Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Epidemiological analysis of incidence of female infertility in the Tambov region

Year: 2020, volume 16 Issue: №1 Pages: 88-93
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Prokopov A.Yu.
Organization: Tambov Children Regional Clinical Hospital

Aim: assessment of level and structure of incidence of female infertility in the territorial subject of the Russian Federation. Material and Methods. The study of the level and structure of incidence of infertility according to negotiability to the period from 2008 to 2017 among women of fertile age (15-44 years) of the Tambov region was carried out. The study of age of women and duration of infertility was carried out to the moment of the request for medical care for 2017 (n=812). Results. For the research period (2008-2017) there is a growth of incidence of female infertility six times to an indicator 3.5 cases on 1000 women of fertile age. Infertility of secondary genesis prevails over primary (53.1 and 46.9% respectively). In 2008, infertility of the endocrine genesis occupied the 3rd rank in the structure of causes (19.5%), in the second place — absolute tube infertility (31.1%), in the first place — infertility due to endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes (49.4%). In 2017, infertility of the endocrine genesis moved to the 1st place with an indicator of 43.3%, infertility of the absolute tube genesis remained in the 2nd place, but the indicator increased to 40.4%. Infertility due to endometriosis, uterine fibroids, inflammatory processes from the 1st rank place moved to 3rd with an indicator of 16.1%. Average age of the women who addressed in 2017 was 29.9±0.17 years. The average duration of infertility was 5.2±0.1 years. Conclusion. Results of the research demonstrate annual increase in number of women with infertility that shows the necessity of improvement of the organization of delivery of health care of this category of persons.

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