2017, volume 13
Photodynamic therapy of psoriasis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Utz S.R., Dobdina A.Ju., Talnikova Е.Е., Utz I.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The review presents literature data on the use of photodynamic therapy in the treatment of psoriasis. In addition, the article discloses aspects of the mechanism of action, indications and contraindications, as well as the development of possible side effects when using this phototherapeutic technique.
Assessment of the efficiency of cyclosporine use in psoriasis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Kruglova L.S., Ponich E.S., Osina A.V., Gryazeva N.V.
Organization: Central State Medical Academy of the ADP of the Russian Federation
The article presents a review of randomized studies involving patients with severe psoriasis, which showed that after 10-12 weeks of monotherapy with cyclosporine there was a decline of the Index of prevalence and severity of psoriasis (PASI). After achieving clinical remission must be decided on a gradual reduction of the dose of cyclosporine to the lowest effective dose, or the complete abolition of the medication. Simultaneous use of cyclosporine and UVB at the moment is not widely studied. Combined use of methotrexate and cyclosporine has been used successfully in the treatment of rheumatoid and psoriatic arthritis. The combined intake of cyclosporine and systemic biological agents should be used in exceptional cases of severe forms of psoriasis, not amenable to other treatments, and only for a limited period of time.
Vitiligo: modern methods of therapy
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Talnikova Е.Е., Svenskaya Yu.l., Dobdina A.Ju., Fatakhova Kh.V., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov state university
This brief review focuses on the main issues of vitiligo treatment. The article provides insight into modern methods of dermatosis therapy discussing their potential, efficiency, safety, as well as represents a variety of standard treatment regimens.
Analysis of the various schemes efficiency of methotrexate use in psoriasis treatment
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kruglova L.S., Ponich E.S., Osina A.V., Griazeva N.V.
Organization: BU Khanty-Mansi Autonomous District— Yugra «Khanty-Mansi clinical skin and venereologic dispensary», Central State Medical Academy of the ADP of the Russian Federation
Currently, there has been a steady increase in the incidence of psoriasis, including severe forms. It is extremely important for psoriasis to administrate medicines in time. Methotrexate inhibits the increased proliferation of keratinocytes, inhibits the production of such inflammatory mediators as leukotrienes, TNF-a, collagenase, IL-1, IL-6, but at the same time it increases production of anti-inflammatory IL-10. Objective: to analyze the efficacy of methotrexate in various forms of psoriasis. Material and Methods. Under observation in the period from 2011 to 2016 were 516 patients, including those treated with methotrexate. Methotrexate was assigned according to the scheme: 1st injection 10mg/week, with no adverse effects 20-25 mg/week. All patients received folic acid at a dose of 20-40 mg/day for 5 days starting 3 days after the injection of methotrexate. Evaluation of efficiency was carried out using indices of dermatological status and quality of life. Results. Achievement of clinical remission was observed in 257 (49.7%) in patients; achieving a significant improvement was noted in 32 (6.2%) patients; achieving improvements in 126 (24.4%) patients; no effect 33 (6.4%) patients, and deterioration (further progression of skin lesions) were observed in 68 (13.2%) patients. Conclusion. Methotrexate has a high efficacy in such clinical forms of psoriasis as vulgar (64.9%), inverse (63.9%), exudative (44.7%), and pustular palmar-plantar psoriasis 12.9%.
Clinical polymorphism of lichen ruber planus
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Slesarenko N.A., Utz S.R., Bakulev A.L., Eremina М.G., Sherstneva V.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The relevance of the topic is due to the high frequency of occurrence in the structure of dermatological diseases. The number of patients is steadily increasing, with children often becoming sick. The etiology of dermatosis is unknown. The review presents the data of domestic and foreign authors on the features of the clinical picture, variants of the flow of red flat lichen, depending on provoking factors.
The role of dermatoscopy in diagnostics superficial disseminated actinic po-rokeratosis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Case report
Authors: Sherstobitova K.Y., Utz S.R., Shnaider D.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
We present a case of disseminated superficial actinic porokeratosis and describe general dermoscopic features.
A clinical case of Stevens-Johnson syndrome in a patient with pustular psoriasis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Utz S.R., Bakulev A.L., Morrison A.V., Igonina I.A., Ardalina O.O.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research 2017; 13 (3): 646-648. The article presents a clinical case of Stevens — Johnson syndrome and generalized pustular patient with HIV-infection. The characteristic of anamnestic, clinical, laboratory data is present. The cause of acute allergic reactions and the formation of severe dermatosis in a patient with HIV-infection are considered.
Clinical case of Larva migrans diagnostics
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Case report
Authors: Eremina M.G., Slesarenko N.A., Roschepkin V.V., Koshkin A.P.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The relevance of the topic is due to the rare occurrence in our locality of skin lesions of nematodes of the species Ancylostoma, Stronguloides, Necator, which are widespread in the tropics and subtropics, but now, due to the increasing migration of the population around the world, present a difficult diagnostic problem and cause difficulties in choosing tactics of treatment.
General antioxidant activity of blood of patients with limited sclerodermia and its correction
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Tlish M.M., Sorokina N.V.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University
Objective: to increase efficiency and to reduce the time of treatment of patients with circumscribed sclerodermia. Material and Methods. 60 patients with circumscribed sclerodermia were under supervision. Two groups of these patients were formed with method of adaptive randomization. In the comparison group the patients received standard therapy according to the federal clinical guidelines. In the general group the standard complex treatment with additional antioxidant therapy was underwent. The course of treatment in all patients was 21 days. The results of treatment were evaluated in accordance with the dynamics of cutaneous pathological process and the concentration of common an-tioxidants. Results. Based on the obtained results of the assessment of the dynamics of the cutaneous pathological process, it is obvious that the regress of dermatosis was more rapid and more active in the general group and was accompanied by a more pronounced increase in the total antioxidant activity of the blood. Conclusion. The proposed method of treatment, having an antioxidant effect and high clinical efficacy, enhances the general antioxidant activity of the blood and allows reducing the duration of treatment of patients with circumscribed scleroderma and, as a consequence, the course of systemic and local corticosteroid therapy.
Evaluation of the wound healing capacity of the gel form of the preparation "Mellisol" on the model of experimental planar wounds
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Myl'nikov A.M., Nechaeva O.V., Zayarskiy D.A., Bespalova N.V., Mudrak D.A., Navolokin N.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov
Objective: to study the wound healing activity of the gel form of the "Mellisol" preparation containing nanoaggregates of flavonoids stabilized with polyazolidine ammonium modified with iodine hydrate ions on a model of experimental planar wounds of rats. Material and Methods. An investigation of the wound healing activity of the gel form of the "Mellisol" preparation was carried out in vivo in 18 white laboratory rats of the Wistar line. Simulation of experimental planar wounds was performed according to the standard procedure described in the preclinical testing manual. Results. In the course of the studies, it was established that a statistically significant (p=0.045) acceleration of healing on the 12th day of the experiment occurred in animals of the experimental group on whose wounds the gel form of the cosmetic means "Mellisol" was applied, and the complete healing of the wound defect occurred on the 21st day after operation. Conclusion. The gel form of the preparation "Mellisol" is characterized by a high level of antimicrobial and regenerative activity reliably reducing the healing time for planar wounds without the development of microbial complications.