of immune disorders and angiogenesis. Results. The immune response in patients with rosacea was of mixed Th-1 and Th-2 type which can be markers of chronic autoimmune infammation. Simultaneously with the change in cytokine profle we revealed activation of angiogenesis (high levels of VEGF, FGF).
Clinical dermatoscopy of big melanocytic naevuses in patients with psoriasis
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Sergeyeva I.G., Krinitsyna J.M., Onipchenko V.V., Makarova N.G.
Organization: Novosibirsk State University
The study aimed to determine clinical characteristics of dermatoscopy of big melanocytic naevuses (MN) in patients with psoriasis. Methods. The were 32 patients with psoriasis (11 women at an average age of 37,4 years) and 100 people (79 women at an average age of 27,8 years) with no psoriasis. Both groups had a survey and full photometry screening of skin. Besides Fitzpatrick skin typing test was used, pigmentary formations were examined using dermato-scope HEINE MINI 3000 10X with 70 % ethyl alcohol immersion. Naevuses were estimated by ABCD and ABC scales. Results. MN more than 5 mm in diameter are more often in patients with psoriasis (68,8 %) than in control group (37 %). However in control group there are less naevuses of appropriate dermatological dysplastic formations criteria (32 %) comparison to the group without psoriasis (42 %). There is an important fact that patients with psoriasis often have 2-phototype of skin and artifcial insolation (tanning bed, PUVA, narrow-band phototherapy 311 nm. Conclusion. 68,8 % patients have MN more than 5 mm in diameter. 32 % of patients with psoriasis had MN of dysplastic naevus criteria according to Pehamberger. In one patient naevus was of appropriate malignant tumors criteria according to ABCD and ABC scales.
Case of lichen planus pigmented — аtrophic
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type:
Authors: Reshetnikova E.M., Utz S.R., Slesarenko N.A., Yeremina M.G., Alipov N.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
This study presents a case of a combination of rarely encountered forms of lichen planus (pigmented and atrophic). The results of measurements of indexes of pigmentation and erythema in the lesions and healthy skin are given, and comparing them with different forms of LP. A comprehensive examination of the patient to identify the pathology of internal organs.
PUVA-bath photochemotherapy in the treatment of psoriasis
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Reznikova M.A., Slesarenko N.A., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aims. The study aimed to evaluate the effcacy of PUVA-bath photochemotherapy in the treatment of the severe psoriasis. Materials and methods. Twenty six patients aged from 18 to 56 were examined. All patients suffer from psoriasis vulgaris and exudativa. The two groups were comparable in terms of age, gender, duration of the disease. We used psoriasis area and severity index (PASI) before and after the treatment. All the patients received PUVA bath therapy (aqueous solution of 1 mg ammifurin l). Results. Clinical remission and marked improvement of clinical condition (a 76 % and more fall in the PASI index) were achieved in 80,9 % in both groups in average. No systemic adverse effects inherent in photosensitizing drug tablets were recorded in the course of PUVA-bath therapy. Conclusion. Effciency and safety of this method were demonstrated. The duration and summary dosage of UVA depends on clinical form.
Effciency and safety of the use of long-wave UVA-1 phototherapy in treatment of psoriasis
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Rasskazov Y.A., Kondratyeva N.N., Bakulev A.L.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The effectiveness of the long wavelength ultraviolet therapy (UVA-1) in complex treatment of patients with psoriasis has been studied during the research. There 20 patients with moderately severe and severe psoriasis in the phase of progressive dermatosis have been observed. The therapy was organized using photobox Waldmann UV-7001K (Herbert Waldmann GmbH & Co, Germany) and F85 100W-TL10R lamps, creating radiation spectrum of UVA-1 (ƛ = 340 – 400 nm) and emission maximum was ƛ=370 nm. 20 patients of the comparison group receive standard therapy in combination with PUVA therapy. The group did not differ from the main group of patients in age, duration and form of the disease. The effectiveness of the treatment was measured according to the dynamic assessment of PASI index. The usage of a long wavelength ultraviolet therapy (UVA-1) has caused a reduction of the severity and the extent of skin lesions, gave positive outcomes in all patients of the study. No adverse effects caused by the therapy undertaken have been noted. The administration of long wavelength ultraviolet therapy (UVA-1) is safe and effective in patients with psoriasis.
Cases Sweet’s syndrome in dermatologist practice
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type:
Authors: Panina L.V., Shvidun D.V., Slesarenko N.A., Platonova A.N., Grashkina I.G., Gnilosyr O. A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents cases of two patients which have Sweet’s syndrome, a rare form of dermatosis. The author summarizes data of etiology, pathogenesis and clinical presentation, and then provides differential diagnosis. Clinical observations of patients with Sweet’s syndrome and describes possible problems of diagnosis process are displayed.
Clinical case PAPA-syndrome (pyogenic arthritis, pyoderma gangrenosum, acne conglobata
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type:
Authors: Kondratyeva N.N., Gnilosyr O.A., Slesarenko N.A., Reshetnikova E.M., Epifanova A.Y., Shvidun D.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The study presents a relatively rare case of dermatosis. It is PAPA syndrome in a 23 years-old female patient which is inherited as an autosomal dominant mode. The data about the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture were summarized, differential diagnosis was led. Problems with the treatment of the disease have been showed.
Effciency of narrowband medium wave (UVB) phototherapy in combination with cytostatic therapy in psoriasis
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: КKondratyeva N.N., Rasskazov Y.A, Bakulev A.L.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The study presents the results of combined usage of narrowband UVB phototherapy with low — dose methotrexate in treatment of psoriasis. 48 patients with moderately severe and severe psoriasis in the phase of progression accompanied by psoriatic arthritis have been observed. 30 patients were treated with UVB therapy with a 311 nm narrowband in combination with low doses of methotrexate (7.5 mg per week). Photobox Waldmann 7002 K (Germany) with TL-01 lamps which generate radiation in 310 – 315 nm wavelength range with maximum 311 nm wavelength emission. The procedures have been carried out 4 times a week. Methotrexate should be received as tours 7.5 mg once a week, according to Weinstein — Frost scheme under the supervision of laboratory parameters. The treatment course consists of three tours. Treatment has been carried out on a background of traditional therapy.The comparison group received conventional therapy in combination with narrowband UVB phototherapy and nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drugs. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the therapy was based upon dynamic assessment of PASI and DLQI indexes and proved by earlier reduction of clinical symptoms than in the comparison group, which resulted in reduction of absolute PASI and DLQI values. No adverse effects caused by the therapy undertaken have been noted. The results of the study appear to prove safety and effectiveness of such therapy in treatment of psoriasis.
Changing in basic determinants of quality of life in people of working age with chronic skin diseases
Heading: Skin Diseases Article type: Original article
Authors: Yeremina M.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
A comparative assessment of health-related quality of life in working age patients with various chronic diseases of skin was carried out in the given research. Two specifc questionnaires DLQI and DSQL were used. DSQL allows us to distinguish the quality of life in patients with various types of dermatitis using more criteria than the questionnaire DLQI (Dermatology Life Quality Index). There has not a comparative analysis of the usage of these questionnaires in patients with different nosological forms of skin diseases been organized. Aims. The study presents a comparative evaluation of health-related quality of life in patients of working age with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis using two specifc questionnaires — DLQI and DSQL. Methods. The work is based on Saratov State Medical University n.a. VI Razumovsky of Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, using the resources of Hematology and Pathology Clinic, Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases. To identify the prevalence of disease, employable contingent working at factories with no occupational exposures. An estimating of QoL (quality of life) included interviews with questionnaires written in by patients themselves. The obtained data were statistically processed. Results. Quality of life in patients with psoriasis and atopic dermatitis is signifcantly reduced, even in a period of stable remission. The decline in the quality of life according to the most of scales in patients with atopic dermatitis is more signifcant than with psoriasis. Even non-acute phase of chronic dermatitis (atopic dermatitis and psoriasis) is able to infuence the decrease in productivity at work, has a negative impact on daily activities.