The results of periodic and dispensary medical examination of Kursk Region population in 2022
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Ryndina V.V., Pashina I.V., Breusov A.V.
Organization: Kursk State Medical University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Objective: to analysis of indicators of preventive medical examinations and dispenserization of the adult population of Kursk, districts and the Kursk region as a whole, development of medical and organizational measures to achieve planned indicators. Material and methods. Analysis of data from form 131 and copying of information from the summary reports of medical institutions by cluster analysis and grouping of indicators depending on the achievement of the plan, extensive indicators were calculated, the results are presented in bar charts. Results. All districts and cities of the Kursk region are divided into three clusters. The first cluster (at least one of the features must reach 100% fulfillment) included 6 districts. The second cluster (districts with the implementation of the plan from 50%) included 21 districts and three cities of the Kursk region. The third cluster (districts with the implementation of the plan up to 50%) included 1 district. Conclusion. The analysis made it possible to identify areas with a low level of completeness of coverage of the adult population with preventive medical examinations and dispenserization. In these areas, it is necessary to resume the work of volunteer detachments with the population to educate them in order to achieve the planned indicators.
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