2012, volume 8
Risk factors for suicidal behavior
Heading: Neurology Article type: Review
Authors: Bachilo E.V., Barylnik J.B., Antonova A.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents data on risk factors that contribute to the development of suicidal behavior. The development of suicidal behavior is infuenced by a number of factors. These include — gender, age, residence, occupation, marital status, health status, etc. A number of studies indicated the impact of economic and social factors on the level of suicidal activity of the population. Observed relationship between mental disorders, substance abuse (particularly alcohol) and suicide. In this case, the presence of numerous investigations in the feld of Suicidology, a number of problems still remains unsolved. Further study of issues relating to risk factors that infuence the development of suicidal behavior. Of particular note is the importance of “regional” risk factors that most infuence on the formation of suicidal behavior in a particular region.
Effect of neurological symptoms on the course and the healing of fractures of the mandible
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bahteeva G.R., Lepilin A.V., Soyher M.G., Bulkin V.A., Muhina N.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Center for Interdisciplinary Dentistry and Neurology, Moscow
Purpose: to study the dental status and neurological symptoms in patients with fractures of the mandible for improving diagnosis, predicting the course of reparative processes and the application of preventive measures of infam-matory complications. Material. We observed 132 patients with mandibular fractures of different location, the hospital received no later than 3 days after injury and comparison group, consisting of 15 healthy people. Dental status of patients included clinical examination: identifying reasons for injuries, complaints external examination of maxillofacial area. Assessment of pain that was observed in patients in the area of innervation of the trigeminal nerve, was carried out using a scale for measuring the intensity of pain and need for analgesics (Lantsev EA, AA Smirnov, 1990). Zone of hypesthesia and hyperesthesia were detected in patients in the study of the surface (pain, temperature and tactile) and the deep sensitivity of the skin. State of the motor portion of the third branch of the trigeminal nerve was assessed by palpation of masticatory and temporal muscles, according to electromyographic, in the late periods of the presence of atrophy of the masticatory muscles on the affected side and disturbance trajectory of the mandible. In addition, elec-trophysiological examination included registration of trigeminal somatosensory evoked potentials. The study of pain sensitivity of the teeth was carried out using a digital tester to determine the viability of the pulp «Digitest». This study was conducted on the day of admission and on the 10th day of treatment. Results. Clinical and instrumental evaluation of patients with uncomplicated fractures of the mandibular nerve fber damage detected in 100 % of cases. In complicated fractures clinically identifed sensory disorders paresteticheskih signs of interest in the trigeminal nerve were found in 51.8 % of cases. In patients with no sensory disorders paresteticheskih using electrophysiological methods trigeminal interest in fractures of the lower jaw found in 26.9 % of all cases. Thus, the overall damage to the trigeminal nerve in complicated fractures of the mandible comprise 77.8 % of cases. Conclusion. The results of our study, often leaving by the wayside, neurological symptoms affect the course and the healing of fractures of the mandible. Sensory disturbances in the form paresteticheskie hyperesthesia after the therapy offset, or pass into a more pronounced form — gipesteticheskie violation. Uncomplicated fractures of the lower jaw, accompanied by gipesteticheskimi sensory symptoms, in most cases are complicated. In our study, sensory disorders paresteticheskie in complicated fractures were found — in 77.8 % of patients. Undoubted interest of the trigeminal nerve in the development of complications of fractures, which was confrmed in our work. Thus, this study will enable the practitioner without additional methods reliably suggest a possible neurological symptoms, the recovery rate of trigeminal nerve and to adjust therapy in patients with mandibular fractures.
Clinico-physiological prediction of nonspondilogic dorsopathy in young adults with the syndrome of psycho-social dysadaptation
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Barulin A.E., Mozharova O.A., Chernovolenko E.P.
Organization: Volgograd State Medical University
The goal of the research is to study features of the clinico-physiological prediction of nonspondilogical dorsopathy in young adults with psycho-social dysadaptation syndrome. 105 young adult patients with nonspondilogical dorsopa-thy and psycho-social disadaptation syndrome were examined. The received results revealed that psycho-social and biomechanical factors infuence as the chronisation of pain syndrome as progression of functional and organic changes in locomotive sphere. Using the anamnestic, physiological, neurological, and experimental psychological approach the received research fndings have promoted methods of approaching predictive risk estimation in manifestation of neurological disorders caused by dorsopathies.
Features of neurovascular confict disposed to neuralgic status development
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Balyazina E.V., Alekseeva N.A.
Organization: Rostov State Medical University
Цель: изучить клинические особенности протекания классической невралгии тройничного нерва (НТН) при различных нейроваскулярных конфликтах на основании анализа отдельных симптомов заболевания. Материалиметоды. Обследовано 200 больных в возрасте от 31 до 86 лет с диагнозом НТН, у которых нейроваску-лярный конфликт был верифицирован при выполнении им микроваскулярной декомпрессии (МВД) корешка тройничного нерва. Результаты. Установлено, что в подавляющем большинстве наблюдений в конфликте с КТН принимают участие артерии мозжечка (96 %) и только в 4 % был конфликт с веной. Чем выше частота приступов, тем хуже показатели повседневной активности больного. Чем в более старшем возрасте начинается заболевание, тем короче его продолжительность. Большей продолжительности заболевания соответствуют большая продолжительность последнего обострения и большая частота приступов. Большей частоте приступов соответствует меньшая продолжительность приступа.
Infuence of depression on stability in elderly patients with discirculatory encephalopa-thy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Baidina T.V., Sosnitskaya D.M.
Organization: Perm State University of Medicine n.a. academician E.A. Vagner
The goal of the research is studying of patients who suffer from disequilibrium because of the gerontal dyscir-culatory encephalopathy (DE) with borderline disorders. The research also highlights possible relationship between depression and postural abnormalities using stabilometrics. 72 patients of 75 – 90 years old with dyscirculatory en-cephalopathy were examined. There were clinical and psychometric trials. Mental depression was detected according to depressive disorder criteria of ICD-10 (International Classifcation of Deseases-10th revision). Clinical assessment of static sense according to R. Bohannon scale (1989). Stabilometrics was carried out in compliance with European open eyes — methodology using “MBN — Biomechanics” complex (Moscow).During the tests two groups of patients were sorted out. They are the main group consisted of 56 patients with depressive symptom and a group for comparison consisted of 16 patients without anxiety or depression. The groups are comparable to age and cognitive defect rate. There was no difference according to clinical assessment of static sense according to R. Bohannon scale. The length and the area of a stabilogram, the centre of pressure movement speed in the main group is higher because the oscillation amplitude in the medium frequency area in frontal plane.The research concluded that depression intensifes balance disorder at patients with gerontal dyscirculatory en-cephalopathy. This disorder can be revealed by computer stabilometrics method. These disorders are the consequences of the infuence of phrenopathy on muscle tone.
Modern approach to the problem of mental disorders in perimeno-pausal females
Heading: Neurology Article type: Review
Authors: Антонова А.А., Бачило Е.В., Барыльник Ю.Б.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The paper presents literature data on the polymorphism of mental disorders in perimenopausal period in women and the theories of the climacteric syndrome. According to current hypothesis, melatonin has antigonadotropnym properties. The sharp decline in melatonin levels in the body during puberty promotes activation of pituitary gonadotrophic function, the development of the follicle stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, which have a stimulating effect on the sex glands. Involvement of melatonin in the pathogenesis of climacteric syndrome has been insuffciently studied, and studies devoted to the use of melatonin as a therapeutic agent are contradictory. Further study of the role of melatonin in the occurrence of the climacteric syndrome will understand the possibilities of pharmacotherapy considered disorders.
Facilities of different methods of automatic recognition of sleep stages
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Antipov O.I., Zakharov A.V., Poverennova I.E., Neganov V.A., Erofeev A.E.
Organization: Samara State Medical University, Samara Regional Clinical Hospital n.a.M. I. Kalinin, Povolzhskiy State University of Telecommunication and Information Technology
The gole of the research is to consider the information content in application of different fractal methods of deterministic chaos to the automated recognition of sleep phases in computer electroencephalogram (EEG). The Hurst normalized range method, the method of calculating of Grassberger — Procaccia correlation integral and the approximated entropy method are used during the research. The research reveals that a hypnogram can be obtained. It’s possible if appropriate parameters of the methods indicated above are used, as well as the necessary normalization of the original data and averaging the results. A hypnogram has a total coincidence of defned sleep phases for half of the epochs which are recorded on EEG. Current methods of automatic recognition of sleep stages based on the deterministic chaos allow to reduce signifcantly the time of interpretation of polysomnographic recording and reduce the number of channels through which parameters of sleep are registrated.
Chronic pain syndrome at tunnel neuropathies of peripheral nerves. integrative approaches to therapy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Andreyeva G. O., Yemelyanov A. Y.
Organization: Military Medical Academy n.a. S. M. Kirov
Painful chronic tunnel syndrome is almost always connected with asthenia and a various degree of anxiety and depressive syndrome. The goal of the research is to investigate prevalence and expressiveness of depressive and astheniс disorders in patients with chronic tunnel pain syndrome and to fnd accommodation of choice. 54 patients with chronic painful tunnel syndrome (35 (64,8 %) male, 19 (35,2 %) female, mean age 39,7+10,9 years) have been examined and treated. Different acupuncture methods in complex treatment were accompanied by a positive dynamics of both subjective and objective clinical neurological and psychological symptoms. Anxiety have been revealed in 79,6 % of patients, depressive syndrome — in 57,3 % of patients, asthenia — in 85,2 % of patients. Acupuncture is tolerable, compare and have not got backside effects. Inclusion of acupuncture in complex treatment chronic tunnel pain syndrome allows to reduce a pain syndrome and asthenia, to normalize psychological condition of the patient.
Clinical and dopplerographic characteristics of headache at men and women with discirculatory encephalopathy
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Abramenko U.V., Yakovlev N.A., Slyusar T.A.
Organization: Tver State Medical University of the Ministry of Russia
The goal of the research was the comparative analysis of headache clinical implications and ultrasonographic characteristics at women and men with dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE). 72 women (middle age 64.3) and 48 men with dyscirculatory encephalopathy (DE) of l-ll stage comparable to their age (middle age 65.0) have been examined. The examinations were organized using diagnostic criteria of the International classification of headache disorders (ICDH — II, 2003), headache diary and the McGill Pain Questionnaire. Headache intensity was estimated bythe Visual Analog Scale. Cerebral hemodynamics changes were examined by means of duplex ultrasound of cerebral great vessels and transcranial duplex scanning. The comparative analysis revealed the predomination of tension-type headache among women with DE. They also surpassed men-patients in the indicators of headache intensity, attack duration and frequency. With the help of transcranial duplex scanning (TCDS)was revealed that women with headache were characterized by more severe abnormal venous outflow from the brain. The received data may be important for individualiza-tion of therapeutic approaches at men and women with headache and DE.
Kazan period of life-sustaining activity of professor V.I. Ra-zumovsky — a pioneer of Russian neurosurgery
Heading: Neurology Article type: Review
Authors: Sozinov A.S., Ismagilov M.F., Danilov V.I., Jakupov E.Z.
Organization: Kazan State Medical University
There were presented historical data of life-sustaining activity of professor V. I. Razumovsky — a pioneer of Russian neurosurgery, who began to perform and then was performing systematically neurosurgical operations in the Kazan clinic under the guidance of outstanding neurologists V. M. Bekhterev and L. O. Darkshevich.