Complex hygienic assessment of labor conditions in the modern production of dairy products
Heading: Hygiene Article type: Original article
Authors: Novikova Т.А., Lutsevich I.N., Baregamyan L.A., Aleshina Yu.A.
Organization: Saratov Hygiene Medical Research Center of Federal Scientific Center for Medical and Preventive Health Risk Management Technologies, Saratov State Medical University
Aim: to conduct a comprehensive hygienic assessment of working conditions of the main professional groups of workers in the modern production of dairy products. Material and Methods. The object of the research icluded labor conditions of the workers of the dairy plant typical for modern milk processing enterprises. The factors of the working environment (microclimate, illumination, noise, vibration) and the labor process were studied using standard methods, equipment and measuring instruments. A total of 3740 studies of working environment factors, 39 professional studies were carried out. Results. Working conditions in the production of dairy products are harmful with varying degrees of deviation from the current hygiene standards. Take place increased (27.5-28.8°C in the cold and 29.5-29.8°C in the warm seasons) and low (4.5-18.35°C) air temperatures, exceeding the maximum permissible level (MPL) noise (by 1.6-9 dBA), insufficient artificial and natural lighting, physical overloads due to excessive dynamic and static physical load, lifting and moving loads manually (one-time 20 kg), maintaining uncomfortable and forced working positions (up to 50% and up to 25% shift time, respectively), body inclinations (440±28 times per shift). The overall assessment of working conditions corresponded to classes 3.1-3.3. Conclusion. Harmful working conditions pose a low to high health risk to workers. Priority measures have been identified to improve working conditions and prevent health disorders of workers: normalization of the microclimate and light environment, noise reduction, and a decrease in labor severity.
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