Assisted and robot-assisted functional endoscopic rhinosurgical interventions (review)
Heading: Otolaryngology Article type: Review
Authors: Mareev O.V., Mareev G.O., Tsymbal D.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University
Objective: to evaluate the pros and cons of assisted and robot-assisted functional endoscopic interventions and the possibilities of their use in rhinosinus surgery. The work is devoted to the review of methods of assisting in endoscopic rhinosurgery from 1983 to 2020 based on the materials of foreign scientific databases PubMed, ResearchGate. A total of 48 sources were studied. A brief history of the development of endoscopic rhinosurgery, bimanual endoscopic technique and its main disadvantages are presented, literature data on passive and active (robotic) devices holding the endoscope are presented. Based on the studied literature, it may be concluded that the existing commercial and experimental robotic devices of various designs have a number of serious disadvantages that prevent their wide distribution and introduction into the practice of rhinosurgery.
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