2010, volume 6
Clinical way method in treatment of out-patients with ischemic heart disease after cardiosurgery
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Vardosanidze S.L., Galstyan A.S.
Organization: Stavropol State Medical University
158 patients with ischemic heart disease (IHD) have been understudy during the period of 12 months in out-patient conditions. After completion of the primary examination all the patients of basic group (118 patients) received clinical way method of treatment. Patients of the comparison group (40 patients) after provided treatment were cared by their local therapeutists (cardiologists). The findings proved the fact that treatment of patients after cardiosurgery by clinical way method in out-patient conditions enabled to raise patient motivation to treatment, thereby assisting them to feel better, promoting normalization of arterial pressure data. The research results stated that clinical way method of treatment may be considered as rational and effective
Functional status assessment of adolescents with different forms of influence for performed offences
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Polovnikova А.А., Ponomarev S.B.
Organization: Izhevsk Scientific Research Institute of Federal Service of Penal System
The purpose of the study was to compare the functional status of adolescents, depending on the measure of impact of the offense. The data received indicated lower functional status of convicted adolescents, especially those with para-suicide behavior. Adolescents who were used humane methods of punishment for committed offenses demonstrated changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory systems only in the form of significant increase of stress index, while other parameters remained normal. The role of physical exercise in the correction of violations was under the study
Orthodontic and orthopedic care of adult patients with different types of temporomandibular joint structure
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Listopadov М.А., Lepilin A.M., Konnov V.V., Gavryushova L.V., Arushanyan A.R.
Organization: Saratov Stomatological Polyclinic № 5, Saratov State Medical University
The purpose of the research is to identify types of temporomandibular joint structure by tomogram data and to explain the choice of methods to perform complex treatment of adult patients with dental and facial anomalies and deformations. Temporomandibular joints tomogram images of 106 patients with dental and facial anomalies and deformations served as the research material. The types of temporomandibular joint structure were determined and criteria for treatment choice in adult patients with dental and facial anomalies and deformations were worked out. The data obtained allow improving efficiency of complex (orthodontic and orthopedic) treatment of adult patients with dental and facial anomalies and deformations
Periodontitis in patients with focal tuberculosis
Heading: Stomatology Article type: Original article
Authors: Alexandrova Е.А., Lepilin A.V., Kazimirova N.E., Shuldyakov А.А.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Clinical Hospital n.a. S.R. Mirotvortsev, Consultative Stomatological Polyclinic № 1
The research goal is to investigate the mechanisms of formation and peculiarities of periodontitis in patients with focal tuberculosis. Patients with periodontitis and focal tuberculosis are proved to develop local inflammatory reaction with increased infection and activation of proinflammatory cytokines in parodontal pockets fluid. The main risk factor of frequent and durable recurrence of parodontal pathology in case of focal tuberculosis was the development of pathologic process as a cause of disbalance of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system, endotoxicosis syndrome
Physical development of newborns of Voronezh region over the last 25 years
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Ovodkova O.N., Ippolitova L.I.
Organization: Voronezh State Medical University n.a. N.N. Burdenko
Changes in physical sizes and appearance of the child are manifestations of clinical, biochemical, neurologic and physiological changes which take place in childhood. The aim of the research is a comparative analysis of indicators of physical development of 11 437 newborns from Voronezh and Voronezh region over the last 25 years. Four basic anthropometrical signs in newborns- body mass, body length, head circumference, breast circumference - have been studied. Obstetric-gynecologic analysis of mothers anamneses have been carried. It was established that indicators of physical development differ in Voronezh and Voronezh region. Also the interrelation between physical development of newborns and anthropometrical indicators of women has been determined. The seasonal tendency of indicators of head circumference has been revealed
Twin birth order, birthweight and birthweight discordance: any relationship
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Onyiriuka A.N.
Organization: Nigeria, University of Benin Teaching Hospital
Background: It is widely believed that in twin pairs, at birth, the first-born weigh more than the second-born but this concept has been challenged. Objective: To assess the truthfulness of this common concept that first-born twins are usually heavier than their second-born siblings at birth. Methods: In a series of 104 sets of live-born twins, the birth weights of first-born twins were compared with those of their second-born siblings, after controlling for gender. Their intra-pair birthweight differences were determined and twin pairs whose birthweight difference was 15% or more were designated as discordant. Results: Twin I was heavier than Twin II in 61.5% of cases while Twin II was heavier than Twin I in 28.9% of cases. Twins I and II had equal birthweights in 9.6% of cases. Comparing the mean birthweight of the first-born-male twin with that of second-born- male twin, it was 2515+427g (95% Confidence Interval, CI=2402-2628) versus 2432 +435g (95% CI=2321-2543) p>0.05. The mean birthweight of first-born-female twin was 2326+445g (95% CI=2214-2439) while that of the second-born-female twin was 2325+501g (95% CI=2197-2453) p>0.05. When the birthweight difference exceeded 750g, the probability that Twin I will be heavier than Twin II was 83.3% (5 of 6). Conclusion: Although the first-born twin was more often heavier than their second-born siblings, either could weigh more or less at birth. The larger the birthweight difference between growth-discordant twin pair, the greater the probability that the heavier twin would be delivered first
Structural and clinikal displays of discogenic radiculopathy in combination with haemangioma of spine
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Fomina AM, Bugaeva I.O., Salina E.A., Sholomov I.I.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The work presents the examination results of 104 patients with the symptoms of lumbosacral compressive radiculopathy. The intensity of pain syndrome at rest, in physical exertion and at night was assessed by visual analogue and verbal assessment scales. Magnetic resonance tomography was used to examine the condition of vertebral bodies, degenerative changes of invertebral discs and the size and location of invertebral disc extrusion. The results of the study has led to the conclusion that disc syndrome in combination with spinal hemangioma is accompanied in most cases by lower limb chronic venous insufficiency, urination disorders and has no direct influence on pain intensity
Heart rate variability in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia
Heading: Neurology Article type: Original article
Authors: Smyshlaeva О.М.
Organization: Igevsk State Medical Academy
The purpose of the work is to estimate the status of autonomic nervous system in patients with chronic cerebral ischemia by means of the analysis of heart rate variability at various stages of disease. 120 patients with chronic cerebral ischemia aged from 45 to 65 took part in the research. The comparison group included 30 patients with an arterial hypertension and without chronic cerebral ischemia. Heart rate variability analisis included time-domain and frequency-domain methods of five-minute sequence of the electrocardiographic intervals registered in at rest and in or-thostatic probe. The results of research have shown, that autonomic disorders with prevalence of sympathetic nervous system accompany initial implications of chronic cerebral ischemia. The second stage of disease is characterized by depression of activity of both autonomic, and central regulation. The expressed depression of autonomic maintenance of regulation of heart rhythm of both from sympathetic, and from parasympathetic nervous system was observed at the third stage of chronic cerebral ischemia
Pathogenetic aspects of alcoholic encephalopathy treatment
Heading: Narcology Article type: Review
Authors: Shchetinin S.G., Barylnik Yu.B., Lim V.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Alcohol is considered to be the most common exogenous toxins, causing encephalopathy. The defeat of almost all parts of the nervous system should be assigned to the special features of ethanol. Neurophysiological mechanisms of development of substance dependence are based in the stem and limbic structures of the brain that are involved in ensuring the regulation of emotional state, mood, motivation sphere, psychophysical tone of human behavior in general and its adaptation to the environment. Stress or disruption of the normal functioning of these structures can lead to the formation of abstinence syndrome, affective disorders in remission and craving for alcohol. Dopaminergic and opioid (endorphin) system play an important role in the genesis of various mental and motor disorders. In some way alcohol dependence can be regarded as an endorfinodefitsitnoe disease with a pathogenetic point of view. Activating of opioidereal system by trans-cranial electrical stimulation promotes the restoration of disturbed emotional, cognitive and autonomic functions, reduces craving for alcohol and in that way increases the effectiveness of rehabilitation treatment
Risk Factors Of Thrombogenic Complications in Patients with Breast Cancer
Heading: Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics Article type: Original article
Authors: Ivanenko I.L., Gladilin G.P., Veretennikov S.I., Yakubenko V.V., Chelnokova N.O., Vakelova N.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The results of analysis of blood coagulative system in patients of mammary gland cancer are obtained. Risk factors of thrombogenic complications development were revealed with the use of methods of evaluation of platelet-vascular and plasma links of hemostasis. The necessity of blood coagulative and anticoagulative systems breakage revealing before operation for preventive measures performances is shown