Changes in tension of immunity to pertussis by time of immunization
Heading: Pediatrics Article type: Original article
Authors: Demurcheva I.V., Bezrodnova S.M., Baturin V.A., Kravchenko O.O.
Organization: Stavropol State Medical University
Abstract. Objective: to identify the features of post-vaccination immunity to whooping cough, the state of immuno-logical reactivity in children of the Stavropol Territory. Material and methods. A comprehensive clinical and laboratory examination of 242 children aged 1 to 17 years was carried out. Serological examination of children was carried out at different times after revaccination, as well as an analysis of the parameters of the immune system in children of this age group. Results. A study of the level of immunity tension in children of early and school age showed that a low level of anti-pertussis antibodies was detected in 55% of children already 2-3 years after immunization, meaning that these children were at risk of pertussis, while protective titers of anti-pertussis antibodies were detected only in 34%, and high titers 11% of children. Conclusion. Children vaccinated in anamnesis in Stavropol Territory lose specific antibodies 3 years after the initial vaccination complex.
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