Methods for investigation of central department of a visual analyzer
Heading: Тhematic supplement Article type: Review
Authors: Chuprov A.D., Zhediale N.A., Voronina A.E.
Organization: Ophthalmology clinic "Sozvezdie", The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution
The complexity of the visual analyzer organization is an incentive for the search and improvement of its diagnostic methods, which allow us to assess visual perception and the effectiveness of processing information obtained as a result of the visual pathway. The review considers in detail the methods of studying the central departments of the visual analyzer, which presumably are crucial in the processes of neuroadaptation. A review of Russian and English-language scientific medical literature was carried out using databases of medical and biological publications: PubMed, Russian scientific electronic libraries Elibrary and Ciberleninka; the electronic library of dissertations and abstracts disserCat; the archives of the journals: Bulletin of the Russian Military Medical Academy; Aerospace and Environmental Medicine; Sensory Systems Journal; Annals of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; Russian Ophthalmological Journal; Russian Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology; Ophthalmology in Russia; Russian Journal of Physiology and others. The last search query was dated April 14, 2021. On the issue under study, 63 medical publications were selected, of which 47 works (1965-2021) were identified as the most informative publications that meet the purpose of the review.
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