The far long-wave ultraviolet lichen planus therapy with the use of clearing agents
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Artemina ЕМ, Utz SR, Zimnyakov DA, Slesarenko NA, Yuvchenko SA.
Organization: Saratov State Technical University n.a. Yu.A. Gagarin, Saratov State Medical University
The goal: to increase the effectiveness of far long-wave ultraviolet therapy in patients with lichen planus using immersion agents. Materials and Methods. The study included 50 patients aged from 18 to 65 years with typical and hypertrophic forms of lichen planus who had received UVA1-therapy. All the patients were divided into 2 groups: in the 1-st group before the phototherapy on the elements of lichen planus caused an clearing agent propylene glycol (PG) and in the 2nd group PG was not used. The dynamics of the enlightenment of the skin was assessed using optical coherence tomography. After the end of treatment was a decrease in mean group values of ILP 96% of the original value, pruritic index 98%, DLQI 87% respectively. Results. In the 1-st group patients occurred more rapid resolution of the pathological process, the rate of phototherapy was 15-20 procedures. In the 2nd group to complete resolution of the pathological process, required an increase in the number of procedures to 20-25. Conclusion. Far long-wave UV therapy showed high efficacy and compliance in patients with lichen planus, the use of the 1,2-PG allowed to shorten the duration of treatment of patients.
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