2012, volume 8
Evolution of Professional Training Forms in Medical Institution of Higher Education
Heading: Pedagogics and Education Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Lebedeva M.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Training methodology of medical students has been a subject for profound reforms during the recent years. Revolutionary technological progress is one of the reasons for this process; another reason is a constant search for the most efficient educational ideology. The article presents a historical review of medical education systems in Russia and in Europe. Innovational methods of problem-oriented training, involving use of recent electronic and technical achievements significantly differs traditional scheme, described as a «tutor-student» system. The present work focuses particularly on scientific research as a part of medical training, and its role in preparation of modern medical practitioners. It is stated that doctor is a person who combines professional skills and personal qualities. Therefore complex of technocratic and humanitarian aspects in medical education assists in development of successful training system.
Pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus: actual problems of pathogenesis and treatment
Heading: Endocrinology Article type: Review
Authors: Rebrov А.P., Kunitsyna М.А., Kashkina E.I., Arkhangelskaya Е.Е.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
We have presented the review of literature devoted to the problem of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus. We have found up that prevalence of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus needs to be adjusted. In analyzed literature the influence of localization of structural changes of pancreatic tissue on risk of diabetes mellitus development is studied insufficiently. In the result of our literature analysis we have detected that treatment of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus up to date is not unified and is mostly descriptive, what indicates on necessity of further investigations in order to optimize and increase the efficacy of its treatment.
Comparative assessment of efficacy of different methods of treatment of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus in alcoholic and biliary forms of chronic pancreatitis
Heading: Endocrinology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kunitsyna М.А., Kashkina E.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim: the study was devoted to the analysis of efficacy of different methods of treatment of pancreatogenic diabetes mellitus (DM) in alcoholic and biliary forms of chronic pancreatitis (CP). Material and methods. We have observed 86 patients with CP and first diagnosed DM. The assessment of carbohydrate metabolism compensation via HbA1 с level was done using analyzer IMX «Abbot» (USA). Results. At the 1st step of DM treatment we recommended the lifestyle modification and usage of creon 30-60.000 units daily. At the 2d step of treatment if necessary we added glyclazide. Conclusion. We have detected that irrespective of duration of alcoholic form of CP in case of subsequent DM development the lifestyle modification together with replacement ferment therapy in 90% of cases were non-effective. In the result of the research it was established, in case of 3 and more relapses per year in alcoholic form of CPthe probability of achievement of target HbA1 с level in complex with lifestyle changes and replacement ferment therapy was twice low, in connection with that fact the indication of oral anti-diabetic agents became necessary.
Genetic aspects of etiology and development of thyroid gland cancer
Heading: Surgery Article type: Review
Authors: Kovalenko Yu.V., Tolstokorov A.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Recent studies on thyroid gland cancer development and progression have identified new classes of tumor markers, proto-oncogenes, tumor-suppressing genes, cell receptor genes, identified genetic tumor-predisposing polymorphism and some other significantly important segments of genome. The identification has been based mainly on revealing of DNA abnormal consequences, specific for occurrence of thyroid gland cancer and its progression.
Method of prevention of acute pancreatitis after diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Tolstokorov A.S., Sarkisyan Z.О., Goch Е.М., Volchkov A.S., Skopets S.М., Dergunova S.A., Rakhnayev D.Ya.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective of the study: Prevention of acute pancreatitis after diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Material and Methods. Analysis of the results of diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP, of the patients treated at Saratov Regional clinical hospital f during the period from 2006 to 2010. Results, lincrease in pancreatic amylase levels in blood above 50 U/l till ERCP is a risk factor for development of acute pancreatitis after endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP). Conclusion. The above-stated follows to the background of increased pancreatic amylase levels in blood, performance of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography led to the development of acute pancreatitis.
Ratio of degree of funnel chest deformity with severity of connective tissue dysplasia in children
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Goremykin I.V., Pogosyan K.L., Lukyanenko Е.А.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: the study is concerned with the analysis of influence of severity and presence of certain phenotypic signs of nonspecific dysplasia of connective tissue (NDCT) on manifestation and rate of progression of funnel chest deformity (FCD) in children. Materials and methods. 98 patients with FCD aged from 4 to 18 years have been examined. The degree of FCD has been estimated by the index of Gizhytskaya (IG). The structure of phenotypic signs of NDCT has been determined according to M. J. Glesby (1989), the severity of the NDCT has been evaluated by L. N. Phomina tables (2000). Results. It is established, that the degree of FCD in children is significantly associated with severity of NDCT. Conclusion. Prognostically unfavourable factor for rapid progression of FCD in children has been determined by the prevalence of skeletal and articular manifestations among phenotypic signs of NDCT against the background of minimal changes of the skin.
Radiological methods for diagnostics of kidney cancer
Heading: Urology Article type: Review
Authors: Popkov V.M., Nikolsky Yu.E., Chekhonatskaya M.L, Zakharova N.B., Ponukalin A.N., Zuev V.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
It is stated that kidney cancer takes one of the leading places in the cancer incidence. Particular attention should be paid to renal cell carcinoma. By means of modern methods of volume visualization it is possible to diagnose small renal tumors, to prognose the process of tumor development and to save organs by surgical intervention.
Low-frequency magnetic field effect on solubility of oxalate type human organominerals in water in vitro
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: PopkovV.M., Usanov D.A., Usanov A. D., Rebrov V.G., Verkhov D.G., Bulanov V.M.
Organization: Saratov state university, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Laboratory of Forensic Examination
The research goal is to determine low-frequency AMF effect on dissolution of urinary stone material in vitro in water with human urinary stones (oxalate type). Materials and Methods. The structural changes in aqueous solutions may occur when exposed to low-frequency alternating magnetic fields (AMF). It depends on chemical composition of the solutions under the study. Results. Organic components (63.1 %), leading to the density decrease of the solution, urea (18.8%), leading to its increase, and oxalic acid (19.7%) have been determined in stone composition. The decrease of transmittance T (%) by the time of oxalate dissolution has indicated increase in concentration of dissolved sample. The sample has been exposed to AMF of 2-9 Hz on the background of the control sample. The growth of this dependence with AMF increasing of 11-22 Hz has established less concentration of dissolved sample in the test solution than in the control one. Conclusion. The main task has been to determine the influence of AMF of 2-22 Hz on solubility of urinary stones placed in water for an hour. The article is to conclude that maximal solubility of oxalate mineral sample by AMF of 2-22 Hz has been reached. It is 14% more than in the control solution. The effectiveness of AMF influence on solubility of organomineral decreases with frequency increasing. It has been confirmed by photometric and areometric measurements.
Коррекция трофологической недостаточности у больных с синдромом компрессионной миелопатии различной этиологии на уровне верхнешейного отдела позвоночника
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Bajanov S.P., Uljanov V.Yu., Ostrovsky V.V., Shchukovsky V.V., Makarkina E.V., Uljanova E.V.
Objective: To improve the treatment results of patients with traumatic injuries, and neoplastic lesions of the upper cervical spine on the basis of a differentiated algorithm of nutritional-metabolic therapy. Materials and methods: Based on clinical and instrumental methods of examination typical metabolic characteristics have been studied in 21 patients with compressive myelopathy at the level of the upper cervical spine. Results: Due to the received data differentiated algorithm of nutritional-metabolic therapy has been worked out. Conclusion: The use of nutritional-metabolic therapy in patients with compressive myelopathy at the level of the upper cervical spine may improve the treatment.
Quality of stomatological service in the Saratov region
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Morozov V.I.
Organization: Saratov state university
Article is devoted to the analysis of the relation of the population to questions of the organization of highly qualified stomatological service in the Saratov region. Materials and methods: The semi-structured interview to the population of Saratov and the Saratov region (in 2007-2008) and questionnaire of students of Teacher Training College of the Saratov State University (in 2010) have been carried out. Results: Categories of patients focused on positive and negative model of interaction with system of stomatological service have been defined. Conclusion: The contradiction between the purposes and the tasks of stomatological service in connection with the present reforms of Public Health system (improvement of quality of stomatological service) and their actual realization in practice has been noted