Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

A rare neurological disease leading to cerebrovascular accident

Year: 2020, volume 16 Issue: №1 Pages: 360-363
Heading: Neurology Article type: Case report
Authors: Kutashov V.A., Ulyanova O.V.
Organization: Voronezh State Medical University n.a. N.N. Burdenko

Purpose: to develop an algorithm for the clinical diagnosis and treatment of a little-known Moya-Moya disease. This disease is manifested by a transient ischemic attack in childhood and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the young. The analysis of the patient's own clinical observation of N., aged 14, with Moya-Moya disease, is presented. The disease debuted at the age of 9, the clinical manifestation was a transient ischemic attack. On the basis of MRI data, lacunar infarctions in "silent zones" were detected. Conclusion. With the introduction of modern methods of neuroimaging in medical institutions, it became possible to reliably diagnose such a rare neurological pathology as Moya-Moya disease and conduct adequate optimal therapeutic measures.

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