2012, volume 8
Early thyroid gland dysfunction and biorhythmic activity disturbance in patients with cardiovascular pathology and atrial fibrillation
Heading: Internal Diseases Article type: Review
Authors: Baurina Yu.O., Mayskova Е.А., Shvarts Yu.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The review deals with the problem of combined pathology of the thyroid gland and cardiovascular system, the state of thyroid homeostasis in atrial fibrillation. The main mechanisms of action of thyroid hormones on the heart and blood vessels, particularly changes in the cardiovascular system with hypo-or hyperthyroidism; the possibility of substitution therapy in subclinical disease have been presented in the article. Characteristics of daily rhythmic activity of thyroid gland in normal and various pathological conditions with persistent and paroxysmal atrial fibrillation have been considered.
Chronic pyelonephritis in pregnancy
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Review
Authors: Minasyan A.M., Dubrovskaya М.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
В обзоре литературы анализируются актуальные проблемы такого опасного заболевания, как пиелонефрит, диагносцируемый у беременных и родильниц.
Role of functional activity abnormalities of hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal system in pathogenesis of neoplastic proliferation in patients with breast cancer
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Chesnokova N.P., Barsukov V.Yu., Zlobnova О.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The research goal is to determine the pathogenic relationship between the dynamic changes of content of individual fractions of estrogen, progesterone, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and somatotropic hormone in blood of patients with breast cancer from the stage of neoplasia spread. Methods: The authors have performed comparative evaluation of functional state of hypothalamic — pituitary — gonadal system in 128 patients with infiltrating ductal breast carcinoma (clinically nodular pathology form) using enzyme-linked immunosorbent analysis. Results: Examination of hormone profile of peripheral blood of patients with nodular breast cancer has revealed presence of centrogenous hormone influence on peripheral glands supplied by hormones of hypothalamic — pituitary system such as follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone, these patients being of reproductive, climacteric and post-menopausal ages. At the same time, progress of initial stages of neoplastic proliferation in patients with breast cancer has been naturally accompanied by increase of estradiol level in blood, decrease of progesterone and estriol levels in blood. These levels have been parallel to the stage of neoplastic process. Hormone disbalance has been also characterized by increase of somatotropic hormone level in blood of patients with breast cancer. Hormone level increasing has been progressed by metastasizing neoplastic cells. Conclusion: The leading role in the pathogenesis of breast cancer in patients of different age groups should be assigned to the development of hormone disbalance. It should be noted that the principle of «feedback» between the central hormone influences and blood levels of hormones of peripheral glands has not been determined.
Effective monitoring of drug safety in the region
Heading: Clinical Pharmacology Article type: Original article
Authors: Smuseva O.N., Gorbatenko V.S., Solovkina Yu.V., Shatalova O.V.
Organization: Volgograd State Medical University
The purpose of research is to assess adverse drug reactions, which were registered in Volgograd region, using spontaneous reports. Retrospectively notice cards of suspected adverse drug reactions received by the Volgograd regional center of drugs safety monitoring during 2010 and 2011 were analyzed. Evaluation of reliability of causal relationship «Drug— Adverse Drug Reaction» was carried out in accordance with Naranjo algorithm. In 2011 the volume of registered side effects grew almost 3 times by increasing the activity of doctors than in 2010. We defined the structure of drugs, which caused adverse reactions the most frequently. During these two years doctors rarely reported about adverse drug reactions of type A, so we can suppose that doctors had troubles with detecting causal relationship « Drug —Adverse Drug Reaction».
Comparative evaluation of influence of drugs with antioxidant effect on therapeutic efficiency of radiotherapy and oxidative status in mice
Heading: Clinical Pharmacology Article type: Original article
Authors: Siprov A.M., Vashurkina I.M., Masyagin V.A.
Organization: Mordovia State University n.a. N. P. Ogaryov
The purpose of the study is to carry out a comparative analysis of the effect of melatonin (melaxen) and of 3-hy-droxypyridine (mexidol) on antitumor and antimetastatic influence of radiotherapy and oxidative status in mice with Lewis lung carcinoma. Material: Experiments have been carried out on 95 mice of the line C57BI/6 and weight of 20-22 grams. Cyclophosphan has been intraabdominally administered two times in a dosage of 60mg/kg within the interval of 120 hours — 20-30 min before radiotherapy. It has been located on the area of initial tumor in a dosage of 2 Gr at the same time as cyclophosphan injection. Melaxen and mexidol have been intramuscularly injected in the dosage of 45 and 50 mg/ kg for 14 days. Antitumor and antimetastatic effect of the applied therapy and changes in the oxidative status of the animals have been estimated. The results: Melaxen and mexidol do not decrease antitumour and antimetastatic effects of radiotherapy and prevent the activation of free radical processes in animals with tumors. Mexidol has been more effective than melaxen in correction of superoxide dismutase activity in liver. The drugss under the study do not decrease radiotherapy-induced lipid peroxidation in the initial tumor. Conclusion: Melaxen and mexidol do not decrease the therapeutic efficiency of radiotherapy and correct oxidative status in mice with tumor following antineoplastic treatment.
Morphological methods in establishment of common and specific signs in forensic identification of personality
Heading: forensic medicine Article type: Review
Authors: Pigolkin U.I., Nikolenko V.N., Zolotenkova G.V., Dallakian V.Ph.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Moscow State Medical Stomatological University n.a. A. I. Evdokimov
This review describes the forensic medical identification by using the morphological characteristics of the internal organs for ascertainment of the age of death. The earlier offered methods by using results of morphology and mor-phometry of bones system and of internal organs are described. Prospects of further researches on a problem are planned.
Individual typological variability of macro-microscopical and biomechanical properties of intracranial part of vertebral artery
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Nikolenko V.N., Fomkina О.A.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov, Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the study is to reveal the features of individual typological variability of macro-microscopical and biomechanical properties of the wall of intracranial part of vertebral arteries (IPVA) in adult people. Materials and methods: The research material of 228 samples of IPVA has been received by autopsy of 115 corpses of people aged 21-84 years. External diameter, thickness of the wall, diameter of lumen of artery have been measured. Biomechanical properties of IPVA have been studied by explosive carTira Test 28005 with a loading cell of 100 H. General strength (H), breaking point (H/mm2), Young»s modulus (H/mm2), absolute (mm) and relative deformation (%) of samples of arteries have been defined. Results: 3 groups of variants of arteries have been isolated: with average size of a sign (M±y), less than the average size (<M — y) and more than the average size (>M+ y). The conclusion: The obtained data about functional anatomy of vascular bed of brain may be useful in blood flow modeling and optimization of extra — and intravascular interventions.
Correlation of petrous bone convergence angle and slope of its walls with dimensional skull characteristics of human craniotypes
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Aleshkina О. U., Anisimov A. N., Hurchak U.A., Rossoshanskiy D.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The aim. The purpose of this paper is to study the correlation between the angles of convergence and slope of the pyramids of the temporal bone and linear and angular parameters of the cranial depending on the basilar angle. Materials and Methods. Material study is based on 100 skulls of adult humans, divided into three craniotypes. The method of measurement were made craniotopometric these parameters with further calculation of average values of the calculated and the drafting of the correlation model. The results. Study of features of the correlation angle of convergence and the slope of the pyramids of the temporal bone and linear and angular parameters of the cranial showed varying in strength and direction of the relationship of each craniotypes. Conclusion. During the study, flexibasilar craniotypes installed close inverse relationship between: tilt the front surface of the pyramids and the long base of the skull; convergence angle of the pyramids and the length of posterior skull base, the long base of the skull to the posterior edge of the large aperture. In mediobasilar craniotypes study parameters showed mostly moderate and weak degree of multidirectional nature. For platibasilar craniotypes characterized by a close direct correlation between the convergence angle of the pyramids and the length of posterior skull base. Other dimensions of the pyramid of the temporal bone are subject to greater variability can be explained by complex, multi-directional factors shaping the internal structures of the skull base.
Role of nursing personnel in the system of medical and social care for aged population
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Novokreshenova I.G., Chunakova V.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: The analysis of accessibility and quality of providing medical and social care for aged population. Methods: The analysis of the work of institutions of medical and social care has been carried out. According to the time-study of the working day of nurses the characteristics of nursing personnel have been determined. Results: Data on the arrangement of medical aid at home for aged patients of the Saratov region have been provided. The importance of nursing personnel in the system of complex medical and social care has been assessed and the main areas of nursing activity have been found out. Conclusion: The article has been stated that creation of quality control system for nursing personnel is of great necessity to provide effective medical and social care.
Actual problems of integrated system of specialists training
Heading: Pedagogics and Education Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Sadchikov D.V., Kuligin А.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The present system of education requires reformation. We have to achieve a new level of educational work. An optimal decision is the module education, as the functional system based on professional standard as on a backbone factor. However, the benefits of module education are useful most of all at a post-graduate stage. Therefore, in training of doctors we have to use 3-stage system (under-graduate, graduate and post-graduate stages) with 2-system approach (topographo-anatomic and functional). This methodology complies best to contemporary requirements for high-qualified doctors and creates necessary conditions for continuous professional progress.