Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Analysis of morbidity with temporary disability in social workers according to the factors of their work

Year: 2023, volume 19 Issue: №1 Pages: 64-70
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Berezin I.I., Sirotko M.L., Belyakova N.S., Sergeev A.K.
Organization: Samara State Medical University

Abstract. Objective: to analyze the incidence of temporary disability and take into account the labor factors of workers in the social service sector of a large city. Material and methods. The initial data were the number of employees of the Center for Social Services for the Population "Central" g. o. Samara, cases and days of temporary disability for 2018-2021. According to the compiled questionnaire, a survey was conducted of 150 social workers for a subjective assessment of health disorders, factors of conditions and nature of work. Results. In 2020, compared to 2019, the number of cases of temporary disability increased by 2.8 times, in 2021 — by 2.5 times; the number of missed days increased by almost 3 times, the largest number of cases of temporary disability in 2021 was registered in the group with 5-9 years of work experience (31 out of 128 cases; 24%). When interviewing social workers for the presence of their health disorders and affecting their ability to work, the most common symptoms were those of the respiratory system (56%), the musculoskeletal system and connective tissue (16%). It was revealed that the factors of the severity of the labor process correspond to the harmful class of working conditions of degree 3.1, the factors of intensity of the labor process — the harmful class of working conditions of degree 3.2. Conclusion. The identified features of morbidity with temporary disability must be taken into account when planning and conducting treatment and preventive work with social workers.

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