Psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Popkov V.M., Bugaeva I.O., Andriyanova Е.А., Aranovich I.Yu., Katkova A.V., Chernyshkova E.V., Aranovich L.M.
Organization: Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology Orthopedics and Neurosurgery of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovsky
The goal was to determine psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students. Material and Methods. The survey of 84 students (of the 3rd and the 5th year of medical faculty of Saratov State Medical University n.a. V. I. Razumovsky) was carried out using a combination of methods (questionnaire, testing) aimed to achieve the research goal. Results. Features of reproductive attitudes and reproductive intentions of students, as well as psychological characteristics of youth, such as personal maturity, belief in people and value orientations were studied. Psy- chological predictors of reproductive attitudes among medical students were determined. Conclusion. It was revealed that reproductive attitudes among students of the 5th year were higher than those of the 3rd year. There were gender differences in psychological predictors of reproductive attitudes among students. It was experimentally established that existence of faith in people, high level of personal maturity, high importance of personal values, altruistic values and values of acceptance of others had a positive impact on reproductive attitudes among young people. Based on the results of the study, recommendations were developed with the aim to improve reproductive attitudes and psychological readiness for parenting of medical students.
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