2012, volume 8
Clinical and neuroimaging features vertebral radiculopathy in the combination with vertebral hemangiomas
Heading: Neurology Article type:
Authors: Salina E.A., Licacheva E.B., Lutoshkina E.B., Sholomov I.I., Shuldyakov А.А. Shchukovskiy N.V., Lyubitskiy I.P., Che-honatskaya M.L., Chekhonatsky A.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim of the study: to study the clinical and neuroimaging features of radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas in conjunction with the vertebrae. Materials and methods. A total of 56 patients with radiculopathy vertebral hemangiomas combined with the vertebrae. Results. The patients in addition to pain, and focal neurological symptoms were observed violation of urination, and chronic venous insuffciency of lower extremities. MRI identifed three types of vertebral hem-angiomas, depending on the structural characteristics. Conclusion. The aim of the study is realized.Most hemangiomas are asymptomatic yourself. Pain and neurological symptoms caused by musculo-tonic component, the presence of disc herniation, changes in the intervertebral joints, ligaments violation. Type III meets the criteria for hemangiomas and requires aggressive surgical treatment.
Factors affecting the quality of life in patients with myasthenia gravis
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Romanova T.V., Poverennova I.E.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The goal of the research is to study clinical and social factors affecting the quality of life at patients with myasthenia gravis. To assess the quality of life (QOL) questionnaires: SF-36, MFI-20, EQ-5D were used. These data suggest that successful treatment, which signifcantly reduced the severity of the disease, essentially improves QOL. The degree of compensation process has a greater infuence than the nature of the treatment itself. Patients who achieved drug-free remission approached average QOL rate. Duration of disease was not a signifcant factor in of QOL worsening. Conclusion. Factors affecting the quality of life at patients with myasthenia gravis, will allow to plan and correct the treatment program more effectively, and to achieve patients and their families’ better quality of life.
The diagnostic reliability of outpatient neurological care to patients with Parkinson’s disease
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Razdorskaya V.V., Voskresenskaya O.N., Yudina G.K.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Saratov State Medical University
Goal: discussion of the revealing aspects of Parkinson’s disease (PD) by ambulatory neurologists. Techniques: a longitudinal epidemiological survey on applications to a specialized clinic. Results. 603 patients with Parkinsonism suspicions were examined for a four-year period. The syndromal diagnosis of Parkinsonism/extra pyramidal syndrome was correctly recognized by ambulatory neurologists in ca. ¾ of the whole contingent of patients. Hypodiagnostics of PD was the most frequent mistake (71 of 146 corrected diagnoses). Hyperdiagnostics of PD followed by frequency (57 of 146 corrected diagnoses). Every ffth patient applied for consultation caused diffculties in the ambulatory chain. Conclusion. The diagnostic mistakes, no provisional diagnosis for every tenth PD patient cause justifed anxiety in the patients regarding the quality of guaranteed medical aid and force them to apply for specialized consulting reception individually.
Syringomyelic osteoarthropathy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Приезжева В.Н ., Чехонацкая М.Л ., Илясова Е.Б ., Хмара Т.Г., Кондратьева О.А ., Зуев В.В ., Никольский Ю.Е ., Комаров И.И.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The goal of the research is to estimate possibilities of MRT (magnetic resonance tomography) in diagnostics of a syringomyelia of a spinal cord and identifcation of early changes of bone and articulate system during syringomyelia. Radiological data of 37 patients were analysed. Syringomyelic osteoartropathy with the expressed irreversible changes in bone and articulate system was in 23 of all patients, in 14 patients tabic osteoartropathy. In the patience who had neurologic semiology. 11 patients had MR — research of a spinal cord, 7 patients were with a syringomyelia of a spinal cord, thus at the majority of patients single, homogeneous, hydatid in cervicothoracic part of a spinal cord, extent more than 2 centimeters with primary localization in sheyno chest department, 1 cerebellar ektopy (Arnold-Kiari syndrome), 3 cystic tumors of a spinal cord were revealed. The main method of instrumental diagnostics of syringomyelia is MRT at which the sizes, localization, extent and internal structure of a cavity in a spinal cord, a condition of subarakhnoidalny spaces of a spinal cord, and also the possible reasons of development of syringomyelia are available to an assessment.
Results of work of antiepileptic service in samara region
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Poverennova I.E., Yakunina A.V., Kalinin V.A., Kuznetsova T.V., Kordonskaya I.S.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
The goal of the research is the analysis of work of adult antiepileptic service over the period of ten years. Individual cards of 9634 patients treated by the epileptologist were studied. More than a half of patients were no older 30 years. Focal epilepsy prevailed in all age groups. Treatment in a mode of monotherapy was received by 65,9 % of patients.Frequency of remission of epilepsy considerably increased after treatment correction by epileptologist. Pregnancy did not worsen the course of epilepsy at adequate monitoring of treatment.
Capabilities of epidural injections for the treatment of chronic discogenic low back pain
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Noskov M.S., Kozlova O.G., Lavrukhin V.V.
Organization: Yaroslavl State Medical Academy
The article highlights a comparative effectiveness of conservative therapy and local anesthetic treatment or in conjunction with the glucocorticosteroid agent for low back pain suppression. Low-grade and short-term pain reduction in the treatment of conservative methods was found, especially in comparison with patients for which therapy of minimally invasive technology is used.
Features of computer tomography and magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of cranial nerve neurinoma
Heading: Neurology Article type: Review
Authors: Nikol`skiy Yu.E., Chehonatskaya M.L., Priezshzeva V.N., Ilyasova E.B., Hmara T.G., Kondrat`eva O.A., Kochanov S.V., Zuev V .V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
In the article described the literary review of advantages and shortcomings of the main modern methods of neuro-radiology in diagnostics the cranial nerve neurinoma.
Fatal cerebrospi-nal meningitis due to Treponema pallidum infection
Heading: Neurology Article type:
Authors: Maslyakova G.N., Kolokolov O.V., Lukina, E.V., Kolokolova A.M., Abramova T.P., Moiseev A.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
We report the case of young patient, whose cause of death was generalized syphilitic cerebrospinal meningitis. The results of autopsy and histological examination are presented. The possibility of using magnetic resonance imaging to verify the form of neurosyphilis is discussed.
Clinical aspects and characteristics of the course of Parkinson’s disease with chronic cerebral ischemia
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Makarov N.S., Spiridonova S.V., Voskresenskaya O.N.
Organization: Clinical hospital n.a. S. R. Mirotvortsev SSMU, First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Saratov State Medical University
The article is devoted characteristics current of Parkinson’s disease with chronic cerebral ischemia. Objective: to study the clinical presentation and features of PD against cerebral ischemia. Methods. A total of 44 patients with a diagnosis of “Parkinson’s disease”, 20 of which were determined by accurate clinical and instrumental signs of chronic cerebral ischemia. Comparative characteristics of the neurological status, cognitive functions, some laboratory and instrumental data in the two groups of patients: Parkinson’s disease with a background of chronic ischemia of the brain and without it. Results. Statistically signifcant differences between groups are observed on the following variables: duration of illness, severity of depression, the concentration of glucose in the blood. Formed groups of signifcant difference in the severity of atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Conclusion. The data of the acceleration of the progression of Parkinson’s disease with chronic cerebral ischemia, as well as the more frequent occurrence of depression in this patient group.
Neuropsychological and neuroimaging status in patients diffuse toxic goiter
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Lutoshkina E.B., Sholomov I.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim of the study: to identify the features of neuropsychological and neuroimaging status in patients with Graves’ disease. Materials and methods. The study is based on the analysis of the results of neurological, neuropsychological and neuroimaging studies in 53 patients with diffuse toxic goiter with the experience of the disease is not more than 5 years. Results. Found that patients with diffuse toxic goiter in the early stages of the disease there are changes in neu-ropsychological and neuroimaging status, which indicates the feasibility study of this category of patients for a neurologist appointment of appropriate therapy. Conclusion. The study evaluated the neuroimaging and neuropsychological status of patients with Graves’ disease. The goal set in the study achieved.