Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

2017, volume 13

Elaborating of a cryoconservation protocol of blood vessels for the tissue-specific matrices

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 891-900
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Lauk-Dubitsky S.E., Astrelina Т.А., Brumberg V.A., Nikitina V.A., Suchkova Yu.B., Usupzhanova D.Yu., Brunchukov V.A., Rastorgueva A.A., Lomonosova Е.Е., Kobzeva I.V., Makhova A.E., Karaseva T.V., Bushmanov A.Yu., Samoilov A.S.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Purpose: to create a protocol for complex cryoconservation of blood vessels in polydimethylsiloxane to create tissue-specific matrices. Material and Methods. The material ofthe study was the iliac arteries from postmortem donors, seized in the multi-organ donation, rejected for unclaimed and disposed of later. Polydimethylsiloxane was used as a coolant (PDMS) with a viscosity of 5-25 centistokes (Spectroplast, Russia). Bench testing of cooling and heating ofthe blood vessel in PDMS, testing of heating and cooling of PDMS up to operating temperatures (-80°C) in different ways and variants of its thermal insulation, assessment of different cooling rates ofthe vessel during cryoconservation, modeling of 3 types of working chambers for cryoconservation, sterilization and defrosting of up to 10 vessels, modeling of cryoconservation and thawing of vessels in PDMS under different conditions, selection of substrates from silicone and plastic for uniform fixation of vessels which are of size or size in the working chambers or without them. Results. The developed protocol allows cryopreserved from 1 to 10 or more vessels of all basic sizes both immediately after removal and after transportation to the laboratory, to vary the cooling rate from 1.5 to 300°C/min and above, to be used with different levels of laboratory equipment, as with liquid nitrogen, dry ice, and only with a medical freezer. Conclusion. The developed protocol allows to apply it in cases of complex cryoconservation of blood vessels to create tissue-specific matrices and can be recommended for preclinical testing.

Keywords: polydimethylsiloxane, fabric engineering, cryopreservation

Qualitative and quantitative comparisons of bone PET-imaging using 68Ga-oxabiphor and Na18F

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 886-891
Heading: radiation medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Lunyov A.S., Clement'eva О.Е., Lunyova К.А., Zhukova M.V., Malysheva А.О.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

The aim of the study is to compare qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the experimental mice bone pathology using of Na18F and prospective radiotracer"Oxabigal, 68Ga" (complex of gallium-68 with oxa-bys-ethylenenitrile tetra (methylene phosphonic acid). Material and Methods. 30 nonlinear mice-female with the model of bone pathology were used in the experiment. Na18F and "Oxabigal, 68Ga" were injected to animals (i.v). Then mice were scanned using PET-imaging with subsequent calculation of pharmacokinetics parameters. Results. The intravenous injection of two radiotracers enabled to visualize of simulated bone pathology using PET. Conclusion. The experimental pathological foci were able to visualize within the first hour after i.v using of the "Oxabigal, 68Ga" and Na18F. There is a statistically significant difference between blood accumulation of radiopharmaceuticals labeled different radionuclides. However the difference doesn't matter for positive results we have got. 68Ga-labeled bone-seeking radiopharmaceuticals and its generator producing method are important supplement for independent choice of using different radiotracers for PET-imaging (such as Na18F) of bone pathology.

Keywords: radiopharmaceutical, PET-imaging, bone pathology

Detection of fibrous astrocytes on histological sections of hippocampi using two different methods of silver impregnation

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 882-885
Heading: Macro- and Micromorphology Article type: Original article
Authors: Kazmin V.I., Datsenko A.V.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Цель: выделение клеток волокнистой астроцитарной глии на гистологических срезах гиппокампов при использовании двух различных растворов солей серебра. Материал и методы. Гистологические срезы гиппокампов кроликов, разделенные на две группы, импрегнировали растворами азотнокислого и бромистого серебра. Результаты. На гистологических срезах гиппокампов 1-й группы импрегнировались коротколучистые волокнистые астроциты (ВА). Около круглых ядер наблюдали различную плотность расположения глиофибрилл. Во 2-й группе импрегнировались длиннолучистые ВА с радиально расходящимися тонкими глиофибриллярными отростками. Заключение. Правильное представление об истинной структуре многоотростчатых клеток (содержащих глиофибриллы) можно получить при сравнительном изучении и анализе гистологических препаратов, окрашенных с помощью различных методов импрегнации солями серебра.

Keywords: silver impregnation, hippocampus, brain, astrocytes, argirofiliya

Through the prism of globalization: foreign experts in russian medical institutions

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 879-881
Heading: Health Service Organization Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Karimova D.Yu., Karimov B.N.
Organization: State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency

Through the prism of contemporary processes of globalization, the comparative analysis of the legal foundation for employment of foreign experts in Russian medical institutions was done. Legal collisions that require resolution had been identified, and the competent authorities and legislators payed attention to them.

Keywords: foreign highly qualified specialists, globalization, nostrification

Organization of sanatorium treatment of patients with tuberculosis in the Saratov region at the beginning of the 20th century

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 862-867
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Short message
Authors: Chulochnikov А.А., Zavyalov A.l.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The contribution of society of sanitarians in the organization and establishment of sanatoriums for tuberculosis diseased treatment at the beginning of the 20th century is showed in the article. The efficiency of treatment held in sanatoriums, including good nourishment, koumiss and sun baths is also presented.

Keywords: koumiss therapy, society of sanitarians, the Saratov region, tuberculosis sanatoriums

Inadequate motivation for maternity is the risk factor for a perinatal fetus pathology and a newborn

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 857-859
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Short message
Authors: Panina O.S., Privalova I.V., Chernenkov Yu.V., Pozgaleva N.V., Cherednikova E.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

One of the important social risk factors for the birth of a child with pathology in our time is tobacco smoking, with both mother and father. Goal: assess the formation of motivation for motherhood by questioning women with tobacco. Material and Methods. To carry out the research, we used the "Methods of Investigating Motives for Preserving Pregnancy" according to L. N. Rabovalyuk, N.A. Kravtsovoy; methodology "Motives for the conception of a child" by OA. Urusova. Results. When analyzing the results using the method "Motives for conceiving a child" (OA Urusova), in 45.7% of the women studied, an inadequate type of motivation for motherhood was revealed. An unconstructive motive is the high desire of the subject to have a being that will embody her unrealized dreams and plans. 54.3% of mothers, as the predominant type, have an adequate type of motivation for maternity. In addition, the motives for responsibility for the life of the child, the joy of motherhood, the awareness of the child's own values, the desire to have it for the sake of positive life goals and himself are revealed. Conclusion. Timely detection of inadequate motivation for motherhood and proper prioritization will reduce the percentage of pathological pregnancy, increase the birth rate of healthy newborns.

Keywords: newborn, motivation, motherhood

Marginalization of health institute professional groups: societal approach

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 854-856
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Krom I.L., Yerugina M.V., Kovalev Ye.P., Yeremina M.G., Vlasova M.V., Dolgova E.M., Bochkareva G.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The process of institutionalization of healthcare, which is considered as one of the basic social institutions, is realized in qualitative changes in its structure. The authors note that changes in the social structure, the social differentiation increasing, crisis and dysfunctional processes in the healthcare institution in modern Russia have led to a change in status, social mobility descending and marginalization of the social and professional groups of the healthcare institute. In the authors' opinion the process of marginalization of the social and professional groups of the healthcare institute is explained by the «concept of status inconsistency» proposed by G. Lensky.

Keywords: socio-professional group, social structure, social mobility, marginality, healthcare institute, concept of status inconsistency

Primary hyperpara-thyroidism: current state of the problem

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 849-853
Heading: Surgery Article type: Review
Authors: Kovalenko Yu.V., Tolstokorov A.S., Rossolovsky A.N., Kravchenya A.R., Manakhov G.A., Velikanova M.G.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

 The review is devoted to current state of the problem of primary hyperparathyroidism. One of the important steps in the study of pathology of parathyroid glands and their decision value in development of primary hyperparathyroidism was introduction of automated screening of the ionized calcium of plasma of blood to all patients asking for medical care. Understanding of the nature of this process allowed the doctors of many specialities to unite the efforts in the analysis of results of the already accumulated experience and extend possibilities of early preclinical exposure of this disease.

Keywords: primary hyperparathyroidism , parathyroid hormone, parathyroid glands, hypercalcemia, adenoma of parathyroid

A rare cause of small bowel obstruction (case report)

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 846-848
Heading: Surgery Article type: Case report
Authors: Khmara M.B., Kozlov V.V., Samarina D.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article presents a rare case of obstructive ileus caused by a silicone cylinder that is installed within a stomach to treat obesity. Purpose: to show the possibility of developing intestinal obstruction by foreign body (silicone balloon) and to draw the attention of professionals involved in intragastric ballooning to the possibility of the development of this complication.

Keywords: intragastric balloon, intestinal obstruction, foreign body

Sclerosurgical and surgical treatment of patients with lower extremity varicose vein disease: analysis of results in a long-term period of observation

Year: 2017, volume 13 Issue: №4 Pages: 839-845
Heading: Surgery Article type: Original article
Authors: Gafurova D.R., Kulikova A.N., Chabbarov R.G., Pyatnitsky A.G.
Organization: Saratov Regional Clinical Hospital, Saratov State Medical University, Saratov «Omega-clinic»

Aim: to analyze and evaluate the long-term results of sclerosurgical and surgical treatment of patients with lower extremity varicose vein disease (VVD). Material and Methods. Diagnostics and treatment findings of 228 patients are presented. The main group consists of 153 patients (189 extremities) after intraoperative trunk catheter sclerotherapy of the great saphenous vein (GSV) with a crossectomy. The comparison group consists of 75 patients (96 extremities) after the GSV phlebectomy by Babcock — Narat. Long-term results (5-9 years) of treatment were evaluated by comparing the quality of life (QL) parameters of patients, the ultrasonic characteristics of venous bed for operated extremities, and the progression of VVD. Results. There was not found any considerable differences in respondents' QL during the comparison. Duplex ultrasound scanning of the lower extremities in most cases revealed a wide spectrum of pathological ultrasound signs (6 of 13 signs, the differences in which are statistically significant, but not specific for stem sclerotherapy and phlebectomy). Investigation of VVD dynamics after correction of the varicose syndrome revealed three variants of the disease course: regression, lack of dynamics, progression. Conclusion. The effectiveness of sclerosurgical interference in the long-term observation period is comparable with the surgical one, which is confirmed by the total number of positive (good and satisfactory) treatment results after using both methods (93.7 and 81.3% respectively), ultrasound diagnosis results, absence of significant differences in QL of patients.

Keywords: catheter-guided intraoperative sclerotherapy, duplex ultrasound scanning, phlebectomy, quality of life, varicose disease