General antioxidant activity of blood of patients with limited sclerodermia and its correction
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Tlish M.M., Sorokina N.V.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University
Objective: to increase efficiency and to reduce the time of treatment of patients with circumscribed sclerodermia. Material and Methods. 60 patients with circumscribed sclerodermia were under supervision. Two groups of these patients were formed with method of adaptive randomization. In the comparison group the patients received standard therapy according to the federal clinical guidelines. In the general group the standard complex treatment with additional antioxidant therapy was underwent. The course of treatment in all patients was 21 days. The results of treatment were evaluated in accordance with the dynamics of cutaneous pathological process and the concentration of common an-tioxidants. Results. Based on the obtained results of the assessment of the dynamics of the cutaneous pathological process, it is obvious that the regress of dermatosis was more rapid and more active in the general group and was accompanied by a more pronounced increase in the total antioxidant activity of the blood. Conclusion. The proposed method of treatment, having an antioxidant effect and high clinical efficacy, enhances the general antioxidant activity of the blood and allows reducing the duration of treatment of patients with circumscribed scleroderma and, as a consequence, the course of systemic and local corticosteroid therapy.
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