2023, volume 19
The Department of Surgery and Oncology is 40 years old
Heading: Scientific schools, commemorative dates Article type:
Authors: Tolstokorov A.S., Popova T.N., Borisov V.A., Doroshenko S.A., Kurochkina E.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article traces the main stages of formation and development of the Department of Surgery and Oncology of the Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, whose first head was Professor Pavel A. Belyaev. Over the 40-year period, the clinical base of the department has significantly expanded. Every year, about 30 residents and more than 150 students are trained at the department in various areas of surgery and oncology.
Contribution of Professor Michail I. Raisky to the development of forensic examination and medicine (to the 150th birth anniversary) (review)
Heading: Scientific schools, commemorative dates Article type:
Authors: Zavyalov A.I., Petrov V.V., Ishchenko Yu.V., Karapetyan V.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, The National Research Institute of Public Health n.a. N.A. Semashko
The article presents the scientific, practical and pedagogical activities of Professor M. I. Raisky, his contribution to the development of domestic forensic examination and medicine and the creation of the Saratov Scientific School of Forensic Physicians and the training of scientific personnel in the first half of the twentieth century. The paper covers the issues of organization for the improvement of the educational process and the teaching of forensic examination and medicine to students and doctors in medical universities, as well as students in law institutes of our country.
Influence of metronidazole loaded into silver nanoparticle microcapsules on efficacy of alginate gel in correction of structural and functional disorders of dental support apparatus in rats with periodontitis
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Savkina А.А., Lengert Е.М., Ermakov A.V., Stepanova T.V., Ivanov A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: To evaluate the effect of metronidazole loaded into silver impregnated alginate microcapsules on the structural and functional disorders of the dental support apparatus in periodontitis. Material and methods. The studies were carried out on 30 white male rats randomly divided into two groups. Comparison group — 15 animals with an experimental model of periodontitis, which underwent applications of a gel containing microcapsules without additional loading with active substances. The experimental group included 15 animals with periodontitis, which were subjected to applications of gel with microcapsules containing metronidazole on inflamed gums. To assess the morphological changes in the supporting apparatus of the tooth, the mandible was taken with subsequent histological examination. Results. Results. Application of a gel containing microcapsules with silver nanoparticles loaded with metronidazole on the gums of animals with periodontitis leads to partial reduction of structural disorders. Thus, local disorganization of the fibers of the circular ligament of the tooth in the experimental group was observed only 5 cases, signs of limited bone loss — in 2 cases out of 15. In the comparison group, all 15 animals showed bone resorption and in 13 of 15 cases there was diffuse fiber alteration throughout the circumferential ligament of the tooth. Conclusion. The inclusion of alginate microcapsules with silver nanoparticles metronidazole leads to a significant decrease in destructive processes occurring in the near-tooth tissues during periodontitis.
The condition of the intracellular metabolism of peripheral blood leukocytes in arterial hypertension (experimental study)
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Romanova Т.Р., Bugaeva I.O., Uvarova I.A., Perevoznikova T.V., Shapoval O.G.
Organization: Saratov National Research University n.a. N. G. Chernyshevsky, Saratov State Medical University
Objective: the comparative analysis of the features of intracellular metabolism of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PNL) in the peripheral blood of rats with the normal blood pressure and hereditary stress-induced arterial hypertension (ISIAH). Material and methods. Indicators of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, activity of some key redox enzymes in leukocytes of rats as well as a level of PNL functional activity were examined by histochemical methods. Results. The study determined that the stable increased blood pressure is accompanied by hypertrophy of the left ventricle of the heart, degenerative changes in cardiomyocytes and the decreased microcirculatory bed density. In this case amount of intracellular glycogen in leukocytes was decreased in 23% at unchanged amount of intracellular lipids. Activities of intracellular ATP-ase and myeloperoxidase were reduced in 22% with non-significant increasing of succinate dehydrogenase activity (in 13%). Amount of PNL with positive NBT-test was increased in 35% in the rats of ISIAH. Conclusions. Analysis of the studied metabolic indicators of PNL shows disturbance of the energy-supplying and enzymatic processes in the leukocytes on the background of arterial hypertension.
Impairment of the melatonergic system in the pathophysiology of diabetic encephalopathy (review)
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Review
Authors: Bykov Yu.V.
Organization: Stavropol State Medical University
Objective: to analyze the scientific literature to identify the main pathophysiological mechanisms of melatonergic system disorders in the formation of diabetic encephalopathy and to highlight the possible therapeutic efficacy of melatonin (MLT). Review writing methodology. A total of 50 scientific papers were found using the Cochrane Library, PubMed, el_ibrary.ru, Medscape, and analyzed. Database search had been performed for papers published from2011 to 2023 using the keyword combination 'diabetesmellitus", "melatonergic system", "melatonin" and "diabetic encephalopathy". Conclusion. The pathophysiology of diabetic encephalopathy is not yet fully understood, and search is ongoing for novel mechanisms underlying its development, with melatonergic system dysfunction seen as a promising hypothetical mechanism. Oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, inflammation, disruption of the insulin signal transduction pathway and increased brain cell apoptosis may impair the production of MLT and trigger the melatonergic system dysfunction process. MLT is known for its marked neurotrophic effects, and its insufficiency may exacerbate cognitive impairment in diabetes mellitus.
Changes in the amino acid pool of cerebral hemispheres in rats with total cerebral ischemia
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bon E.I., Maksimovich N.E., Smirnov V.Yu., Doroshenko E.M., Razvodovsky Yu.E., Moroz E.M., Vishnevskaya E.I., Kokhan N.V.
Organization: Grodno State Medical University, Grodno, Belarus, Institute of Biochemistry of Biologically Active Compounds of the Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Grodno, Belarus
Objective: assessment of changes in the pool of amino acids (AA) in rats with total cerebral ischemia (TCI). Material and Methods. Experiments were performed on 16 male outbred white rats weighing 260±20 g. TCI was modeled by decapitation of animals. Brain tissue was sampled 1 hour after decapitation. Results. In the parietal lobe (PL) and hippocampus (HC) of TCI group animals 1 hour after their decapitation, we detected an increase in the content of tyrosine (by 43%, p=0.044, and 40%, p=0.044, respectively) and tryptophan (by 24%, p=0.036, and 23%, p=0.046, respectively). Similar trend was observed for methionine that increased by 32% in PL(p=0.046) and by 27% in HC (p=0.046). Analogous increase in the content of L-arginine was noted in PL and HC (by 20%, p=0.037, and 33%, p=0.037, correspondingly). Isoleucine content increased by 12% in PL (p=0.054), while valine content decreased by 15% in HC (p=0.053). The ratio of the combined total content of branched-chain amino acids (BCAA)to the combined content of aromatic AA in TCI significantly declined from 1.4 to 1.0 in PL (p=0.053) and from 1.6 to 1.0 in GC (p=0.053). We observed an increase in methionine content by 33% (p=0.046) in PL and an increase in tryptophan content by 24% (p=0.046) in HC. Conclusion. One-hour TCI caused the following changes in the AA pool: an increase in the content of aromatic AA (tyrosine and tryptophan) and methionine; an increase in the content of L-arginine; and also, an increase in the concentration of the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine.
Sexual differences in the body composition of adolescent medical students living in the Penza region
Heading: Human anatomy Article type: Original article
Authors: Kalmin O.V., Lukyanenko D.A., Galkina T.N., Frunze E.M., Kalmin O.O.
Organization: Penza State University
Objective: to identify gender differences in the body composition of adolescent medical students living in the Penza region. Material and methods. The object of the study were 239 people (97 boys and 142 girls) aged 16-21, born in the period 1999-2004 and permanently residing in the city of Penza and the Penza region. For the study, so-matometry was carried out according to the method of V. V. Bunak with subsequent somatotyping by the method of indices and calculation of the component composition of the body (according to the method of J. Matejka). Results. Absolute indicators of the component composition of the body of young men: the mass of the fat component is 16.74 (11.60; 25.68) kg, the mass of the bone component is 9.67 ± 0.18 kg, the mass of the muscle component is 26.11 (20.46; 31.78) kg. In girls, these indicators had the following values: the mass of the fat component was 19.8 (14.81; 26.12) kg, the mass of the bone component was 8.53 (7.34; 9.47) kg, the mass of the muscle component was 14.63 (10.53; 18.68) kg. Conclusions. For boys, there is a significant predominance of weight and height indicators (by 7% and 18.9%, respectively) and the muscular component of the body (by 44% among absolute indicators and 1.4 times among relative ones), for girls — the values of skin-fat folds (by 11.8% and 42.9%) and the fat component of the body (by 15.5% among absolute indicators and 1.4 times among relative ones).
Hygienic characteristic of the UV led irraditor for the disinfecting surfaces and indoor air
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Miklis N.I., Burak I.I., Zheleznyak N.V.
Organization: Vitebsk State Order of Peoples Friendship Medical University
Objective: to assess from the hygienic point of view the bactericidal characteristics and effectiveness of disinfection of surfaces and indoor air with the developed bactericidal ultraviolet LED irradiator (BUI-L). Material and methods. The studies were carried out in scientific laboratories in conditions close to natural, by usage of standard modern hygienic, physical and microbiological methods. Results. The BUI-L is characterized by hygienic and environmental safety at usage, lower power consumption, ultraviolet radiation power, total biocidal flux, surface and volume density of biocidal flux and biocidal energy by 2.5-5.6 times, operating energy illumination and energy exposure in spectrum С is less in 4.4-5.5 times, in spectrum В — more in 5.8-9.3 times in comparison with the standard bactericidal ultraviolet mercury irradiator. BUI-L during disinfection of the surface contaminated with the Escherichia coli test culture inhibits its growth on 98.2%, Staphylococcus aureus — on 96.4%, air contaminated with S. aureus — 98.8% respectively, in comparison with the control. Conclusion. The irradiator meets the regulatory hygienic requirements and can be recommended for disinfecting air and surfaces during sanitary and anti-epidemic measures to prevent infectious diseases, including health care associated infections in healthcare organizations.
8-year-old child's Nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn (clinical case)
Heading: Dermatology Article type: Case report
Authors: Sormolotova I.N., Rashevskaya Т.А., Rybak I.P., Belousova E.I.
Organization: Chita State Medical Academy, Chita, Russia
Nevus sebaceous of Jadassohn is a rare congenital malformation of the adnexal structures of the skin. The prevalence of this pathology is 0.3% of the total number of formations on the skin of newborns and young children. Using a clinical case as an example, the clinical picture, diagnostic criteria and modern approaches to the treatment of sebaceous nevus are considered.
Clinical characteristics and outcomes of anemic patients with coronary artery disease after percutaneous coronary intervention (systematic review)
Heading: Cardiology Article type: Review
Authors: Simonyan M.A., Klochkov V.A., Gordeev I.A., Kalyuta T.Yu., Kiselev A.R., Gridnev V.I., Posnenkova O.M.
Organization: National Research Centre for Therapy and Preventive Medicine, Saratov State Medical University
Objective: to explore clinical characteristics and the influence of anemic syndrome on long-term outcomes of patients with coronary artery disease underwent percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI). Review writing methodology. A systematic review was performed according to PRISMA methodology using PubMed, Google Scholar, eLibrary, CyberLeninka databases. Search depth —from 2000 to 2022. The review included 16 original studies. Conclusion. It was shown that the patients with PCI and anemia were older, predominantly male sex as compared with patients without anemic syndrome. The risk of adverse short- and long-term outcomes (myocardial infarction, stroke, major bleeding, cardiovascular and non-cardiovascular death) was significantly increased in anemic patients even with a slight decrease in hemoglobin according to WHO criteria (less than 130 g/lfor men and less than 120 g/l for women). But majority of patients were not fit with the criteria of light grade of anemia according federal clinical guidelines (hemoglobin 90-110 g/l). The influence of anemia on outcomes becomes the most significant 12 months after PCI.