Effects of the vaccine "Grippol" on resistance of mice after irradiation by protons
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Ivanov А.А., Abrosimova A.N., Bulinina Т.М.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Aim: to investigate the effect of the vaccine "Grippol" on radioresistance with respect to proton irradiation. Material and methods. The effect of the vaccine "Grippol" the survival of the animals was studied in mice CBAxC57BI F1, which was immunized for 10 days prior to proton irradiation. Results. It is shown that proton irradiation causes the death of the animals at all doses tested: 9% at a dose of 7.0 Gy; 10% — 8.0 Gy and 33% after irradiation at a dose of 8.5 Gy, at the same time the survival rate after pre vaccination study groups was 100%. It seems appropriate to further study the impact of the vaccine "Grippol" at low doses of proton irradiation using appropriate test evaluation of hematological, im-munological, genetic, physiological and other factors. Conclusion. The vaccine "Grippol" introduction into mice before lethal proton irradiation increases survival of protected animals.
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