2016, volume 12
Clinical case of a rare form of congenital localized keratoderma
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Case report
Authors: Slesarenko N.A., Utz S.R., Shabogina A.A., Plyachenko T.D., Persati M.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
There a case of a rare form of congenital localized keratoderma is presented. The described case shows an inherited congenital localized keratoderma in an autosomal dominant pattern, associated with the fungal infection. Positive
Pityriasis rubra pilaris (Devergie's disease): clinical case
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Case report
Authors: Galkina ЕМ, Utz SR, BakulevAL, Minyonok ТА.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Pityriasis rubra pilaris (Devergie's disease) is a rare chronic papulosquamous skin disease, it is of unknown etiology, leading to palmoplantar keratoderma, erythroderma and ectropion. Due to its rarity and difficulty in differentiating it with psoriasis, we are presenting our own observations and diagnostcis. We present a patient with a classical type 1 iasis rubra pilaris of a type I, whose condition improved significantly after treatment with systemic aromatic retinoids.
The first clinical experience of nanostructured propolis usage in treatment of patients with microbial eczema
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Case report
Authors: Schnaider D.A., Utz S.R., Zayarskiy D.A., Gus'kova O.P., Gorokhovskiy A.V.
Organization: Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov State Medical University
One of the most common forms of eczema is microbial eczema constituting 12-27% of all the cases of eczema. Application of nanotechnology in the field of medicine, including dermatology and cosmetology continues to increase. An example of innovation, demonstrating the results of research within the chemical technology and practical dermatology and cosmetology is a cosmetic product based on nanostructured systems "core — shell", which is an aqueous dispersion of nanoscale flavonoid "cores", derived from natural propolis which are stabilized by polyelectrolyte "shell". The purpose of this work is to conduct primary research on cosmetic product "Mellisol" on the basis of composite structures "core — shell" stabilized by polyelectrolyte membrane, for its application in the complex therapy in the treatment of microbial eczema. Description of these cases under clinical observation shows high efficacy and safety of cosmetic product "Mellisol" in the treatment of patients with microbial eczema in its acute phase.
Analysis of a real practice in hospital pharmacotherapy psoriatic arthritis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type:
Authors: Levitan A.l., Reshet'ko O.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
The Aim of the study: to define the characteristics of the current treatment of psoriatic arthritis in the settings of specialized medical care in a hospital, based on pharmacoepidemiological study, to optimize the treatment of such patients. Material and Methods. A retrospective pharmacoepidemiological study is based on an analysis of medical records of hospitalized patients rheumatology department requesting assistance in the period from January 2016 to April 2016. Result. As a part of basic anti-inflammatory therapy of psoriatic arthritis, methotrexate was used in 67% patients, sulfasalazine in 25% patients, and cyclosporine and D-penicillamine in 4% patients. Genetically engineered biologic drugs (GEBD) were not used. The anti-inflammatory therapy in hospital was carried out with glucocorticosteroids in 33% patients, with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in 20% cases and in 47% cases a combination of both was used. Gastroprotective therapy was given to all patients receiving corticosteroids and NSAIDs. Conclusion. The study shows that, the treatment of psoriatic arthritis meets the current recommendations, although there are problems associated with excessive use of corticosteroids and the lack of GEBD.
Innovative technologies of teaching self-government atopic dermatitis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Utz S.R., Eremina M.G., Dolinina O.N.
Organization: Saratov State Agrarian University named after N.I. Vavilov, Saratov State Medical University
The new understanding of the disease requires the development of modern methods in the management strategy of atopic dermatitis. Individual approach to educate patients with use of modern gadgets in addition to the standard methods of treatment is a relatively new concept in dermatology. Educational programs for atopic dermatitis have a positive impact on the severity of dermatoses, as well as on psychological status.
Professor J.J. Plenk — founder of world scientific dermatology.
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Betechtin M.S., Zavyalov A.l.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Russian State Medical University
The article presents the biography of Professor J. J. Plenck and his scientific and practical contribution to the development of European clinical medicine in the second half of the 18th century and in the establishment of world scientific dermatology.
Psoriasis, cardiovascular syndrome and methotrexate
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Utz S.R., Juke A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Often while treating psoriasis, clinicians face great difficulty in choosing the best treatment for patient and often face the question such as: what preparation is more suitable in a concrete case? Especially in psoriasis associated with comorbid diseases. In this article the data from Russian and foreign literature is collected about the effectiveness of methotrexate (in small and medium doses) in treating not only psoriasis but also other comorbid diseases. The positive effects of this medication from cytostatic group having not only anti-tumor activity but also immunosuppressive effect are evident not only on underlying disease, but also on the associated disease that has similar pathogenesis.
Modern child skin care products as a basic treatment in atopic dermatitis
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Author's opinion
Authors: Shchegelskaya T.Yu.
Organization: Science and Technology Complex "Avanta" (Krasnodar, Russia)
The aim of the proposed study is to demonstrate the benefits of using specialized cosmetic products as part of basic skin care for children with Atopic Dermatitis (AD). The epidermal barrier dysfunction is known to be the leading factor in pathogenesis of atopic dermatitis and it manifests as dry skin, imbalance in the composition of lipids of the stratum corneum and water-lipid mantle and alterations in the activity of proteases. Due to xerosis, the skin gets easily affected by allergens, irritants and pathogenic microorganisms, which triggers the "itch-scratch" cycle and can lead to AD exacerbation and significantly deteriorate the quality of life of the patient. The basic skin care using the moisturizing and soothing cosmetic products (emollients) is acknowledged by all major Guidelines for treatment of AD as an important part of therapy. Significant improvements in skin status as well as the child's well-being can be achieved with use of this simple to understand skin care algorithm that includes proper skin cleansing, moisturizing and itch prevention.
Curcumin usage in dermatology
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Utz S.R., Talnikova Е.Е.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
This review summarizes the literature, reflecting the use of curcumin in historic aspect, its physical and chemical properties, and also results of different researches to demonstrate the effectiveness of diferoylmethane in treatment of various diseases, particularly in treatment of skin diseases.
Modern methods of a localized scleroderma diagnostics
Heading: Dermatovenerology Article type: Review
Authors: Moiseyev А.А., Utz S.R.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Localized scleroderma (LS) is a disease that is characterized by the appearance of inflammatory, sclerotic and/or atrophic changes in the affected areas of the skin and underlying tissues. In ICD-10, the disease is considered under category L94 "Other localized connective tissue changes". This paper presents the classification of the disease developed for federal guideline 2015, for management of patients with localized scleroderma. Also, a brief description of the various methods of diagnosis of the disease, including laboratory tests, instrumental methods and disease severity scale are presented.
Keywords: scleroderma, diagnostics, dermatology.