Comparative analysis of methods for determining the activity of foci of localized scleroderma
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Morrison A.V., Moiseev A.A., Epifanova A.Yu., Grebennikova I.P., Eldesbayeva Ya.S.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: to characterize the methods for determining the activity of foci of localized scleroderma and conduct their comparative analysis. Material and methods. Using two female patients as examples, we compared three instrumental methods of determining localized scleroderma activity: radio-wave diagnostics (active radiometry or trans-resonance functional topography), ultrasound (ultrasound) of the skin and infrared thermal scanning (IR thermogra-phy), as a method for assessing the activity of the pathological process in juvenile localized scleroderma. Results. The thermal imager allows obtaining a visual display that clarifies the clinical picture of the disease from the entire studied area, however, changes on the skin may be lower than the diagnostic accuracy of the device. Ultrasound of the skin requires special training, a separate module and software for determining the speed of blood flow, which will allow an assessment of both morphological damage and functional disorders. At the same time, the speed of blood flow may not reflect metabolic processes in damaged tissues. Some places are difficult to explore. Radio-wave diagnostics, despite the long time and the presence of hard-to-reach places, give a more accurate result, which can be expressed by numerical indicators that remain stable for the duration of the inflammatory reaction, even after visual resolution. Conclusion. All three methods have the potential to determine the presence and activity of a localized scleroderma lesion in the areas of skin under study.
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