Saratov JOURNAL of Medical and Scientific Research

Professional characteristics of a pharmaceutical specialist in chemist's

Year: 2020, volume 16 Issue: №4 Pages: 968-973
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Smolina V.A., Novokreshchenova I.G., Novokreshchenov I.V.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University

Purpose: to characterize pharmaceutical specialist in a pharmacy as a professional group based on the formation of a social portrait. Material and Methods. A survey was conducted in the form of a questionnaire of pharmaceutical specialists in a pharmacy (n=407). The author's questionnaire included 2 blocks of questions to identify the social and professional characteristics of the respondents. Results. The main characteristics of the social portrait of a pharmacy employee are: female (96.1±0.5%), average age 30.8±0.5 years, secondary pharmaceutical education (74.7±0.4%), work experience in the specialty 8.63±0.5 years. The specialist carries out professional activities in chain pharmacies (84.3±0.5%) and holds the position of "pharmacist" (77.9±0.4%). A pharmaceutical specialist rarely changes his job (80.6±0.4%), is satisfied with his job (77.1 ±0.4%), is confident in the right choice of profession (71.0±0.4%), and feels the social significance of the work performed (88.7±0.5%). Conclusion. The socio-professional group of pharmaceutical specialists in a pharmacy is homogeneous in its cha.acteristics; working in a pharmacy environment affects the formation and implementation of a pharmaceutical specialist as a professional.

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