Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

2015, volume 11

Results of application of the PTFE-conduits in the reconstruction of the main veins of the abdominal cavity mesenteric-portal system in locally advanced pancreatic cancer

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 668-672
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Voskanyan S.E., Artemiev A.l., Naydenov E.M., Shabalin M.V., Zabezhinsky D.A., Kolyshev l.Yu.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: study of immediate and long-term results of the surgical treatment of the locally advanced pancreatic cancer with tumor invasion of the main veins of the abdominal cavity. Material and methods. Pancreaticoduodenectomy with resection and plasty of the main veins of the abdominal cavity were performed 315 patients. 143 patients underwent for prosthetics of the main veins at their reconstruction of different vascular prosthesis. Patients have been divided into three groups. Group I (basic) — PTFE-conduits have been used in the reconstruction of the main veins (82 patients). Group II — FLL-conduits have been used in the reconstruction of the main veins (36 patients). Group III — autovenous
conduits have been used in the reconstruction of the main veins (25 patients). Comparison of the duration of operation and its reconstruction stage, the quantity of blood loss, frequency of venous thrombosis in the early postoperative period and long-term patency of the reconstructed veins traced ultrasonic method in a period of 6 months, 1, 2, and 3 years after surgery have been carried. The morbidity, the frequency of the infectious complications, the hospital mortality, the mean postoperative hospital stay, median of survival have been studied after surgery. Results. Application of the PTFE-conduits resulted for decrease of the duration of the reconstruction stage of the operation, as well as the duration of the surgery and the amount of intraoperative blood loss. Decrease of the morbidity, of the postoperative hospital stay and the mortality have been noted in the I group of patients compared to groups II and III patients. Thrombosis of the prosthesis after reconstruction of the veins that led for fatal outcome has been marked in 2 patients (5.5%) in group II of the patients. The long-term patency of vascular PTFE-conduits and reconstructed veins in group 1 has been 100% in all period's observations in the postoperative period. Conclusion. PTFE-conduits are universal plastic material. Application of the PTFE-conduits for the reconstruction of the main veins of the mesenteric-portal system can reduce the duration of the reconstruction vascular stage and the operation as a whole. Applications of the PTFE-conduits reduce the morbidity, the frequency of infectious complications, postoperative hospital-stay, hospital mortality, as well as improved performance patency of the reconstructed vessels.

Keywords: autovenous prosthesis, Fll-conduits, pancreatic cancer, PTFE-conduits, tumor invasion of the main vessels

The clinical efficacy of the water jet dissection at the thyroid surgery (immediate results; quality of life)

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 663-667
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Voskanyan S.E., Naydenov E.V., Korsakov I.N., Bazhanova Yu.A.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: reduction of the morbidity, disability and improved quality of life after surgery on the thyroid gland. Material and methods. Surgical treatment of the thyroid diseases have been performed to 56 patients. Mobilization of the thyroid gland and the separation of the pretracheal, preguttural and paratracheal tissues were performed by standard techniques using electrocoagulation and blunt separation of tissues in the control group. Mobilization of the thyroid gland and the separation of pretracheal, preguttural and paratracheal tissues were performed using a water-jet dissector ERBEjet 2 and the pressure of the water jet 25 bars in the main group of patients. Violations of voice (dysphonia), swallowing difficulties (dysphagia), the overall incidence of postoperative complications, length of postoperative hospital stay were markers of the effectiveness of the prevention of the damage of the recurrent laryngeal nerve afterthyroid surgery. Assessment of the quality of life of patients after surgery on the thyroid gland was performed before surgery, at 3 and 6 months after surgery. Results. Damage of the recurrent laryngeal nerve was not identified in any of the patient as a result of water jet dissection with pressure of the water jet 25 bars during the operation. Nerve function in the postoperative period were preserved in 100% (p

Keywords: prevention, recurrent laryngeal nerve, thyroid, thyroidectomy, water jet dissection

Influence of antacids operations at histamine concentration in plasma and the risk of malignancies of the colon

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 659-662
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Korsakov I.N., Voskanyan S.E., Naydenov E.M.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim; identify communication between antacid operations and malignant tumors of the digestive system. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the 72 Wistar rats. The effect of the stem vagotomy and resection of the distal 2/3 of the stomach and antrumectomy to the concentration of gastrin in plasma were investigated. The effect of intraperitoneal injection of the azoksimetan on the incidence of malignant tumors of the colon was investigated. Re-sults. Increase of the plasma concentration of the gastrin in the postoperative period after stem vagotomy was found. Reduction of the concentration of the gastrin after distal gastrectomy to values close to zero with slight its rise and subsequent stabilization was found. The incidence of colon tumors in animals after stem vagotomy in conjunction with intraperitoneal injection of the chemical carcinogen azoximetan was higher compared to the animals after isolated injection of the azoximetan. The incidence of tumors in animals after resection of the distal 2/3 of the stomach differed not statistically significant from control animals. Conclusion. Vagal denervation of the abdominal cavity leads for significant increase of the concentration of the histamine of the blood plasma. Resection of the 2/3 distal stomach causes a significant reduction in the production of the gastrin. Truncal vagotomy increases the risk of neoplazms of the peritoneal cavity in the rats.

Keywords: antacids operations, distal gastrectomy, gastrin, malignant neoplasms, vagotomy

Effects of the vaccine "Grippol" on resistance of mice after irradiation by protons

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 656-658
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Ivanov А.А., Abrosimova A.N., Bulinina Т.М.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to investigate the effect of the vaccine "Grippol" on radioresistance with respect to proton irradiation. Material and methods. The effect of the vaccine "Grippol" the survival of the animals was studied in mice CBAxC57BI F1, which was immunized for 10 days prior to proton irradiation. Results. It is shown that proton irradiation causes the death of the animals at all doses tested: 9% at a dose of 7.0 Gy; 10% — 8.0 Gy and 33% after irradiation at a dose of 8.5 Gy, at the same time the survival rate after pre vaccination study groups was 100%. It seems appropriate to further study the impact of the vaccine "Grippol" at low doses of proton irradiation using appropriate test evaluation of hematological, im-munological, genetic, physiological and other factors. Conclusion. The vaccine "Grippol" introduction into mice before lethal proton irradiation increases survival of protected animals.

Keywords: Grippol, mice, protons, radioresistance, survival, vaccination

Effect of individual and group housing of mice on the level of radioresistance

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 653-656
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Dorozhkina O.V., Bulynina Т.М., Ivanov А.А..
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to examine the effect of individual and group housing of mice on radioresistance. Material and methods. Effects of individual and group housing of mice on immunity and blood systems were studied on ICR (CD-1) and C57BI6 male mice before and after proton irradiation. Results. Group housing of intact animals resulted in a decline in the number of nucleated cells in the femur bone marrow and thymus mass. The irradiation with proton with energy of 171 MeV at a dose of 1 Gy causes a statistically significant greater reduction of the number of nucleated cells in the femur bone marrow in group-housed mice. A trend toward greater safety of the number of leukocytes in the peripheral blood and higher proliferative activity of bone marrow cells, as well as lower level of aberrant mitoses have been noted in individually-housed mice. Reduction processes in the recovery period of radiation sickness take place at a greater rate in group-housed mice. Conclusion. Group housing of male mice causes increased sensitivity of the blood and immunity systems to the effects of radiation and at the same time accelerates processes of radiation recovery.

Keywords: aberrant mitosis, C57BI6, ICR (CD-1), individual and group housing, mice, mitotic index, number of nucleated cells in the bone marrow, proton irradiation, spleen, thymus

Identify of argyrophilic cells of astrocytic glia to determine the hypoxic changes in nerve tissue

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 649-652
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Datsenko A.V., Kazmin V.I.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: identification of astrocytic glia cells impregnated to determine the hypoxic changes in nerve tissue. Material and methods. Condition of hypoxia was simulated in laboratory rats with "jar hypoxia". For the impregnation of histo-logical sections were used as a basis for the method of Rio-Gortega. Results. Silver impregnation method revealed several morphological forms of astrocytic cells in hypoxic changes in the nervous tissue of the brain. Conclusion. There were marked morphological brain astrocyte cell forms reflecting their functional state. Traced compensatory changes astrocytic cell depletion of these processes and the appearance of pathological morphological characters, up to the fragmentation and destruction of cells.

Keywords: impregnation, hypoxia, brain, astrocytes, argirofiliya

Morphometric parameters of air in lungs of laboratory rats on physical exercise.

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 645-649
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Datsenko А.V., Kazmin V.I.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to determine the morphological and functional relationships between the morphometric parameters of lung airness tissue specimens of laboratory rats and indicators of physical endurance while swimming with weights and running on a treadmill. Material and methods. The physical endurance of laboratory rats evaluated in tests of swimming with weights and running on a treadmill using computer video markerless tracking. After strenuous exercise prepared histologic lung stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In morphometric study there were determined areal parameters of lung airness and pulmonary distelectasis. Results. When comparing the results of studies of physical endurance to the morphometric data of lung airness and pulmonary distelectasis identified the parameters of the same type of regression. Between changes in the morphological and physiological characteristics was a strong and average power correlation. The highest coefficient of correlation was established between the indicators of physical endurance and the parameter characterizing the degree of pulmonary distelectasis. Conclusion. Indicators of physical performance were the best in the big lung airness. At the same time, to a lesser extent than in the lung were presented wears off portions of the alveoli, the longer the biological objects to perform physical work. Fitted regression dependence characterizing the effect on physical endurance performance airiness of the lungs and spread them distelectasis.

Keywords: laboratory rats, lung airness, morphometry, physical performance, pulmonary distelectasis

Medical consequences of Chernobyl accident

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 637-644
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Galstyan I.A., Nadejina N.M., Suvorova L.A., Kashirina O.G., Nugis V.Ju.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim: to study the long-term effects of acute radiation syndrome (ARS), developed at the victims of the Chernobyl accident. Material and Methods. 237 people were exposed during the accident, 134 of them were diagnosed with ARS. Dynamic observation implies a thorough annual examination in a hospital. Results. In the first 1.5-2 years after the ARS mean group indices of peripheral blood have returned to normal. However, many patients had transient expressed moderate cytopenias. Granulocytopenia, thrombocytopenia, lymphopenia and erythropenia were the most frequently observed things during the first 5 years after the accident. After 5 years their occurences lowered. In 11 patients the radiation cataract was detected. A threshold dose for its development is a dose of 3.2 Gy Long-term effects of local radiation lesions (LRL) range from mild skin figure smoothing to a distinct fibrous scarring, contractures, persistently recurrent late radiation ulcers. During all years of observation we found 8 solid tumors, including 2 thyroid cancers. 5 hematologic diseases were found. During 29 years 26 ARS survivors died of various causes. Conclusion. The health of ones with long-term ARS effects is determined by the evolution of the LRL effects on skin, radiation cataracts, hema-tological diseases and the accession of of various somatic diseases, not caused by radiation.

Keywords: acute radiation disease, Chernobyl accident, late consequences, local radiation injuries, radiation cataracts

Comprehensive radiation survey and public health assessment in the vicinity of NPP

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 633-637
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Samoilov A.S., Shandala N.K., Korenkov I.P., Romanov V.V., Filonova A.A., Novikova N.Ya.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Aim. For many years, SRC-FMBC carried out comprehensive monitoring of radiation-hygienic situation in order to assess the dynamics of the measurement of the environmental media, public health and to develop health and epidemiological measures to assure the public welfare. Matherial and methods. The radiation-hygienic conditions of the environment are assessed by comparing the obtained results with the regional background values. Result. The radionuclide concentrations in the environmental media within the NPP supervision area do not exceed typical regional background values. We studied the radionuclide concentrations in some foodstuffs of plant and animal origin, drinking water and other environmental media. The concentrations of 137Cs and 90Sr in foodstuffs are the same as in the similar foodstuffs from other regions and the whole Russia. This is due to global precipitation of 137Cs and 90Sr following the nuclear weapons tests and accident at the Chernobyl NPP of 1986. Conclusion. According to analysis of the main
health indicators of the public living around the NPP, general state of the adult and children public is healthy. There is no impact of the NPP on negative trends in some changing indicators of the adult and children public health.

Keywords: internal dose, monitoring, NPP, radiation survey

A novel comprehensive approach for human vascular allografts cryopreservation and radiation sterilization for the tissue engineering industry

Year: 2015, volume 11 Issue: №4 Pages: 624-632
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Lauk-Dubitsky S.E., Astrelina Т.А., Saprykin V.P., Fediunin A.A., Paklina O.V., Gordeev A.V., Shakurov A.V., Belikov N.V., Khaidukova I.V., Burkov I.A., Antonov E.A., Ponomarev D.E., Kobzeva I.V., Savrasov G.V., Vorobyov G.V., Brumberg V.A., Nikitina V.A., Suchkova Y.B., Dobrovol'skaya E.I., Karaseva T.V., Gubarev K.K., Bushmanov A.Yu., Samoilov A.S.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman, City Clinical Hospital n.a. S.P. Botkin

Aim: to verify new techniques for human cadaveric vascular allografts cryopreservation, thawing and sterilization for the tissue engineering purposes. We use polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a well-known, promising coolant. This allowed us to completely omit any cryoprotective or vitrifying solutions. Using of PDMS also makes possible an applying these allografts directly after freezing and decellularization and also it will also provide an opportunity to develop secure protocols of tissue— engineered vascular conduits cryopreservation. Matherial and methods. After mathematical modeling of cooling process and its validation the experiment for sealed (isolated) freezing at low temperature conditions of 30 femoral arterial segments has been conducted. The segments were at least 10 cm in length and taken from 15 cadaveric donors in the age of 65-85 years. The freezing process was carried out using the abovementioned coolant— PDMS, and then physico-mechanical properties of these allografts were evaluated with the special Instron machine. According to the results obtained, a modeling of their sterilization conditions was conducted (the grafts were freezed). Results. By physico-mechanical properties validation and restricted histological analysis it was shown that there was an accordance between freezed/thawed allografts properties and native vessels. Conclusion. The abovementioned approach for allografts cryopreservation and thawing was efficient enough for further work in this direction.

Keywords: tissue engineering, sterilization, cryopreservation