2016, volume 12
Analysis of syphilis incidence at the territory in Saratov region (2011-2015)
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Schnaider D.A., Utz S.R., Sherstobitova L.A., Martynova V.V., Gornykh E.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aims: analysis of dynamics and pattern of syphilis incidence in 2011-2015 years in Saratov region. Materials and methods. The article provides analysis of the state statistical supervision forms from 2011-2015. Results. The analysis of the data obtained from the state statistical supervision forms during 2011-2015 years has shown the decreasing tendency of syphilis incidence. However, an unfavorable situation still remains in number of territories of Saratov region. The indicators of morbidity caused by late syphilis and neurosyphilis have increased. Conclusion. High incidence of syphilis has negative effect on the reproductive health of the general population. The fast spread of disease is generating special interest in conditions of demographic crisis.
Nosometamorphosis of psoriasis in the Saratov region
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Nelyubova O.I., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim: to study the clinical polymorphism of psoriasis widely in Saratov region for the last 30 years period. Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of medical records of 2083 patients with various forms of psoriasis, which were hospitalized at the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Saratov Medical Institute in the period from 1984 to 1988 and data for statistical comparison from register of 1450 medical records of patients with various forms of psoriasis, also hospitalized at the Clinic of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Saratov State Medical University in the period of 2009-2013. Results. An increase in the incidence of severe and atypical forms of dermatosis is noted. Exudative and pustular forms of psoriasis are found more commonly. Psoriatic arthritis is noted to be slightly more associated with exudative form. Conclusion. The risk of psoriasis developing is noted in the age group of 10-30 years. In psoriatic arthritis an increase in morbidity is noted in the period of 30-60 years.
Optimization of the technological cycle of formation of "core — shell" structures and the study of an- timicrobial and regenerative properties of the dispersions based on the prepared structures
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Zayarskiy D.A., Gorokhovskiy A.V., Nechaeva O.V., Ul'yanov V.Yu., Tikhomirova E.l., Vakaraeva M.M., Schnaider D.A., Utz S.R., Arsenievich D.M.
Organization: Chechen State University, National Research Nuclear University "МЕРЫ", Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov State Medical University, SEH «Saratov regional dermatovenerologic dispensary»
The aim of the work was to create optimized composite structures on the basis of nanoscale aggregates of fla-vonoids and study of their antimicrobial and regenerative properties. Material and methods. Antimicrobial activity of the resulting preparation was studied using the serial dilution method. Standard and clinical strains of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and microscopic fungi were used as experimental models. Assessment of regenerative effect of structures containing nanoaggregates flavonoids on experimental models of full thickness skin wounds was performed. Results. The high antimicrobial activity of the created structures is seen against opportunistic pathogenic microorganisms including clinical isolates resistant to multiple antibiotics. Displaying the reliable increase in rate of healing of experimental full thickness skin wounds by stimulating regenerative processes. Conclusion. Developed preparation containing "core — shell" structure stabilized by polyelectrolyte based flavonoid nanoaggregates can be considered as a potentially new type of drugs for use in cosmetology and dermatology as well as in the treatment of contaminated surgerical wounds and thermal injuries.
The results of the analysis of lichen planus episodes in the Krasnodar region for 2012-2015years and its clinical features
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Tlish M.M., Sycheva N.L., Osmolovskaya P.S., Shavilova M.E.
Organization: Kuban State Medical University
Aim: to study the features of lichen planus in the Krasnodar region. Materials and methods. Total 68 clinical cases have been analyzed. The patients were subdivided into age groups in accordance with physiological age gradation. The Classification of lichen planus proposed by the Federal clinical guidelines for the management of patients with lichen planus (Moscow, 2015) was used. The diagnosis in each case was confirmed by histological examination of biopsy specimens of the skin. The data on the prevalence of lichen planus was obtained from the annual reports of the Clinical dermatovenerology dispensary of Krasnodar city from year 2012 to 2015. Results. Women were found to suffer
Comparative evaluation of clarifying agents to improve the quality of the far long-wave ultraviolet therapy chronic dermatosis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Artemina Е.М., Utz S.R., Yuvchenko S.A., Zimnyakov D.A., Alonova M.V.
Organization: Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov State Medical University
Objective; to choose the optical clearing agent with the best illuminating ability in the long-wave UV spectrum used in phototherapy. Material and methods. Ex vivo skin samples were used as objects of study. Measurement of the total transmission spectra of the skin sections was carried out on a multi-channel spectrometer Ocean Optics QE 65000 (Ocean Optics, USA) using 4 optical clearing agents (40% glucose solution, glycerol, propylene glycol, oleic acid).
Results. Having conducted a comparative analysis of ex vivo data collected from spectroscopy of these optical clearing agents at a wavelength of 370 nm, it was found that the maximum optical clearing was achieved using propylene glycol at 44 minutes, which was 11.56%. Conclusion. The use of optical clearing agents is possible not only to improve the visualization of the skin structure, but also to explore the dynamics of light transmission in long-wave UV A-1 therapy of patients.
The comparative analysis of dermatoscopy picture of lichen planus and psoriasis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Original article
Authors: Sherstobitova K.Yu., Schnaider D.A., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Aim: analysis of different dermatoscopic patterns of lichen planus and psoriasis. Material and methods. We observed 80 patients: 40 with psoriasis, 40 — with lichen planus. Dermatoscopic study was conducted using video-dermatoscope of expert class "MoleMaxHD" (Derma Medical Systems company, Austria), under magnification from хЗО to x80. Results. Comparing the dermotoscopic findings of psoriatic plaque and lichen planus, vascular features were found to be more significant in psoriasis and in lichen planus non-vascular features were more prominant. Conclusion. Dermoscopy can be successfully used in differential diagnosis of these dermatoses.
The significance of the histological studies in dermatology and venereology in professor P.S. Grigoriev's scientific works
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Utz S.R., Zavyalov A.l., Yakupov I.A.
Organization: Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatology, Venereology and Cosmetology of Moscow City Health Department, Saratov State Medical University
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This article reviews the histological studies written by Professor P. S. Grigoriev in his scientific papers, about the rare skin disease, several clinical forms of acquired syphilis and experimental syphilis, performed at the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases of Saratov University.
Aleksey Petrovich Minch: a doctor, a scientist, a teacher and a health care manager (to the 150-th birth anniversary).
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Short message
Authors: Zavyalov A.l., Yerugina M.V., Parkhomenko A.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The article presents the biographical data of Doctor of Medicine, A. P. Minch. It describes his scientific and practical contribution to the development of medicine in Russia, to the public health organization in Saratov and to the training of medical specialists at Saratov Medical Institute.
Patterns in training primary care medical specialists: from traditional medicine to modern general practice
Heading: Scientific schools and memorable dates Article type: Review
Authors: Gubanova G.V., Shemetova G.N., Ryaboshapko A.l.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Phases in the system of development of medical practices in Russia have allocated. The historical overview of the formation and development of traditional medicine has been presented in the article. The characteristic features that form the concept of the development of primary health care have been listed. The analysis of experience of traditional medical school has become necessary for improving organization of public medicine in Russia.
The role of departments of polyclinic therapy in solution of primary healthcare matters
Heading: Pedagogics and Education Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Shemetova G.N., Krasnikova N.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Priority tasks concerning the improvement of the Russian health and the primary health care, restoring the primacy of prevention as a strategic line of health are impossible without highly qualified training of health personnel, particularly therapeutists and general practitioners (family doctors). Departments of polyclinic therapy play a crucial role in the training of specialists of primary health care.