Analysis of the provision of assisted reproductive technologies in the implementation of the program of state guarantees of free medical care
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Krivolesova Т.А.
Organization: Saint Petersburg State Pediatric Medical University
Objective: by analyzing the results of the activities of medical organizations participating in the compulsory medical insurance system of St. Petersburg, to identify trends in the provision of medical care using in vitro fertilization (IVF) techniques within the framework of the program of state guarantees of free medical care to citizens. Material and methods. The structural component of medical organizations providing medical care using IVF techniques in St. Petersburg over the past 9 years (2013-2021), as well as the volume of medical care provided by them in dynamics over the past 5 years (2016-2020), has been studied. Results. Using the example of St. Petersburg, it was found that the increase in the number of IVF cycles carried out during the implementation of the state guarantee program over the past five years amounted to 42.7%. At the same time, uneven opportunities in carrying out this procedure for residents of different regions are noted. The growth noted in St. Petersburg medical organizations occurred due to the outstripping growth of such services provided to nonresident patients: in 2019, their growth rate compared to the level of 2016 was only 21.3% for residents of St. Petersburg and 129.1% for nonresident patients. The leading role in the growth of indicators is played by medical organizations of non-state forms of ownership, in which 66.3% of all IVF cycles are currently carried out for residents of St. Petersburg and 78.0% for nonresident patients. Conclusion. The significant role of large federal centers identified by the example of St. Petersburg in providing significant amounts of medical care using IVF to nonresident patients should be taken into account when developing regional health development programs in order to prevent restrictions on the availability of medical services for residents of St. Petersburg.
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