2022, volume 18
Current views on the problem of donor material preservation in endothelial keratoplasty (review)
Heading: Ophthalmology Article type: Review
Authors: Ibragimova R.R., Andreyev A.Yu., Yang Yu., Khanova A.N., Gudzhokova D.M.
Organization: First Moscow State Medical University n.a. I.M. Sechenov
Abstract. Objective: to evaluate the approaches to donor graft preparation in endothelial keratoplasty, to analyze the advantages and disadvantages of each of them. The review presents works on posterior keratoplasty with pre-en-grafted grafts using modern preservation techniques; the sample for the last 16 years from 2006 to 2022, publications are available for study from the main scientific databases PubMed, eLibrary.ru. Fifty literary sources were included in the final analysis. Currently, descemet membrane transplantation has become the gold standard of endothelial disease treatment. This operation allows to achieve high visual function and is the most selective and pathogenetically oriented, but has a number of technical disadvantages associated with the preparation of a donor graft. These disadvantages include long time spent on descemet membrane isolation, high risk of damage and rejection of deficient material intraop-eratively, which requires high surgical skills. Given the above, approaches to preliminary preservation of the descemet membrane, which compensate for the time in the operating room and reduce the risk of iatrogenic damage to the donor material, began to originate in clinical practice.
Experience of using the Russian version of the Spatial Hearing Questionnaire (SHQ) in chronic sensioneural hearing loss
Heading: Otolaryngology Article type: Original article
Authors: Vladimirova T.Yu., Martynova А.В.
Organization: Samara State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: to analyze the results of the Russian version of the Spatial Hearing Questionnaire (SHQ) in individuals with chronic sensorineural hearing loss. Material and methods. We conducted a study in 31 people (including 20 women and 11 men, mean age 61,2±15,6 years) with symmetrical chronic sensorineural hearing loss using the Russian version of the SHQ in groups taking into account the degree of hearing loss. Results. SHQ scores decreased with increasing hearing loss — the highest mean scores were obtained with mild hearing loss, and the lowest mean scores were obtained with severe hearing loss: the mean total score was 69,5± 12,1 points for group 1, 64,1 ±22,3 points for group 2, 50,7±22,5 points for group 3 and 36,3±15,5 points for group 4. There is a uniform decrease in indicators for all items, taking into account the degree of hearing loss. The existing significant difference in scores according to the SHQ in patients with different degrees of hearing loss was naturally reflected in its subscales. Conclusion. The Russian-language version of the SHQ allows us to distinguish between the degrees of hearing problems and is an effective tool both for diagnosing spatial disorders and at the stages of auditory function rehabilitation.
The impact of quality of visual materials inputed in electronic teaching tools on the risk of violations of functional state of the organism
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Yanushanets O.I., Petrova N.A.
Organization: North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Neuropathology Assistant Professor, Candidate of Medical Science
Abstract. Objective: analysis of the influence of the degree of ophthalmoergonomics of visual materials submitted to electronic teaching aids on the risk of developing violations of the functional condition of the organism (FCO), taking into account the difficulty of educational subjects. Material and methods. The study involved 112 primary school students. The study of the FCO was carried out before and after lessons of varying difficulty and ophthalmoergonomics of visual materials according to diagnostic tests: a correction test, a simple sensorimotor reaction, determining the level of the critical frequency of light flickers. Relative risk (RR) and odds ratio (OR) were calculated. Results. It has been established that at the end of difficult lessons, when using ophthalmic non-ergonomic materials, the chance of developing visual fatigue is 2.4 times higher, and the risk is 1.5 times higher, the chance of a decrease in mental performance is 3.3 times higher, the risk is 2 times, the chance the development of fatigue in the central nervous system is 2.5 times higher, and the risk is 2 times higher. When workplaces are located in the zone of visual discomfort, the chances and risks of a violation of the FCO increase. Conclusion. The assessment of the impact of using visual materials of varying degrees of ophthalmoergonomics in lessons of varying difficulty showed a high degree of risk of developing adverse changes in the FCO by the end of the lessons when using ophthalmo non-ergonomic visual material in children whose desks were located in the discomfort zone.
Overnutrition and the level of school anxiety in students
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Shtina I.E., Maklakova O.A., Valina S.L.
Organization: Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, Perm State National Research University
Abstract. Objective: to study the relationship of overnutrition with the level of school anxiety of schoolchildren. Material and methods. The observation group — 46 schoolchildren with body mass index (BMI) above +1 SD, the comparison group — 138 schoolchildren with BMI below +1 SD. A comparative analysis of the content of cortisol and serotonin of blood serum, heart rate variability and the test parameters School Anxiety Scale of Phillips ware carried out. Results. In children of the observation group regarding the comparison group, the level of cortisol was 1.2 times higher, a high activity of the sympathetic department of autonomic regulation (p<0.001) was established, the level of general anxiety at school is 1.3-2.5 times higher, fear of testing knowledge of knowledge — 1.5-2.1 times and the level of school anxiety — up to 2.3 times (p<0.001-0,043). Direct relationship of moderate force between the BMI and cortisol, causal dependencies of the influence of BMI on the likelihood of increasing the fear of the situation of knowledge testing and general anxiety were obtained. A good prognostic ability was established for the BMI in relation to the identification of general anxiety, the average — regarding the fear of the situation of knowledge testing, the value of the cut point for SD BMI in relation to school anxiety was 1.6 SD. Conclusion. Overnutrition is associated with an increase in school anxiety. The problem of overnutrition requires additional involvement of specialists of the psychological and pedagogical service.
Young people adherence to preventive requirements during the COVID-19 pandemic
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Sheina N.I., Zhulina Yu.S., Umurzakov A.K., Okudzhava I.Z.
Organization: Russian Research Medical University n. a. N.I. Pirogov
Abstract. Objective: to assess the level of hygienic education of young people in Moscow in a pandemic and to determine the main directions for the development of sanitary skills among young people. Material and methods. A hygienic experiment and a survey of students in Google format were carried out. Field studies were carried out in the metro on the Sokolnicheskaya line in the period 05.10.2020-24.11.2020 by observing young people in the conditions of the mask regime and timing of wearing masks by students in the classroom at the medical university and at the clinical base. The survey involved 425 people from medical universities and technical universities. Among them, 231 people completed the full course of vaccination and 84 people recovered from COVID-19. Results. Strengthening the mask regime in the metro in October-November 2020 promoted the compliance of young people with preventive requirements. Significantly more students (69-85%) wear masks during classes at clinical sites than at a medical university (23-31 %). Medical students are more informed about hygiene requirements than technical students; approximately 50% of vaccinated students are not afraid of contracting a new coronavirus infection; 62% of students who have had the disease are confident that their immunity will prevent them from getting the disease again. Conclusion. Educational work among students, combined with compliance with the norms of legislative acts of sanitary and epidemiological supervision, contributes to the formation of sanitary skills among young people.
The relationship of risk factors in the development of gastrointestinal tract pathology in schoolchildren
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Chernenkov Yu.V., Glushakov I.A., Gadzhikerimov G.E., Glushakova V.D., Gumenyuk O.I., Trifonov V.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: to assess the relationship of risk factors in the development of pathology of the gastrointestinal tract in children and adolescents. Material and methods. Schoolchildren were divided into 2 groups: group 1 — healthy (n=180), group 2 —with gastrointestinal pathology (n=65). The study had a two-stage character. 1st stage — using the questionnaire method and the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) questionnaire, 2nd stage — analysis of inpatient records, questioning and examination. Results. Statistically significant identified risk factors for the development of gastrointestinal pathology in group I include low rates of hot food intake in one day — only 40% (p=0,002), as well as the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables in one day — 65% (p=0,006). Risk factors were identified: hot food intake 1 time per day — 40% (p=0.018), fresh fruits and vegetables 1 time per day — 65% (p=0.006). Mouth 2-3 times a week (p=0.033), rotten belching (p=0.032), belching with air (p=0.005), formation of pain in the abdominal region after eating smoked food (p=0.001). Conclusion. The relationship of risk factors that affect the development and progression of existing diseases of the digestive system has been determined, it is recommended to conduct preventive conversations with parents to follow the principles of rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle, as well as to exclude the development of chronic pathological processes.
Information readiness of adolescents aged 15-17 on healthy lifestyles
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Filkina О.М., Vorobyova Е.А., Kocherova O.Yu., Dolotova N.V.
Organization: Federal State Budget Institute Ivanovo Scientific-Research Institute n. a. V.N. Gorodkov
Abstract. Objective: to identify the information readiness of adolescents aged 15-17 years on issues of a healthy lifestyle. Material and methods. 366 adolescents aged 15-17 years old, studying in secondary schools (186 girls and 180 boys), were surveyed according to the questionnaire "Adolescents' awareness of a healthy lifestyle" to identify the real level of knowledge in the main sections of a healthy lifestyle, as well as self-assessment questionnaire of their knowledge on the same topics on a 5-point scale, followed by a comparison of the results. Results. It was found that adolescents aged 15-17 are most informationally prepared on the topics of personal safety and injury prevention (88.3% of correct answers), healthy nutrition (86.1%), personal hygiene (85.5%). Low information readiness was noted on the topics of optimal motor activity (68.3% of correct answers), school factors that have an adverse effect on health (72.2%), daily routine (73.8%). When conducting a self-assessment of their knowledge, adolescents rated their knowledge of the daily routine and personal hygiene the highest (4.9 points each), and the lowest was their knowledge of school factors that have an adverse effect on health (3.9 points). Conclusion. Teenagers' self-assessment of their knowledge about a healthy lifestyle did not always coincide with the real level of knowledge. Incomplete information readiness of high school students on healthy lifestyle issues with overestimated self-esteem was revealed, which indicates the need to continue information work with adolescents aged 15-17.
Health risk assessment among younger schoolchildren in conditions of distance learning
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Petrova N.A., Yanushanets O.I.
Organization: North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Neuropathology Assistant Professor, Candidate of Medical Science
Abstract. Objective: based on a hygienic assessment of the conditions and organization of distance learning, to establish the main risk factors for the health of younger students. Material and methods. 276 junior schoolchildren from St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region were examined. The study of the organization and conditions of distance learning, and the subjective assessment of well-being was carried out by the method of questioning. The study of the dynamics of the functional state of the body of schoolchildren was carried out before and afterthe lesson of the Russian language with ophthalmic non-ergonomic visual material, implemented through an electronic learning tool. Results. Thus, in the group of children, the chances and risks of a change in well-being are higher with an irrational organization of connection to the Internet (RR=1.904, OR=3.139), the development of mental fatigue is higher in schoolchildren who study in an unfavorable light environment (RR=1.809, OR= 5.125), nervous fatigue is formed more often in schoolchildren who study through non-rational electronic means (RR=3.869, OR=24.271). Conclusion. The study made it possible to establish the main risk factors that contribute to a change in the well-being and functional state of the body of younger schoolchildren when organizing distance learning — incorrect posture during training, not a rational type of electronic learning tool, not a rational type of Internet connection and not a favorable light environment in the room.
The impact of innovative technologies on students and lecturers' health in the context of current epidemiological situation
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Nechaev V.N., Chernenkov Yu.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: taking into account the current epidemiological situation, to test and implement in the educational process modern distance learning methods for residents and trainees of supplementary professional education courses and assess their impact on the health of students and lecturers. Material and methods. Questionnaires were administered to 98 residents and trainees and 16 lecturers of the Department of Hospital Pediatrics and Neonatology at Saratov State Medical University n. a. V. I. Razumovsky using a specially designed questionnaire. Results. The results obtained testify to the high efficiency of the use of distance learning technologies in the educational process under the conditions of complex epidemiological situation. A high level of students' knowledge assimilation within the basic professional competencies set forth by the requirements of the educational standard and basic educational programs in the discipline of "Neonatology" for residents and trainees of supplementary professional education was noted. The negative influence of unregulated use of electronic platforms on the somatic health of lecturers has been noted. Conclusion. The practice of using modern distance-learning technologies has shown their effectiveness in a difficult epidemio-logical situation. Further scaling of this experience requires the use of existing regulations on working with computer equipment, aimed at preventing violations of the psychosomatic health of students and lecturers.
Psychological characteristics of adolescents with eating disorders: current realities
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Naboychenko E.S., Noskova N.N.
Organization: Ural State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: to identify the level of anxiety caused by indicators of self-attitude of adolescents and determinants of eating disorder. Material and methods. The study involved 52 adolescents. The methods "Eating Disorder Inventory" and "Taylor's Manifest Anxiety Scale" were used. Results. It was found that in 40.4% of adolescents, the average anxiety prevails with a tendency to a low level of anxiety. High anxiety is observed in 34.6% of adolescents. 50% of the study participants showed a pronounced sign — autosympathy, which reflects the emotional attitude of the subject to himself. Using the Spearman rank correlation coefficient, statistically significant inverse correlations were found: the average level of correlation (r>-0.50) between anxiety and global self-attitude, autosympathy, self-interest, expected attitude from others, self-understanding, and also strong relationship (r>-0.70) between anxiety and self-esteem scale. Using the Kruskal —Wallis /-/-test, significant relationships were found in the level of anxiety and eating behavior. Conclusion. The results of the study revealed the presence of a tendency towards eating disorders among adolescents. There is a relationship between personal anxiety and indicators of self-attitude and eating behavior. High levels of anxiety determine the development of eating disorders in adolescents against the background of low levels of self-attitude scales, except for the "self-accusation" scale.