Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Local effect of vitamin D on the immune system of periodontium

Year: 2019, volume 15 Issue: №1 Pages: 41-47
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Review
Authors: Ostrovskaya L.Yu., Zakharova N.B., Bodyleva А.Р., Bulkina N.V., Lysov A.V., Osipova U.L.
Organization: I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Saratov State Medical University

 Literature review is devoted to the analysis of scientific findings about extraosseous effects of vitamin D on the immune system of the periodontal tissues. It was found that the biological functions of vitamin D (VD) in the body are diverse.Along with the detailed study of the effect on metabolic processes in bone tissue, VD makes a significant contribution to a large number of processes that ensure the activity of the immune system. In addition, VD increases the production of "endogenous antibiotics". This allows us to consider VD as a therapeutic agent that prevents the development of inflammatory and destructive changes in the periodontal tissues in population with simultaneous slowing of bone loss and preservation of bone mass of the dentofacial system. Currently detected hidden hypovitaminosis VD in almost majority of the population is considered a leading factor in the development of periodontal disease and its prevention and treatment is one of the most important tasks of therapeutic dentistry.

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