Influence of antacids operations at histamine concentration in plasma and the risk of malignancies of the colon
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Korsakov I.N., Voskanyan S.E., Naydenov E.M.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Aim; identify communication between antacid operations and malignant tumors of the digestive system. Material and methods. The study was conducted on the 72 Wistar rats. The effect of the stem vagotomy and resection of the distal 2/3 of the stomach and antrumectomy to the concentration of gastrin in plasma were investigated. The effect of intraperitoneal injection of the azoksimetan on the incidence of malignant tumors of the colon was investigated. Re-sults. Increase of the plasma concentration of the gastrin in the postoperative period after stem vagotomy was found. Reduction of the concentration of the gastrin after distal gastrectomy to values close to zero with slight its rise and subsequent stabilization was found. The incidence of colon tumors in animals after stem vagotomy in conjunction with intraperitoneal injection of the chemical carcinogen azoximetan was higher compared to the animals after isolated injection of the azoximetan. The incidence of tumors in animals after resection of the distal 2/3 of the stomach differed not statistically significant from control animals. Conclusion. Vagal denervation of the abdominal cavity leads for significant increase of the concentration of the histamine of the blood plasma. Resection of the 2/3 distal stomach causes a significant reduction in the production of the gastrin. Truncal vagotomy increases the risk of neoplazms of the peritoneal cavity in the rats.
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