2012, volume 8
Medical service at institutions of various forms of ownership
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Mikhalchenko D.V., Firsova I.V.
Organization: Volgograd State Medical University
Objective: To analyze the consumption of medical service in institutions of various forms of ownership on the example of the Volgograd region. Materials and methods: To study a culture of consumption of medical service used data from a survey of patients of private and public medical institutions during the one-dimensional stratified sampling. The study used the method of comparative analysis. Results. Data have been obtained by questionnaire survey. Conclusion: the need to develop recommendations to optimize state and private partnership in medicine
Social Status Dynamics of Raising Professional Skills System of Paramedical Personnel (interview materials)
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Andriyanova Е.А., Aleshkina О. Yu., Porokh L.I.
Organization: Volgograd Oncological Dispensary № 2, Saratov State Medical University
The results of sociological research (interview) are presented in the work. Factors of social status dynamics of raising skills system for paramedical personnel in the Soviet and post-Soviet periods have been revealed and studied
Characteristics of Clinico-pathologic Presentations of Chronic Gastroduodenitis in Children with Lambliasis Invasion
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Matveeva O.V., Maslyakova G.N., Zhandarova L.F., Popova I.Yu., Neklyudov Yu.A., Alekseev Yu.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The analysis of anamnestic and clinical indices, and also morphological investigation of biopsy materials of mucous coat of stomach and duodenum in children with chronic gastroduodenitis of different etiology including lambliasis invasion is carried out with the purpose of detecting features of clinicopathologic presentations of chronic gastroduodenitis in children with and without lambliasis invasion. Material and methods. 100 patients (50 children with confirmed lambliasis invasion and 50 patients without lambliasis invasion) aged from 2 up to 16 were under observation. The material for histologic study was received as a result of fibrogastroduodenoscopy carried out with target biopsy of fundic, antrum and duodenum mucosa. Results. As a result of the findings moderate pains sited in epigastric and periumbilical regions are characteristic for children with lambliasis invasion; irradiation and cramping characteristics of pains are typical. Conclusion. Manifestation of pains is not connected with the time of day and food intake, manifestation of seasonal prevalence is not typical as well, and progression of inflammatory process in the mucous coat of the stomach and duodenum is declared itself as a diffuse gastritis of the fundic part, a diffuse gastritis of the antral part, subatrophic duodenitis with cyst formation of Brunner's glands, and also the presence of eosinophilic leucocytes in the cellular infiltrate
Comparative analysis of morphogeometric parameters of forward cranial pole depending on type of a skull basis
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Aleshkina О.Yu., Hurchak Yu.A., Rossoshansky D.N., Anisimov A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the work is comparison of parameters of a forward cranial pole depending on type of a skull basis. The research material contained 100 adult skulls divided into three craniotypes. The method of craniotopometry was used for measuring the parameters and further calculation of average value and their comparison among themselves. Results. The research helped to reveal that length of a forward cranial pole, length of a lateral part on the right and at the left, a corner f.c.-s-n prevail at flexibasilar craniotype. Conclusions. The width of a forward cranial pole, width of a lateral part on the right and at the left, a corner f.c.-n-g are more at platibasilar craniotype
Morphological and biomechanical structural characteristics of medial cerebral artery in adults
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Nikolenko V.N., Fomkina О.A., Nekljudov Ju.A., Alekseev Ju.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The research goal is to study general strength, breaking point, Young's modulus (tensile modulus), absolute and relative strain of medial cerebral artery. Materials end methods. External diameter of medial cerebral artery, thickness of its wall and diameter of a lumen have been measured under the microscope on cross-section edges. In total 200 arteries (144 — from corpses of men, 56 — from corpses of women) received not later than 16 hours after autopsy of adults have been investigated. Results. Lethal cases resulted from acute or chronic vascular cerebral pathology have not been included in the study. Authentic predominance of wall thickness (14,8%), lumen diameter (50,3%) and general wall strength (13,8%) has been revealed statistically in men. Bilateral differences of parameters have been expressed by 1,0% (external diameter and wall thickness of an artery) to 10,0% (Young's modulus) and have been determined as statistically insignificant (p>0,05). Age aspect has shown intensity of morphological characteristics of medial cerebral artery. In conclusion it is worth while noting that after the age of 35 wall strength and resistance to strain of medial cerebral artery are authentically diminished; the artery becomes less rigid. Capability to elongation remains constant but after the age of 75 it decreases