Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Features of the immune response in synchronous breast and thyroid polyneoplasias in comparison with solitary thyroid cancer

Year: 2021, volume 17 Issue: №1 Pages: 77-81
Heading: Рathophysiology Article type: Original article
Authors: Selezneva T.D., Kuligin A.M., Popova T.N., Zyablov E.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

The aim is to identify the features of quantitative and qualitative changes in the humoral and cellular components of the immune defense in patients with primary multiple synchronous breast cancer (PMSC) and thyroid cancer and solitary thyroid cancer (STC). Material and Methods. The indicators of humoral and cellular components of immunity were analyzed in comparison in 34 patients with breast and thyroid multiple primary synchronous cancer, in 36 patients with STC and 36 women of the control group. Results. Significant quantitative and qualitative changes in cellular and humoral immunity in patients with PMSC and thyroid glands in comparison with corresponding indicators of women of the control group in declining more than 30% of the level of CD3-, CD16-, CD4-T-lymphocytes, all classes of immuno-globulins, against virtually unchanged indicators CD19-b cells. When comparing the indicators of immunity in patients with STC and control groups showed a reduction of approximately 34% in, 20% CD16-T cells, in the absence of significant changes of the studied parameters. Conclusion. In the course of the study more expressed changes of disorders of cellular and humoral immune protection in patients with PMSC breast and thyroid glands in comparison with the indicators at patients with STC and control group in the form of lower total number of lymphocytes, CD3-T-lymphocytes,, CD16-T-lymphocytes, immunoregulatory index, as well as lower level of im-munoglobulins of main classes were identified.

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