Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

The effect of membrane peeling on the dynamics of anatomical changes in the inner layers of retina after surgical treatment of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment with macular hole

Year: 2024, volume 20 Issue: №3 Pages: 258-264
Heading: Ophthalmology Article type: Original article
Authors: Faizrakhmanov R.R., Vaganova Е.Е., Larina E.A.
Organization: National Medical and Surgical Center n. a. N. I. Pirogov

Objective: to determine the effect of membrane peeling on the dynamics of retinal inner layers anatomy changes after surgery for retinal detachment with macular hole. Material and methods. Patients of group 1 (20 patients, 20 eyes) underwent surgical treatment with repair of the rupture using an inverted flap of the internal limiting membrane. Patients of group 2 (20 patients, 20 eyes) did not undergo hole blocking during the first stage of surgery. All patients underwent optical coherence tomography to assess the condition of the inner layers of the retina. Results. One day after surgery, in patients of group 1, the thickness of retinal tissue in the parafoveal zone was 128.2±11.6 nm. In patients of group 2 it was 102.7±6.4 nm (p=0.041). These values remained until the silicone oil was removed. When comparing the indicator of the volume of retinal tissue in the parafoveal zone, there is a decrease in the indicator in patients who underwent membrane peeling, the indicator was 0.645±0.041 mm3, compared with the data of patients of the 1st group, where it was at the level of 0.787±0.52 mm3 (p=0.047). In the temporal quadrant, the difference in indicators persisted until one year after surgery. Conclusion. Membrane peeling leads to damage to the retinal tissue, local defects which can persist up to a year. The outer layers of the retina are damaged throughout the entire area of the macula due to the impact on the supporting plates of the Muller cells and the nerve fiber layer.

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