Analyzing strategies for overcoming personnel crisis in regional healthcare settings: the results of a focus group study
Heading: Sociology of Medicine Article type: Original article
Authors: Erugina M.V., Krom I.L., Eremina M.G., Kovalev E.P., Bochkaryova G.N., Dolgova E.M., Grigoryeva E.A.
Organization: Saratov State Medical University, Azerbaijan Medical University
The purpose of the study is to substantiate the directions of overcoming the personnel crisis, which is relevant to the professional group of doctors, in the regional health care system. Material and Methods. To form an objective understanding of the characteristics of the personnel crisis in the regional health care system and the directions for improving the medical personnel potential of the Saratov region, the authors conducted a sociological focus group study in which 8 experts-organizers of health care took part. In the conditions of the marginalization of professional groups in the regional health care system, a shortage and suboptimal structure of medical personnel, a systematic approach was used to solve the problem of developing the personnel potential of the region. Results. Based on the study, the main directions of development of the medical personnel potential of the regional health care system were formed: targeted training of specialists for regional health care; elimination of age and financial deprivations of a professional group of doctors; the formation an attractive professional environment for doctors; implementation of individual and organizational practices to minimize the risks of professional activity; organization of mentoring for young professionals; the formation of «social elevators» for doctors in primary care; overcoming the shortage and suboptimal structure of medical personnel in regional health care. The guide scenario for the focus group study included discussion by experts of the characteristics of the personnel crisis relevant to the professional group of doctors, and ways to overcome it. Conclusion. Verification of the main risk factors for a personnel crisis relevant to the professional group of doctors, eliminating personnel imbalances and solving the problem of developing the personnel potential of regional healthcare is a condition for increasing the availability and quality of medical care for the population.
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