Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Chronic pain syndrome at tunnel neuropathies of peripheral nerves. integrative approaches to therapy

Year: 2012, volume 8 Issue: №2 Pages: 371-374
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Andreyeva G. O., Yemelyanov A. Y.
Organization: Military Medical Academy n.a. S. M. Kirov

Painful chronic tunnel syndrome is almost always connected with asthenia and a various degree of anxiety and depressive syndrome. The goal of the research is to investigate prevalence and expressiveness of depressive and astheniс disorders in patients with chronic tunnel pain syndrome and to fnd accommodation of choice. 54 patients with chronic painful tunnel syndrome (35 (64,8 %) male, 19 (35,2 %) female, mean age 39,7+10,9 years) have been examined and treated. Different acupuncture methods in complex treatment were accompanied by a positive dynamics of both subjective and objective clinical neurological and psychological symptoms. Anxiety have been revealed in 79,6 % of patients, depressive syndrome — in 57,3 % of patients, asthenia — in 85,2 % of patients. Acupuncture is tolerable, compare and have not got backside effects. Inclusion of acupuncture in complex treatment chronic tunnel pain syndrome allows to reduce a pain syndrome and asthenia, to normalize psychological condition of the patient.

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