Anthropo-metric and craniometric parameters in patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors
Heading: Human anatomy Article type: Original article
Authors: Rudenko P.G., Shnyakin P.G., Derevtsova S.N., Nikolaev V.G., Trubkin A.V., Milehina I.E., Usatova I.S.
Organization: Krasnoyarsk Regional Hospital, Krasnoyarsk, Russia, Krasnoyarsk State Medical University n. a. Professor V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky
Abstract. Objective: to reveal anthropometric and craniometric features of patients with posterior fossa tumors. Material and methods. The study group included 115 patients with posterior cranial fossa tumors. The comparison group consisted of 40 healthy women. We used the Rees — Eysenck body index for somatotype diagnosis. We calculated craniometric parameters, cephalic and posterior fossa indices and detected the posterior cranial fossa shapes. Results. There was a tendency to increase a proportion of asthenics and to decrease in picnics. The occipitofrontal diameter (174.0 [170.3; 176.4] и 177.6 [172.3; 181.6] mm)) and the tentorial angle (88.0 [84.2; 92.9] и 90.0 mm [86.0; 98.1]) in the study group are smaller (p<0.001 and p<0.05 respectively). Dolichocrania and acrocrania were registered less frequently in patients than among healthy women, and the percentage of dolichocrania was almost 3 times less. Ortho- (47.8%) and hypsicrania (41.7%) were more often detected in the study group, and hamecrania was 2.5 times less common than in the comparison group (p=0.023). Among the patients, small-wide (21.6%) and deep-narrow (9%) shapes of posterior fossa were recorded significantly more often than in the comparison group. The variability of the posterior cranial fossa types in the comparison group was less, in 95% of cases we detected a fossa of medium depth and width. Conclusion. We revealed definite anthropometric and craniometric features of patients with posterior fossa tumors. Most of the patients were asthenics with ortho- and hypsicrania, having small-wide or deep-narrow shapes of posterior cranial fossa. It is necessary to further study this topic and compare the results obtained with clinical manifestations.
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