Коррекция трофологической недостаточности у больных с синдромом компрессионной миелопатии различной этиологии на уровне верхнешейного отдела позвоночника
Year: 2012, volume 8 Issue: №3 Pages: 825-830
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Bajanov S.P., Uljanov V.Yu., Ostrovsky V.V., Shchukovsky V.V., Makarkina E.V., Uljanova E.V.
Heading: Traumatology and Orthopedics Article type: Original article
Authors: Bajanov S.P., Uljanov V.Yu., Ostrovsky V.V., Shchukovsky V.V., Makarkina E.V., Uljanova E.V.
Objective: To improve the treatment results of patients with traumatic injuries, and neoplastic lesions of the upper cervical spine on the basis of a differentiated algorithm of nutritional-metabolic therapy. Materials and methods: Based on clinical and instrumental methods of examination typical metabolic characteristics have been studied in 21 patients with compressive myelopathy at the level of the upper cervical spine. Results: Due to the received data differentiated algorithm of nutritional-metabolic therapy has been worked out. Conclusion: The use of nutritional-metabolic therapy in patients with compressive myelopathy at the level of the upper cervical spine may improve the treatment.
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