Dynamic in opinions on measures for prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections during coronavirus pandemic
Heading: public health Article type: Original article
Authors: Timoshilov V.I., Polyakova K.V., Breusov A.V., Pisklakov S.V.
Organization: Kursk State Medical University, Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Objective: to analyze changes in the opinions of young people about measures to prevent and treat sexually transmitted infections (STIs) against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic compared to the pre-pandemic period. Material and methods. The research program is based on a comparison of data from a sociological survey of 400 respondents aged 16-21 in 2021 and an analysis of 838 questionnaires from participants in a similar study in 2017 of the same age. Research method — sociological (questionnaire). The author's questionnaire was used, consisting of 46 questions, combined into five blocks: self-assessment of the relevance of the STI problem, the likelihood of infection risk, readiness to undergo preventive screening examinations, preferred directions for seeking help if STI symptoms occur, consent to examination and treatment together with a sexual partner. By gender, the distribution was as follows: in2017 — women — 51%(n=427) men — 49%(n=411); in2021 — 52%(n=208)and 48%(n=192). In processing and presenting the data, extensive indicators were used, compared with the assessment of the significance of differences according to Student's t-test. Results. In 2021 an increase in the interest of young people in undergoing screening examinations (79.5% versus 63% in 2017, p=0.006) and seeking medical help (93.5% versus 89.5%, p=0.007) was noted. However, the number of cases of concealing the state of health from a partner increased significantly (from 8.3 to 32.2%, p=0.003). Conclusion. The study revealed a change in the opinions of respondents regarding STIs during the pandemic, which consists in an increase in understanding of the need for regular examinations, seeking medical help when symptoms of the disease appear, but at the same time, a decrease in the sense of responsibility for the health of their partner.
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