Physical factors impact on the status of regional hemodynamics and processes of microcirculation in patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis
Heading: Urology Article type: Original article
Authors: Samoylov A.S., Kulchitskaya D.B., Kolbakhova S.N., Goloborodko E.M., Bokov A.l., Konchugova T.V., Kiyatkin V.A.
Organization: Russian Scientific Center for Medical Rehabilitation and Balneology, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
The goal of the research is to study the impact of vacuum interference therapy on the state of the regional hemodynamics and the processes of microcirculation among patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis. Material and Meth- ods. The study included 90 patients with average age 32.5 years with chronic bacterial prostatitis in a latent phase of inflammation. The study was conducted on a comparative basis using three randomized groups of patients (n=30), comparable on all criteria, divided depending on the methods applied into two treatment groups and one control group. Besides, the originally assigned basic medication treatment was an obligatory component in all three groups. Results. After therapy course the more significant results in hemodynamic changes were shown in the group of patients who received vacuum-interference therapy. The second group, which received interference currents, there was also positive dynamics in the hemodynamic parameters, but to a smaller extent, while in the control group there were no vivid changes found in the studied parameters. Conclusion. The course treatment using vacuum interference therapy among patients with chronic bacterial prostatitis had a significant positive corrective effect on the system of hemodynamics.
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