Morphometric parameters of air in lungs of laboratory rats on physical exercise.
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Datsenko А.V., Kazmin V.I.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Aim: to determine the morphological and functional relationships between the morphometric parameters of lung airness tissue specimens of laboratory rats and indicators of physical endurance while swimming with weights and running on a treadmill. Material and methods. The physical endurance of laboratory rats evaluated in tests of swimming with weights and running on a treadmill using computer video markerless tracking. After strenuous exercise prepared histologic lung stained with hematoxylin and eosin. In morphometric study there were determined areal parameters of lung airness and pulmonary distelectasis. Results. When comparing the results of studies of physical endurance to the morphometric data of lung airness and pulmonary distelectasis identified the parameters of the same type of regression. Between changes in the morphological and physiological characteristics was a strong and average power correlation. The highest coefficient of correlation was established between the indicators of physical endurance and the parameter characterizing the degree of pulmonary distelectasis. Conclusion. Indicators of physical performance were the best in the big lung airness. At the same time, to a lesser extent than in the lung were presented wears off portions of the alveoli, the longer the biological objects to perform physical work. Fitted regression dependence characterizing the effect on physical endurance performance airiness of the lungs and spread them distelectasis.
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