Non-pharmacological treatment effects on psychosomatic and immune regulatory mechanisms in patients with rheumatic arthritis
Heading: rehabilitative medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Zharikova I.P., Abramova T.Y., Borodina M.A., Alekhnovich A.V.
Organization: Institute of Continuous Education, Federal Medical Biological Agency, Scientific Research Institute of Fundamental Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, State Scientific Research Center n.a. A.I. Burnasyan — Federal Medical Biophysical Center of Federal Medical Biological Agency
Objective: comparative analysis of the influence of the methods of the lateral ophthalmotilapia and low-intensity magnetic therapy on the Central and peripheral nervous system and the immune status in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Material and methods: a comparative analysis of the impact of the 44 patients with rheumatoid arthritis aged 18 to 65 years, of which 19 patients (43.2 percent) — 1 group received low-frequency low-intensity magnetic therapy and 25 patients (56.8 per cent) — group 2, the lateral ophthalmotilapia. Results. In group 1 significantly improved memory both short-term (from 69.2±9.0 to 81,7±12,7, p=0.003), and the reminiscence relating to medium-term characteristics of memory (57,3±22 to 79,0±14,5; p=0.004). In patients of the 2nd group in the course of treatment was observed more pronounced dynamics of improvement of parameters of higher nervous activity, namely short-term memory (79,4±17 to 88,2±12, p=0.003)and reminiscences of memory (from 69.4±27 to 82.4±19,5, p=0,0016). Conclusion. Lateral ophthalmotilapia and low-frequency magnetotherapy for help expand the list of rehabilitation programs in rheumatoid arthritis, the disease having dual autoimmune and psychosomatic genesis.
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