Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

№2, 2021, volume 17

Ophthalmologic status in case of TCOF1 gene mutation (Clinical case)

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 273-275
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Case report
Authors: Ananeva N.V., Gladysheva G.V.
Organization: Center for Children's Vision llariya, The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution

Clinical case demonstrates the capabilities of the visual analyzer in patients of preverbal, verbal age with Treacher Collins syndrome. Attention is focused on the importance of early diagnosis and treatment.

Keywords: Treacher Collins syndrome, visual analyzer

The feasibility of multifocal intraocular lenses in cataract surgery in the elderly

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 269-273
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Alnoelaty Almasri M.A., Stebnev V.S.
Organization: Samara State Medical University

Purpose: to evaluate the effect of changes in pupil size on visual acuity after implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses in patients with senile cataract, to assess the influence of multifocal intraocular lenses on the quality of life of elderly people. Material and Methods. 50 eyes of 50 elderly patients (32 men, 18 women aged 48-81 years) after cataract surgery in 2019-2021 were retrospectively examined. Preoperative and postoperative pupil sizes were measured using an Oasis pupillometer. We assessed the quality of life using a special questionnaire NEI-VFQ-25 (National Eye Institute Visual Function Questionnaire, version 2000), before and one month afterthe operation. Results. The average preoperative pupil size decreased to 4.1±0.9 from 4.9±1.0 mm during the first postoperative month (p=0.05). In the total score forthe quality of life the patients had an increase after surgery from 49.5±15.1 to64.7±14.4 points (p<0.05). Conclusion. The change in the pupil size after surgery does not affect or only slightly affects the clinical results of implantation of multifocal intraocular lenses (MF-IOLs). Multifocal intraocular lenses allow elderly people to improve their quality of life.

Keywords: intraocular lens, multifocal lens, pupil size, visual rehabilitation

Experience of treating secondary dry eye syndrome caused by eyelid ectropion after chemotherapy in a patient with rectal malignancy

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 266-268
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Case report
Authors: Altynbaeva G.R., Azamatova G.A., Gilvanova A.A., Khaidarov I.Kh.
Organization: City polyclinic №1, Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan

The clinical case demonstrates eye complications after chemotherapy. Patient K. complained of redness of both eyes, lacrimation, external eyelid changes, hyperemia, and dry face and forehead skin. The patient was undergoing chemotherapy for rectal cancer. Chemotherapy led to dermatitis, which was complicated by eyelid ectropion, and caused secondary dry eye syndrome. This was the result of toxic, inhibitory effects of chemotherapy on growing, fast-acting skin cells. The treatment was performed in conjunction with a dermatologist and had a positive effect. One month after treatment, skin and eye conditions improved. A clinical example has shown that chemotherapy can serve as a starting point for the formation of eyelid ectropion and the subsequent manifestation of dry eye syndrome. Patient follow-up demonstrated that a multidisciplinary approach to disease diagnosis is needed in the development of secondary dry eye syndrome.

Keywords: dermatitis, dry eye syndrome, eyelid ectropion

Frequency of symptoms of viral conjunctivitis in patients with SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus infection

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 263-266
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Original article
Authors: Azamatova G.A., Gaysina G.Ya., Khairullina A.I., Edeleva K.R., Yagafarova D.A.
Organization: Bashkir State Medical University of the Russian Health Care

Purpose: to identify the frequency of symptoms of viral conjunctivitis in persons with a new coronavirus infection. Material and Methods. The data of a survey of 100 patients diagnosed with "bilateral pneumonia with laboratory-confirmed polymerase chain reaction (PCR) coronavirus infection (U07.1)" were analyzed. Results. The analysis of the survey results showed the presence of symptoms of viral conjunctivitis in 53% of the 100 patients surveyed. The most common symptom was eye pain (in 29 respondents, or 54.7% of patients with symptoms of conjunctivitis). Further in descending order: blurred vision (27 respondents), eye discomfort (23 respondents), lacrimation (23 respondents), itchy eyes (21 respondents), burning eyes (19 respondents), sore eyes in bright light (15 respondents), redness of the eyes (conjunctiva and eyelids) (12 respondents), discharge from the eyes (mucous, purulent) (11 respondents), edema of the conjunctiva and eyelids (7 respondents). Conclusion. Most patients with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus infection have symptoms of viral conjunctivitis (53% of patients). This fact indicates the need for mandatory diagnosis, timely treatment and prevention of viral conjunctivitis in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of coronavirus infection.

Keywords: coronavirus infection, SARS-CoV-2, viral conjunctivitis

The clinic of skin and venereal diseases of the Saratov state medical university named after V.I. Razumovsky is 100 years old (1921-2021)

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 246-250
Heading: Scientific schools, commemorative dates Article type:
Authors: Zavyalov A.I., Morrison A.V., Yakupov I.A., Roschepkin V.V., Firstov V.D.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Russian Research Medical University n. a. N.I. Pirogov, Moscow Scientific and Practical Center of Dermatology and Cosmetology

The article presents the history of the organization and the main stages of the formation and development of the clinic of skin and venereal diseases of the Saratov State Medical University named after V. I. Razumovsky. The article shows the scientific and practical contribution of the clinic staff to the development of Russian dermatovenerology, to the development of modern methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of chronic and infectious dermatoses, as well as sexually transmitted infections.

Keywords: Saratov State Medical University, clinic of skin and venereal diseases

Contribution of Saratov scientists to the development of Russian endoprosthesis (to the 90th anniversary of Ya. I. Shersher)

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 241-245
Heading: Scientific schools, commemorative dates Article type:
Authors: Grishin S.E., Ulyanov V.Yu., Puchinyan D.M., Kireev S.N., Rozhkova Yu.Yu.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The research follows the career of a trauma orthopedist, scientist, and inventor Ya. I. Shersher and his contribution to the development of joint replacement techniques in Russian traumatology and orthopedic science. Shersher's artificial hip joints were recommended for application in the clinical practice of Russian medical institutions. The scientist's inventions affected the further development of the hip replacement method in both in this country and around the world. Shersher's contribution as a science organizer involves active participation in the foundation of the Republican Arthrol-ogy Center of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic as well as the Joint Replacement Center. Many archive documents are introduced into scientific research for the first time.

Keywords: history of medicine, joint replacement history, Saratov Medical Institute, Ya.l. Shersher

Features of intercellular interaction of platelets and neutrophils expressing adhesion molecules in psoriasis

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 236-240
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Sherstennikov N.V., Kashutin S.L., Sherstennikova A.K., Kalmin O.V., Nikolaev V.I.
Organization: North-West State Medical University n.a. I.I. Mechnikov, Department of Neuropathology Assistant Professor, Candidate of Medical Science, Penza State University

The aim of the study was to determine the features of intercellular interaction of platelets and neutrophils expressing adhesion molecules in patients suffering from psoriasis. Material and Methods. The study involved 82 patients aged 20 to 60 years, suffering from vulgar and exudative psoriasis. As a control group, 50 practically healthy persons aged from 20 to 60 years were examined. The study of the adhesion molecules spectrum on neutrophils was carried out on a Beckman Coulter FC-500 flow cytometer (USA) using monoclonal antibodies. The determination of neutrophils-platelet aggregates was carried out according to the method proposed by Y. A. Vitkovsky et al. (2006). Results. In patients with psoriasis, compared with the control group, a low content of intercellular contacts of neutrophils with platelets was revealed. Low values of neutrophils-platelet aggregates with 3, 4, and 5 segments in the nucleus, which were statistically significantly correlated with the adhesion molecules LFA-1 and PECAM-1, were found. Conclusion. In the conditions of psoriasis, low rates of intercellular interaction of platelets with 3, 4, and 5 segmental neutrophils indicate an increased migration of them from the peripheral blood to the epidermis. The adhesion molecules LFA-1 and PECAM-1 play a key role in the migration of platelet-derived neutrophils.

Keywords: adhesion molecule, neutrophils, platelets, psoriasis

The Influence of liraglutide dose on the effectiveness of microcirculatory disorders correction in white rats with absolute insulin deficiency

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 231-236
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Lagutina D.D., Stepanova T.V., Savkina A.A., Ivanov A.N.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The aim is to study of the dose-dependent effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors agonist liraglutide on the microcirculation of white rats under the alloxan-induced insulin deficiency. Material and methods. The studies were carried out on 70 white rats, divided into 4 groups: 20 control intact animals, 20 animals of the comparison group with alloxan diabetes, 10 animals with insulin deficiency, which were injected with liraglutide at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg/day (experimental group No 1) and, 20 animals with insulin deficiency of which were treated with liraglutide at a dose of 0.4 mg/kg/day (experimental group No 2). Diabetic status, skin perfusion of the posterior paw and mechanisms of blood flow modulation were assessed in all groups of animals. Results. It was found that the administration of liraglutide at a dosage of 0.4 mg/kg/day allows achieving complete normalization of carbohydrate metabolism in rats with alloxan-induced insulin deficiency, and it is more effectively improves the state of microcirculation compared with the use of a dosage of 0.2 mg/kg/day. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the correction of microcirculatory disorders with liraglutide correlates to the correction of carbohydrate metabolism in rats with insulin deficiency and depends on the dose of the drug. The dose-dependent effect is determined by the endothelial mechanism of microcirculation modulation. At the same time, the restoration of the neurogenic component of the vasculartone is independent from the dose of liraglutide.

Keywords: angiopathy, diabetes mellitus, endothelial dysfunction, liraglutide, microcirculation

Influence of bone marrow transplant on the functional state of mast cells in lymph nodes

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 226-230
Heading: pathological anatomy Article type: Original article
Authors: Romanov V.O., Vorobeva O.V., Romanova L.P.
Organization: Republican Clinical Ophthalmologic Hospital, Сhuvashia

Purpose: to analyze the functional state of mast cells (MC) after bone marrow allografting in the early stages of the experiment. Material and Methods. The experiments were carried out on 40 outbred male mice, which were divided into 3 groups: 1st group — intact (n=10); 2nd — control animals, which were injected with 0.85% sodium chloride solution (n=10); 3rd group was experienced (n=30), who received a cell suspension from another mouse under ether anesthesia into the tail vein. The state of mast cells was assessed by the method of staining with polychrome toluidine blue according to Unna. Results. 40 minutes after the introduction of bone marrow analog in the medulla, metachromatic mast cells are found near the vessels, their percentage (60%) prevails over orthochromic (40%). Mast cells are predominantly located in groups, especially near the vessels, in contact with each other. The morphometric parameters of mast cells change (diameter, 8.00-17.00, in intact ones — 6.00-12.00 urn). Two hours after the experiment, according to the degree of sulfation of heparin, mainly metachromatic mast cells are detected, their percentage is 92% and actively degranulated mast cells (61 %), p<0.05, predominate. The size of mast cells changes (diameter — 3.00-9.00 urn; distance between cells — 29.00-53.00). One-way analysis of variance found that there is a significant effect of the experiment period on the change in the proportion of mast cells with metachromatic staining. Conclusion. The introduction of bone marrow transplant significantly changes the functional profile of mast cells.

Keywords: bone marrow transplantation, lymph nodes, mastcells

The problems of medical care organization for children and adolescents with acne (review)

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №2 Pages: 220-225
Heading: public health Article type: Review
Authors: Golikova L.O., Antonenkov Yu.E.
Organization: Voronezh State Medical University n.a. N.N. Burdenko

The analysis is based on the materials of literature sources of native and foreign authors, including the Global Strategy forthe Protection of Women's, Children's and Adolescents' Health, the Federal Law "On the Basics of Public Health Protection in the Russian Federation", regulatory documents of the Ministry of Health and the Union of Pediatricians of Russia, Bulletins of the National Research Institute of Public Health and data of the Federal State Statistics Service. 50 sources of information have been used from 2005 to 2020.

Keywords: acne, public health