Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

2010, volume 6

Principal causes and pragmatically criteria unfavorable outcomes at the new-bo rns, which have transferred intraventricular hemorrhages

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 658-663
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Semenkov O.G., lova A.S., Solomov I.A.
Organization: Saint-Peterburgs Medical Academi of Postgraduate Studies, Saint-Peterburgs, Children's Hospital of the Ulyanovsk Region, Ulyanovsk, Children's Hospital of the Saratovsk Region, Saratov

Authors analysed 331 cases of neonatal intraventricular hemorrhages and studied the feature of occurrence, a current and outcome. The leading place in the attendant pathology-hemorrhages and hydrocephalic syndrome was confirmed. The outcomes of disease and results of treatment intraventrucular hemorrhages in newborns was improved

Keywords: neonatal infants, intraventricular hemorrhages

Psycho-autonomic and urodynamic disorders in children with primary nocturnal enuresis

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 653-658
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Nesterenko O.V., Koroleva I.V., Goremykin V.I., Elisarova S.U., Khignyak A.M, Protopopov A.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The analysis of psycho-autonomic status, urodynamics of lower urinary tract, the character of family education in children with various courses of primary night enuresis (PNE) was made. 198 children with PNE and 36 healthy children who formed the control group were examined. It was found out that children with PNE were observed to have detrusion-sphincter dissynergy and inadequate family education; the severity of enuresis correlated with the severity of minimal brain dysfunctions. Peculiarities of autonomic regulation in children with primary nocturnal enuresis were caused by stable increase of the parasympathetic nervous system tonus and decrease of the sympathetic nervous system tonus, the severity of the both increasing with the increase of the disease severity

Keywords: urine dynamics, seventy, psychology, psycho-autonomic, primary nocturnal enuresis

Clinical features of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease in children

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 650-653
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Malakhinova N.A.
Organization: Russian State Medical University

The article presents the data of age, manifestation, localization and clinical features of course of Crohn's disease and nonspecific ulcerative colitis. A total of 85 children with Crohn's disease and 101 children with nonspecific ulcerative colitis have been under study

Keywords: nonspecific ulcerative colitis, inflammatory bowel disease, Crohn’s disease, children

Peculiarities of Lipid Spectrum in Children with short stature

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 646-650
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Kopytina E.V.
Organization: Lipetsk, Regional Children Hospital

The research goal is to examine the lipid spectrum and to evaluate the effectiveness of somatropin therapy for correcting metabolic disorders in children with various forms of short stature. 60 children (30 with growth hormone deficiency and 30 with constitutional delayed growth) have been examined. Total cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein, high-density lipoprotein in blood serum have been studied before treatment and after one year of somatropin therapy. Atherogenic coefficient has been calculated. The results have been compared with the control group. Dyslipidemia characterized by increase of total cholesterol level (4.70±1.51 mmol/l) and low-density lipoprotein (2.46±1.04 mmol/l) has been found in children with growth hormone deficiency. 13.3% of those children had increased atherogenic coefficient. Increase of low-density lipoprotein level (2.64±0.39 mmol/l) and of high-density lipoprotein level (1.96±0.56 mmol/l) in children with constitutional delayed growth has been observed. Due to somatropin therapy these indicators have been normalized within the year in patients of both groups. Dyslipidemia remained stable in children with constitutional delayed growth, who did not receive somatropin treatment. The influence of growth hormone deficiency on dyslipidemia development in children with short stature and effectiveness of somatropin therapy for correcting lipids disorders have been demonstrated

Keywords: somatropin, short stature, lipids, children

Eextremely low birth weight newborn

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 640-646
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Review
Authors: Bochkova L.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article analyses the modern state and the history of the extremely low birth-weight newborns problem. The specific medical characteristics of these newborns, connected with their morphofunctional immaturity, are presented. Definitions, diagnostics criteria and main sectors of medical care for patients with typical disorders of neonatal adaptation for this group are given. Substantial reasons for creating a complex program of early medical care are given, and the tasks of this program are formulated. Solving these tasks will provide safe survival of the extremely low birth-weight infants

Keywords: prematurely-born, extremely low weight, extreme immaturity

Electroencephalography characteristic in infected newborns by chlamydias

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 637-639
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Mikailova Z.N.
Organization: Azerbaijan State Institute of Advanced Medical Studies n.a. A. Aliev

50 newborns born at mothers with urogenital clamidiosis have been examined. Control group have made 25 newborns born at healthy mothers. Following methods of inspection were applied: anamnestic, clinical, neuroelektrophysi-ologic. As a result of research conclusions have been conclude . At perinatal lesions of central nervous system (CNS), in consequence of clamidiosis infection, the picture of bioelectric activity of a brain of the newborn is characterised by infringement of processes of formation of the basic rhythm and differentiation degree of cortical activity, the expressed residual organic changes and presence of signs of hypertension syndrome formation

Keywords: newborn, EEQ, chlamydial infection

Neurosyphilis: problems of diagnostics and classification

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 632-636
Heading: Neurology Article type: Review
Authors: Kolokolov O.V., Sholomov I.I., Bakulev A.L., Kravchenya S.S., Kolokolova A.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The study involved 1315 patients with various forms of syphilis. In 282 patients neurosyphilis was diagnosed. The detailed description of clinical picture of disease and the results of laboratory studies are given. Questions of tactics of medical examination, modern classification of neurosyphilis forms are discussed. The actions are discussed, allowing to increase probability of a favorable outcome of disease

Keywords: syphilis, pathomorphosis, neurosyphilis, nervous system, classification

Functional regulation of movements in rehabilitation of patients with spinal cord injury

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 628-632
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kiselev D.A., Laisheva О.А., Gubanov V.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Russian State Medical University

The new therapeutic method of functional regulation of movements (FRM) as a part of treatment course for children with cerebral paralysis was developed. It is an individual technique of consensual work of anatomically remote muscular groups. This approach provides the influence on mechanisms of pathological activity of central nervous system by means of including deep regulating processes representing ontogenetic programs of motor activity. This technique has the advantage of immediate formation of correct motor stereotype and highly individual approach that promotes increase of therapy effectiveness

Keywords: treatment program, technique, spinal cord, rehabilitation, physical activity, movement, injury, children's cerebral paralysis

Transcranial electrostimulation in patients with alcoholic encephalopathy

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 625-628
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Barylnik Yu.B., Lim V.G., Shchetinin S.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The method of transcranial electrostimulation (TES) was used for treating patients with alcoholic encephalopathy against the background of the basic treatment, which includes nootropics, normotimics, soporifics, over-all strengthening therapy and other devices. The course of treatment consisted of 10 daily procedures lasting for 30 minutes. The TES influence was evaluated according to the clinical state, the neurologic status, including EEG (electroencephalogram), the psychometric scales were also used for evaluating the manifestation of depression, anxiety and working memory in comparison with appropriate indices in the control group of patients, who were being treated by the traditional method. TES led to normalization of health state, neurologic status and vegetative innervation, the reduction in pathologic inclination, which corresponded to general improvement of the state of patients, EEG indices and psychometric scales

Keywords: transcranial electrostimulation, psychometric tests, alcoholic encephalopathy

Increased serum homocysteine levels and glutathione-S-transferase activities in alcoholic patients attending de-addiction centre

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 620-624
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Kulkarni S.R., Ravindra К.Р., Dhume С., Rataboli P.V., Rodrigues E., Rodrigues E.E.
Organization: India, Mumbai-8, Byculla, Grant Medical College & Sir J.J. Group of Hospital, India, Mumbai- 400 098, Kalina, University of Mumbai, India, Goa 403 202, PO. Bambolim Complex, Goa Medical College

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on serum Malondialdehyde, homocysteine status and glutathione-S -transferase (GST) activities in alcoholics consuming illicit liquor from lower socioeconomic background attending deaddiction centre. The study was conducted in ninety alcoholic patients consuming illicit liquor from lower socio-economic background attending de-addiction centre and compared to healthy non alcoholic controls (n=90). Serum Malondialdehyde (MDA), serum homocysteine and activities of antioxidant enzyme glutathione-S - transferase (GST) were estimated. Alcoholics consuming illicit liquor attending de-addiction centre displayed significantly higher values of serum MDA concentration, serum homocysteine levels and serum GST activities as compared to their non alcoholic healthy controls belonging to the same socio-economic background. Our results indicate that increase in serum Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration marker of oxidative stress, serum homocysteine levels and serum glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activities may enhance the susceptibility to vascular diseases in heavy illicit drinkers with poor nutritional status

Keywords: homocysteine, glutathione-S-transferase, alcohol