Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Motivation for choosing a clinical psychologist career

Year: 2024, volume 20 Issue: №1 Pages: 87-92
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Novokreschenova I.G., Novokreschenov I.V., Chunakova V.V., Semikina N.A., Smotrova Y.N., Aranovich L.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Objective: to determine the dominant motives for choosing a profession "clinical psychology". Material and methods. The methodology of R. V. Ovcharova was applied to determine the motives for choosing the profession of a clinical psychologist. The opinion of students in the specialty "Clinical Psychology" was also studied with the help of a specially designed author's questionnaire (19 questions), which allowed to determine significant motivation factors in choosing a profession students (n=126). Regression analysis was used to determine the relationship between gender, the presence of relatives — medical workers and motivation factors. Results. For a group of students, the total score for internal individually significant motives is 2500 points, for internal socially significant motives — 2172 points. The motive of "the opportunity to realize their personal qualities" is statistically more significant for men (b=1.12±0.52; p=0.03), the motive of "low tuition" —for women (b=-1.10±0.55; p=0.04). 68.3% of respondents have medical workers in their environment. For people who do not have relatives — medical workers, such motives as "vocation" (b=-0.81±0.35; p=0.02), "low tuition" (b=-1.18±0.50; p=0.02), "parents' desire" (b=-0.89±0.37; p=0.02) are more significant when choosing a profession. Conclusions. The dominant motives for choosing the profession of "clinical psychology" for students are internal motives. The motives for choosing a profession depend on such personal identifiers as gender and the presence of relatives — medical workers.

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