2017, volume 13
The far long-wave ultraviolet lichen planus therapy with the use of clearing agents
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Artemina ЕМ, Utz SR, Zimnyakov DA, Slesarenko NA, Yuvchenko SA.
Organization: Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin, Saratov State Medical University
The goal: to increase the effectiveness of far long-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with lichen planus using immersion agents. Materials and Methods. The study included 50 patients aged from 18 to 65 years with typical and hypertrophic forms of lichen planus who had received UVA1-therapy. All the patients were divided into 2 groups: in the 1-st group before the phototherapy on the elements of lichen planus caused an clearing agent propylene glycol (PG) and in the 2nd group PG was not used. The dynamics of the enlightenment of the skin was assessed using optical coherence tomography. After the end of treatment was a decrease in mean group values of ILP 96% of the original value, pruritic index 98%, DLQI 87% respectively. Results. In the 1-st group patients occurred more rapid resolution of the pathological process, the rate of phototherapy was 15-20 procedures. In the 2nd group to complete resolution of the pathological process, required an increase in the number of procedures to 20-25. Conclusion. Far long-wave UV therapy showed high efficacy and compliance in patients with lichen planus, the use of the 1,2-PG allowed to shorten the duration of treatment of patients.
losif Karlovich Sukhostav — the pages of his biography
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Short message
Authors: Eremin V.I., Zayats N.A., Abramkina S.S., Bogdanova A.A.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
This article presents brief biographical information of I. K. Sukhostav. It describes his scientific and practical contribution to the control of epidemics, and to the development of sanitary health services in the Saratov region.
The importance of communicative competencies while training a general practitioner
Heading: Pedagogics and Education Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Sidorova N.V., Shemetova G.N., Gubanova G.V.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
The aim of the article is to present the opinion of the authors on the development of the doctor-patient relations in recent years. The importance of communicative competence for the professional activity of a general practitioner, where communication acts as a diagnostic, preventive, treatment and rehabilitation tool. The role of clinical faculty in particular departments of outpatient therapy and general medical practice is determined in the formation of communicative skills of students. The proposed educational technology for the practical implementation of the tasks is considered in the article.
Social self-esteem: theoretical and methodological approaches to research
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Review
Authors: Usova E.N.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
The perspective of the analysis of the phenomenon of the social well-being of patients with chronic diseases from the standpoint of the sociology of medicine is proved. Modern approaches to the study of social well-being within the framework of sociological and psychological approaches are singled out. The importance of studying the levels of social well-being (institutional and individual) is presented to explain the individual's chosen strategies of behavior in the disease situation. The vectors of operationalization of the category of social well-being within the sociology of medicine are indicated.
Psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Popkov V.M., Bugaeva I.O., Andriyanova Е.А., Aranovich I.Yu., Katkova A.V., Chernyshkova E.V., Aranovich L.M.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
The goal was to determine psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students. Material and Methods. The survey of 84 students (of the 3rd and the 5th year of medical faculty of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky) was carried out using a combination of methods (questionnaire, testing) aimed to achieve the research goal. Results. Features of reproductive attitudes and reproductive intentions of students, as well as psychological characteristics of youth, such as personal maturity, belief in people and value orientations were studied. Psy- chological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students were determined. Conclusion. It was revealed that reproductive attitudes among students of the 5th year were higher than those of the 3rd year. There were gender differences in psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among students. It was experimentally established that existence of faith in people, high level of personal maturity, high importance of personal values, altruistic values and values of acceptance of others had a positive impact on reproductive attitudes among young people. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were developed with the aim to improve reproductive attitudes and psychological readiness for parenting of medical students.
Variants of clinical manifestation of retroduodenal perforation at endoscopic papillosphincterotomy
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Osumbekov R.B.
Objective: to study clinical manifestations of retroduodenal perforations in conducting ES and instrumental revision of the bile ducts, the study of predisposing factors, determining the optimal equipment trial cannulation. Material and Methods. On the experience of 41 observations was studied manifested symptoms, anatomical features, technology ES. Results. Retroduodenal perforation manifests progressive subcutaneous emphysema in the first 12 hours after EPST, acute dynamic ileus in the same period, pain with preserved peristalsis and more remote: hepatoduodenal ligament abscess, duodenal fistula of retroperitoneal space and pneumomediastinum. The use of conductors reduces the occurrence of perforation in 40%. Conclusion. It is revealed that retroduodenal perforation may occur in 6 clinical variants predisposing factors are atypical anatomical variants, trial cannulations without the use of conductors.
Clinical and morphological features of diagnosis and treatment of various forms of primary hyperparathyorosis
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Kovalenko Yu.V., Tolstokorov A.S., Kravchenya A.R., Khubolov A.M., Manakhov G.A.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
Objective: optimization of the diagnostic algorithm and treatment methods for different clinical forms of the primary hyperparathyroidism. Material and Methods. The article presents the results of examination and operative treatment of 59 patients diagnosed with the primary hyperparathyroidism, such patients having symptoms specific for the disease or having no symptoms of the same. Results. We have not revealed intraoperative complications after surgical interference; laboratory findings have been normalized in 96.6% of cases. The patients having undergone the surgery have been followed up for 12 months with no relapse. 11.9% of the patients have been diagnosed with the asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism. Conclusions. Parathyroidectomy is the only radical and effective treatment for the primary hyperparathyroidism. Parathyroidectomy performed surgically to the proper extent, prevents the relapse as well as development of diseases resulting from the primary hyperparathyroidism.
Physical factors impact on the status of regional hemodynamics and processes of microcirculation in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Samoylov A.S., Kulchitskaya D.B., Kolbakhova S.N., Goloborodko E.M., Bokov A.l., Konchugova T.V., Kiyatkin V.A.
Organization: Russian Scientific Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
The goal of the research is to study the impact of vacuum interference therapy on the state of the regional hemodynamics and the processes of microcirculation among patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis. Material and Meth- ods. The study included 90 patients with average age 32.5 years with chronic bacterial prostatitis in a latent phase of inflammation. The study was conducted on a comparative basis using three randomized groups of patients (n=30), comparable on all criteria, divided depending on the methods applied into two treatment groups and one control group. Besides, the originally assigned basic medication treatment was an obligatory component in all three groups. Results. After therapy course the more significant results in hemodynamic changes were shown in the group of patients who received vacuum-interference therapy. The second group, which received interference currents, there was also positive dynamics in the hemodynamic parameters, but to a smaller extent, while in the control group there were no vivid changes found in the studied parameters. Conclusion. The course treatment using vacuum interference therapy among patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis had a significant positive corrective effect on the system of hemodynamics.
Physiotherapeutic methods in treating patients with chronic abacterial prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome: current and development perspectives
Heading: Urology Article type: Review
Authors: Popkov V.M., Churakov А.А., Dolgov А.В., Rossolovsky A.N., Spirin P.V.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
Chronic abacterial prostatitis / chronic pelvic pain syndrome is one of the most common diseases in urological practice. Physical factors are widely used in treatment of this pathology. This literature review is devoted to study of role of physiotherapeutic methods in treatment of chronic abacterial prostatitis and prospects for development of this therapeutic direction.
Dynamics of angiogenesis and inflammation biomarkers in patients with urolithic disease with obstructive uropathy
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Popkov V.M., Zakharova N.B., Ponukalin A.N., Polozov A.B., Khotko D.N., Khotko A.l., Spirin P.V.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
Purpose: to establish the nature of changes in markers of angiogenesis and inflammation in the blood serum and urine in patients with obstruction of the ureteropelvic segment or upper third of the ureter by ureteral stones in different terms of the kidney drainage. Material and Methods. 53 patients with urolithiasis have been examined. The main group consisted of 33 patients with concrements of the upper third of the ureter or renal pelvis-ureteral segment with pres- ent obstructive uropathy. The comparison group consisted of 20 patients with calculi of the kidney without symptoms of obstruction. In the main group patients underwent drainage of the kidney by percutaneous-nephrostomy puncture. Results. Patients of the main group revealed a significant increase in the levels of markers of angiogenesis and inflammation before the kidney drainage. The level of MCP-1 correlated with the level of serum creatinine. In the process of drainage the levels of these markers were decreased as a result of increased GFR. Determination of the concentration of urinary VEGF, IL-8 and MCP-1 in patients may have clinical value in personalized management of patients with obstructive uropathy to determine the optimal terms of the second stage of the surgical intervention. Conclusion. Determination of markers of inflammation and angiogenesis in the urine of patients in conjunction with assessment of renal function by creatinine level is important for determining the term of kidney drainage.