Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Assessment of risk due to functional disorders and chronic eye diseases for the health of fifth grade students


Abstract. Objective: quantitative assessment of health risk changes for the fifth grades students caused by functional disorders and chronic eye diseases (myopia) during primary school education. Material and methods. The assessment of myopia prevalence and a quantitative assessment of the risk change caused by the pathology of the visual organ were calculated according to the data of the child's medical records (before entering school, after the first grade and after the fifth grade) in one of the educational organizations of a large industrial city (for example, Perm). The number of the observation group was 136 children aged 11-12 years (including 56% of boys). To characterize the risk, additional probabilities of pathological lesions to the fifth class were determined and severity coefficients. Results. With an increase in the educational load from the first to the fifth grades by 1.5 times (from 23.1 ± 1.04 to 35.6 ± 1.9 points of subjects difficulty), the prevalence of myopia in school ontogenesis increases by 2.3 times (p<0.001). The risk level increases from acceptable (3.7x10-5 in the first grades) to high (1.1x10~3 in functional disorders and 1.9x10~2 in chronic conditions), which is not acceptable. Conclusion. Using a quantitative risk assessment approach, it was possible to identify a transition from an acceptable to a high risk of developing eye diseases (myopia) among children in primary school. To prevent such changes, the implementation of effective medical and preventive measures is required.

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