Experience in implementing a corporate program for prevention of dental health among working population
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Kazantsev M.V., Isaeva N.V., Bagautdinova I.V.
Organization: State Dental Polyclinic No3, Perm, Russia, Perm State University of Medicine n.a. Academician Ye.A. Vagner of Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of the corporate program for the prevention of dental health among employees of an industrial enterprise. Material and methods. The program included 2 stages: informational (round tables, brochure) and dental (dental consultation). The participants are employees of one workshop of an industrial enterprise. 150 (50% men, average age 38.5±0.8 years) took part in the information stage, 20 employees (45% men, average age 41.1±2.8 years) took part in the dental stage. The effectiveness of the program was assessed by awareness, the CFE index, and the Green — Vermillion hygiene index. Results. The awareness of employees about the causes of hypersensitivity of teeth and the rules for cleaning them increased by 1.3 times, the need to use specialized toothpastes by 2.1 times, the use of mouthwashes and a change in nutrition by 14.3 times. Awareness of doctors providing care for increased tooth abrasion has increased: dental therapists 1.3 times, orthopedic dentists 3 times, general practitioners 3.7 times and periodontists 10.4 times. The differences are significant (p=0.001-0.041). The CFE index has not changed. The Green — Vermillion index decreased from 1.9±0.2 (from a score of "unsatisfactory") to 0.5 (p<0.001), which corresponds to a good level of oral hygiene. Conclusion. The introduction of a corporate program to strengthen dental health at an industrial enterprise has led to increased awareness among employees about the causes and methods of preventing increased tooth abrasion, and improving the level of oral hygiene.
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