Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

2010, volume 6

Health state of pregnant women and newborns depending on quality of iodine prevention

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 535-540
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: Naumova Yu.V., Kurmacheva N.A., Rogozhina I.E.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Regional Centre of Family Planning and Reproduction

This article presents the data about the unsatisfactory quality of iodine prevention of pregnant women from Saratov region, about iodine poor consumption of mothers (ioduria median line 115,5 ug/l at recommended definitions 150-249 ug/l by the experts of World Health Organization) against inadequate low preventive dose of iodine medications, and about high frequency of maternal hypothyroxinemia (55,7%) and associated with it complications during pregnancy child bearing, defects of fetus condition and health of newborns.
It was indicated that preventive acceptance of potassium iodine in dosage with 250 ug/day resulted in the decrease of absolute risk by 12-47% and in 2-8 times of ratio of complications during pregnancy and child bearing, damages of adaptation and diseases of the newborns

Keywords: state of newborns, quality of iodine prevention, iodine deficiency, gestational hypothyroxinemia, complications during pregnancy and child bearing

Состояние фетоплацентарной системы у беременных с недифференцированными формами дисплазии соединительной ткани, носителей семейства герпес-вирусов

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 531-535
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: Dorohova L.N., Shaboldin A.M., Narolenko L.N., Mozes V.G.
Organization: Kemerovo State Medical University, Kemerovo Clinical Hospital № 3 n.a. M.A. Podgorbunsky, Kemerovo Children Hospital № 5

The research goal is to determine the risk of infectious process development in placenta of women with undifferenti-ated forms of dysplasia of connective tissue (UFDCT) by agents - herpes viruses (VHG - virus of herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus).
Persistent infection of VHG was revealed in 133 women in the 1 st trimester of pregnancy. All the patients had phe-notypic manifestations of UFDCT; in the 3d trimester of pregnancy immunogram of the second level, histological study of placenta, identification of antigens of VHG family, serological study of placental blood and isolation of DNA of VHG were carried out. All newborns were clinically and laboratory tested on VHG infection.
As pregnant women with UFDCT had high risk of VHG infection development in placenta, they suffered from placental insufficiency. It resulted in unfavourable perinatal outcomes. VHG infection development was caused by disturbances of cellular immunity.
Key words: undifferentiated forms of dysplasia of connective tissue, virus of herpes simplex, cytomegalovirus, cellular immunity, pregnancy

Keywords: virus of herpes simplex, undifferentiated forms of dysplasia of connective tissue, pregnancy, cytomegalovirus, cellular immunity

Risk factors of children birth with delay syndrome of prenatal development

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 528-530
Heading: Obstetrics and Gynecology Article type: Original article
Authors: Bushuyeva E.V., Denisova T.G., Gerasimova L.I., Smirnova E.I.
Organization: Chuvash State University n.a. I.N. Ulyanov

Purpose: revealing of medical and biological, medical and social, medical and organizational risk factors of a birth mature children with a delay syndrome of prenatal development.
The basic group included women who have given birth to mature child with a delay syndrome of prenatal development (body weight at a birth less 3000gr) - 60 observations; control group consisted of women who have given birth to children with weight from 3000 to 4000gr (total N=100).
Anamnesis of life and pregnancy of women given birth to mature children with the delay syndrome of prenatal development have been analyzed.
Conclusion: Medical and biological, medical and social risks of birth to mature children with low weight less than 3000 gr have been determined. Low weight of mature child is the risk factor of cardiac and metabolic diseases

Keywords: weight at birth, risk factors, delay of fetus prenatal development

The study and prophylaxis of errors in providing medical service to military men at pre-hospitalization period

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 522-527
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Original article
Authors: Korshever N.G., Baiturov O.R.
Organization: Saratov Military Medical Institute

The analysis of medical assistance provision to military men at pre-hospitalization period based on the data of Error Register Journals, anonymous questioning of medical staff and students, expert questionnaire of 12 lecturers of the Department of Medical Service Organization of Saratov Military Medical Institute have made it possible to detect the structure of defects, taking into account each nosologic form and dependence on patients' contingent as well as to structuralize multi-criteria approach to successfulness in activity of the Chief of medical service of Military medical unit in error prevention and to design an adequate optimization technique

Keywords: prophylaxis, pre-hospitalization period, military men, errors in providing medical assistance

Physiological assessment of military professional adaptation and organism functional status of higher military schools resident students

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 516-521
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kondrashov V.V., Onishchenko A.N.
Organization: Saratov Military Medical Institute, Saratov Military Institute of the Internal Forces of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

The results of the study of organism functional status of resident students of military medical higher schools in different situations and modes of professional education (during their study day, round-the clock shifts in a clinic, duties, and an examination period) in the process of military professional adaptation have been analyzed. The technique of functional body status optimization which takes into account both psycho-physiological specificity of military professional training as well as the regularities of psycho-physiologic reserve-capacity changes and military professional adaptation has been worked out. It constitutes the sum total of physiologically proved structural and functional components such as adaptation improvements, correction and recreation of functional body status

Keywords: physiological body specificity, military resident doctors, adaptation

Correction of stress-depended changes of glucoproteid platelet receptors activity by electromagnetic radiation of terahertz range

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 511-515
Heading: Physiology and Pathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: V.F. Kirichuk, E.V. Andronov, A.N. Ivanov, S.V. Svistunov
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research goal is correction of stress-depended changes of glucoproteid (Gp) platelet receptors activity by electromagnetic radiation of terahertz range.
Influence of electromagnetic waves of terahertz range at the frequency of molecular spectrum of radiation and absorption of nitrogen oxide on lectin-induced platelet aggregation of white rats in the stressed condition was investigated

Keywords: thrombocytes, terahertz waves

Pharmacodynamic and pharmacoeconomic aspects of application of antihypertensive preparations of various groups in patients with arterial hypertension

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 504-510
Heading: Clinical Pharmacology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kurkina T.V., Svistunov А.А., Bogoslovskaya S.I., Klochkov V.A., Glybochko G.H., Shuldyakov V.A., Luchinina EM., Levanov A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Saratov Regional Hospital for Veterans of Wars, Saratov Institute of Cardiology, Russia

At the background of the therapy for 3 months with Perindopril, Telmisartan and Bisoprolol, the patients with arterial hypertension were noted to decrease systolic and diastolic arterial pressure. The preparations under investigation had different effects on electrolyte metabolism. Therapy with Telmisartan turned out to have the least effect on electrolyte metabolism. Microalbuminuria is a risk factor in patients with arterial hypertension and may influence on the basic blood electrolyte balance. Bisoprolol should be recommended as the most preferable therapy for arterial hypertension from the pharmacoeconomic point of view. In order to control morning systolic arterial pressure the preference should be given to Perindopril, while for controlling evening systolic arterial pressure the preference should be given to Telmisartan

Keywords: Telmisartan, pharmacoeconomics, Perindopril, microalbuminuria, electrolyte metabolism indices, blood pressure, Bisoprolol, arterial hypertension

Electromagnetic radiation influence on clinical course of experimental wound infection

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 500-503
Heading: Microbiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Pronina Е.А., Raykova S.B., Shvidenko I.G., Shub G.M.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article gives close attention to the study of electromagnetic radiation influence (EMR) at the frequency of molecular spectrum absorption and radiation (MSAR) of nitric oxide (150 GHz) and atmospheric oxygen (129 GHz) on the clinical course of experimental wound infection caused by antibiotic-sensitive and antibiotic-resistant strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The panoramic spectrometric measuring complex, developed in Saratov Scientific Research Institute of Measuring Equipment was used while carrying out the research. Electromagnetic vibrations of extremely high frequencies were stimulated in this complex imitating the atmospheric oxygen and nitric oxide absorption and radiation molecular spectrum structure. The experiments proved the fact that exposure to radiation at the frequency of molecular spectrum absorption and radiation (MSAR) of nitric oxide and atmospheric oxygen had positive impact on the course of traumatic process

Keywords: Pseudomonas aeruginosa, nitric oxide, experimental wound infection, electromagnetic radiation, atmospheric oxygen

Variants of vertebral arteries bends according to multispiral computer tomography

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №3 Pages: 498-499
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: B.T. Kurtusunov
Organization: Astrakhan State Medical University

Studying of variant anatomy of bends of vertebral arteries according to multispiral computer tomography has allowed to reveal that the most common form is spin form. Spin bend of vertebral arteries is an optimum variant for brain protection from hydrodynamic blow

Keywords: vertebrobasilar system, vertebral arteries, spin bends, hydrodynamic blow

Problem performance of active old age in medico-social discourse

Year: 2010, volume 6 Issue: №2 Pages: 481-483
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: E.V. Chernyshkova
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article represents the sociological research results of basic impedimental and promotional medico-social factors of activity retention and maintenance at an old age

Keywords: old age, medico-social factors of activity, active old age