A novel comprehensive approach for human vascular allografts cryopreservation and radiation sterilization for the tissue engineering industry
Heading: Genetics Article type: Original article
Authors: Lauk-Dubitsky S.E., Astrelina Т.А., Saprykin V.P., Fediunin A.A., Paklina O.V., Gordeev A.V., Shakurov A.V., Belikov N.V., Khaidukova I.V., Burkov I.A., Antonov E.A., Ponomarev D.E., Kobzeva I.V., Savrasov G.V., Vorobyov G.V., Brumberg V.A., Nikitina V.A., Suchkova Y.B., Dobrovol'skaya E.I., Karaseva T.V., Gubarev K.K., Bushmanov A.Yu., Samoilov A.S.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency, Moscow State Technical University n.a. N.E. Bauman, City Clinical Hospital n.a. S.P. Botkin
Aim: to verify new techniques for human cadaveric vascular allografts cryopreservation, thawing and sterilization for the tissue engineering purposes. We use polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) as a well-known, promising coolant. This allowed us to completely omit any cryoprotective or vitrifying solutions. Using of PDMS also makes possible an applying these allografts directly after freezing and decellularization and also it will also provide an opportunity to develop secure protocols of tissue— engineered vascular conduits cryopreservation. Matherial and methods. After mathematical modeling of cooling process and its validation the experiment for sealed (isolated) freezing at low temperature conditions of 30 femoral arterial segments has been conducted. The segments were at least 10 cm in length and taken from 15 cadaveric donors in the age of 65-85 years. The freezing process was carried out using the abovementioned coolant— PDMS, and then physico-mechanical properties of these allografts were evaluated with the special Instron machine. According to the results obtained, a modeling of their sterilization conditions was conducted (the grafts were freezed). Results. By physico-mechanical properties validation and restricted histological analysis it was shown that there was an accordance between freezed/thawed allografts properties and native vessels. Conclusion. The abovementioned approach for allografts cryopreservation and thawing was efficient enough for further work in this direction.
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