Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

To the anniversary of professor Tatyana N. Popova

Year: 2024, volume 20 Issue: №3 Pages: 340-343
Heading: anniversary Article type:
Authors: Kurochkina E.N., Osintsev E.Y.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The article tells about the professional path of an oncologist surgeon, Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor of Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky, who raised several generations of Saratov oncologists — Tatyana Nikolaevna Popova, who celebrated her 70th anniversary in 2024.

1. Popova TN. Evaluation of the informative value of clinical research methods in clarifying the operability of gastric cancer. PhD dis. Saratov, 1987; 157 p.
2. Popova TN. Diagnosis and treatment tactics in patients with primary multiple synchronous malignant tumors: PhD diss. Moscow, 2002; 312 p.
3. Tolstokorov AS, Popova TN, Borisov VA, et al. The Department of Surgery and Oncology is 40 years old. Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research. 2023; 19 (4): 420-4. DOI: 10.15275/ssmj 1904420
4. Popova TN, Nikolenko VN, Zhandarova LF, et al. Oncology. Moscow: Academy, 2011; 264 p.
5. Popova TN. Features of the diagnosis of primary multiple synchronous malignant neoplasms of the colon. Coloproctology 2011; S3 (37): 84-5.
6. Popova TN. On primary multiple synchronous malignant neoplasms. Eastern European Scientific Journal. 2018; 4-1 (32): 18-24.

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